
@nelsonmandelabay don't stress about it ,some people around here down-vote out of jealousy. What you are currently trying to do is not easy and it will be a trial and error to get peoples trust and followers. You are doing great so far just keep at it!

Hi @nelsonmandelabay
I followed @bitminter in and can't understand why anyone would flag this post.
First, you are raising awareness for a great cause, so don't let the trolls get you frustrated. From what I understand, they only have "power" if their reputation score is lower than theirs. That being said, I'm following and upvoting. Hell, I'm even going to throw 5 SD at the promote button.
Sadly, your post would need a least 300 SD to rank higher on the promoted pages. Maybe a few other members will be kind enough to get you noticed with a couple dollars. Unfortunately that doesn't go toward your post but my upvotes aren't worth a lot and it's my part in welcoming you to the community. :)

Thanks for promoting this @merej99. Now following @nelsonmandelabay too.

You guys are the best!
Thank you @opheliafu and @phoenixmaid :)

Thank you for your support.

@merej99, Thank you very much for your support, it is much appreciated and confirms the power of the steemit community. I am now following you and will continue to support you as you have done for Nelson mandela bay. :-)

you didn't do anything wrong the user who flagged you has been flagging every post they have seen as some sort of silly revenge for getting caught plagerising. I'm sorry you got caught up in their stupidity.

@phoenixmaid I understand, This demonstrates how passionate the steemit community truly is, no worries. Thank you for your feedback it is much appreciated.

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