Steemit is a platform for Masters. And you, what are you? Slaves or Masters?

in #steemit7 years ago

Disclaimer: What I am going to write will upset some of you, provoke, make you feel restless. But ultimately will cause you to reevaluate your reality. Some of you will unfollow me. That'd be fine, follow your intuition instead.

The people in the world are being divided right in front of our eyes, into two sections. There are those who choose to be masters in every aspect of their lives and conversely, there are humans who keep choosing to remain humble slaves.

Have you made that decision already? If not, here are some features of both sides to enlighten the dilemma –
  1. It is tough to be a master. You must take full responsibility for everything that happens to you in your life. Everything. A driver crossed your way on the road? – Although it's not your fault in a way it happened because you allowed it; Your spouse just called and said he would need to go on a business trip for a week, leaving you to take care of the kids? – it's not because he is not thoughtful. You allowed it or created it. Are you sick? – it's not because God deserted you. You created this illness together with the wisdom of your physical body.

  2. It's comforting to be a slave. You don't need to be responsible you can remain in your childhood consciousness, blame mommy and daddy for your misfortune, or the corrupted politicians for being poor.

  3. Slaves envy. Why? They trained themselves to be so weak and they don’t believe they can have a prosperous life. Then, what is there left for them to do? Look at other people's lives and envy. Masters flatter, rejoice in the success of others because they are connected with their inner power of creation, and the other's prosperity inspires them to follow suit.

  4. Masters are masters. Slaves are victims.

  5. Slaves have the tendency to come in groups. Check the patterns in your family, your community, your country. Are most of the people choose to be victims, blame the other family members, the neighbors, the bordering nations? If so, you are living with slaves. A lot of slaves.

  1. Slaves serve the world and take pride in it. Yes, you read me correctly. Slaves feel they have to save the world, and they use their activity for the community as a distraction. It allows them to not look at their own life. It's an excuse they use to justify their choice to remain victims. "I need to save the world. Poor me, I am working so hard and without my hard work the world would be in a terrible situation". But remember this – Only a master can be in service.

  2. Ah yes, masters go the easy way. Slaves need to work hard. For everything. And they complain also. Why? Because they feel good about getting attention from others. It's called feeding off. Are there people in your life who feed off of you?

  3. Mastery is a state of consciousness. It does not connect to how much money you have or how big your car is. You can be a poor master or a rich Slave.

  4. It’s ok to be a slave. We are born Slaves. I have been a slave and so have you. There are episodes in my life where I still choose to be a servant because it serves me. And it's fine. But ultimately, there is no way to avoid mastery and every human will have to choose, sooner than later, what to be.

  5. The good news is that every one of you, who read this, is a master. Or at least on their way to becoming one. Steemit is a platform for masters, and no matter what form it will take, it will remain so, as long as we, the members, will choose mastery. True, there are people who post nothing and cling to whales' posts to grab a cent or two. But at least they take responsibility and look for ways to increase their revenue. This is awesome! And soon they will also realize the great creativity within them.

All of us, Steemians, are on our way to mastery.

... And this, my friends, should tremendously excite you if not already.


I promised a long comment, so here it is.

First of all, I do not like your choice of terms. Master and slave are perhaps not the best terms to describe the dichotomy you're presenting. Top and bottom may be better terms. Or leader and follower. Master and slave have too many cultural connotations associated with the terms, so in my opinion using them over others hurts the message of this very good article.

Master vs Slave? I am not a huge fan of such binary division of society. It's never black and white. It's never "slave" or "master". I'll give you an example: some may see me as "master" on this platform. But I am also a "slave". Without the delegation I am riding on, I would have about 5000 SP and would not be able to support a community or influence payouts with much significance.

However, I do see your message here. Progress and personal development can only come from a true realization that one must be one's own master if they wish to succeed. My therapist told me yesterday that my passion for my work (and I choose work to be passionate about) often makes me forget that managing ME (or being my own mistress) if the job of my life. It's very easy to forget we are "masters" and slip into "slavery" to supposedly make things easy. Sometimes it does, and sometimes is doesn't. But that doesn't mean that we should always stick to one pattern of behavior - sometimes being the "slave" of a kind and thoughtful "master" can have its benefits and make you the "master" in many ways you could no achieve without relinquishing your perceived power.

Thanks for this comment. I enjoy your wordings as I have said so before.
You know, not for nothing, i said that all who read this are masters or masters in becoming. Because if you tell a slave they are slaves ("followers", in your terms, but allow me to stick to my preference), they will not understand.
A slave not only cannot comprehend his status but when confronted with such insinuation rejects it all together.
So say what you want, you are all masters. And if you choose to be followers from time to time, then you are still masters. And mastery is not about power at all. And a "bottom" who understands that power is an illusion get to the top ☺️
Love this discussion!

Yes I too found it a bit S&M and dualistic. Still it portrays in sharp contrast the predicament of life in the modern world. there are Shades of Grey also, one doesn't have to choose between the two. In fact resolving the dichotomy of paradox seems to be one of the ways toward spiritual advancement. The work anyone does toward this must have an effect. The shock value of master-slave language and the choice between dualities as being absolute grabs for attention and comment. Sex has always sold and it works just as well in philosophy as it does in laundry soap.

Life, it is the way it is ... indeed, I agree we are all divided, nations, religions, territories, etc the essence of nationalism it isn't being slaves, that part I wont agree with you. We are all masters in our own potentials and expertise but this doesn't mean we are above the others... the bottom line are, let us live in peace, in respect, unity, sharing etc.
Thank you for this blog worth reading and worth everyone's reaction.

...I hope to see everybody fulfilling their mastery potential, as you stated.
And Steemit is definitely a great tool on the way.
Thanks for your kind words.

To be a master one has to play a role in between the both i.e in between slave as well as master, and when you have become a pro, definitely you are a master at that time

If it's by conscious decision then I agree with you. A master can choose to be a slave for a while. The problem is that most of us don't have the know-how/awareness to choose.

I also agree with you, one should be aware and should make quick decisions.

In my opinion there are benefits of being slave or the master..
If someone is to be a master he has control on many things but he also has to be responsible for many things but to be slave is something different you dont have to worry for making economy , you have a particular house to live, particular job to do.....but you have to worry about the job should be secure enough..if you perform your job honestly you can live like that everafter .... #BeingOptimistic

Please tell me about the benefits, for the long run, of being a slave? curious to learn...

I am not that great like intellectual person but i guess these are it ...edited my post.

Thanks. Understood.
Btw, many of the great slaves are intellectuals as the mind is a tyrannous guard. So you are in a good position my friend. 👍😉

Sure sometimes being slave is beneficial one is gonna killa yaa....😋

unfortunately you are right. We all know what the Romans did to "jesus"☺️

You are the master of your own ship. There are lots of people who fall into troubled waters and don't have the guts or the knowledge or the ability to make it to shore. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

I know what you mean. I'd take out the word "blame" from the jargon as it implies judgment. And there's none. It's ok to remain in a "slave-consciosuness", truly ok. I am just saying there is another way to choose.

Am both my frnd... Sometime slave sometime master but i want to be like u master of masters :D

Be careful what you wish for...😉

No worries m. Following u lol

I'll have to disagree with you here.
The world is not just black and white..
If you view it like that, you miss a larger, more beautiful and possibly more accurate view of it..

Generally, I'd follow your line of thought, and as i said, i also choose from time to time to put myself in the servant state of consciousness. But for a limited time. So people CAN indeed be masters and slaves at the same time.
But ultimately, and this is only according to my humble experience, one needs to choose. I don't see an option to remain a slave and "slightly" a master. But maybe you will prove otherwise...
I hope i understood your point. Thanks for sharing.

Maybe at some point a choice needs to be made. But I'm not at that point yet, so can't really say anything.
And what I think is that being a master or a slave is relative. There's no clear definition to this.
Anyways this is a really great topic, I've had several discussions about this with a friend.

It is good to be a master sir but it needs more perseverance and determination to be the good one...

When you say 'good' I assume you mean consistent.
Thanks for the comment.

yes it is... i just love ur blog

😊👍I appreciate the feedback.

you deserve it sir

Beatiful post

No one can be a master from the go itself. One surely has to give his time and energy to master anything he wants.

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