
Ned, I watched your livestream today. You should know that I've spent a year (officially a year in 10 days) sharing daily on Steem blockchain. I've invested my own money and time and kept up with the speed of the dApps released.

The video reminded me of a relationship where someone has been giving too much and is angry at the other person, but the odd thing is that the other person wasn't asking that you do it all. I think you think we expect Steemit Inc to do everything, yet we really don't. One of the reasons I'm here is because I'm fucking in love with this community -- and you've never even replied to any of my comments to you. I say this to help you see that my experience here is on Steemit Inc's blockchain, but it has nothing to do with you.

You have no reason to be mad and edgy at us. I understand that's a part of releasing tension- to be mad at the other person, yet we have sat back and patiently waited for your releases, your updates, your communication and we've gotten little in return.

I thank you for today you spoke real talk-- last week you were playing your guitar and there was no freakin' substance to anything you shared. I turned it off halfway through. What is this, I thought. Yet today, even with your edgy tone, you communicated SO MUCH of what we have been longing to hear.... Plz keep it up.

We don't expect you to do everything. But, as in a relationship, we do expect you to clearly state what is yours to do and what we shouldn't expect you to do. You started that process of honest transparency in this livestream today. Please keep it up.

I have a feeling that even if Steemit Inc throws in the towel or is too fatigued to continue, this community will not die. I have made dozens of friends here and many of them have not only invested their time and talents, but also their hard earned money. These people are everything to me and I can't imagine my life without them. That is Steem and I hope you realize that. The power of what is happening here rests on your blockchain, but we will take it from here and we can give you a breather if you need it. Keep up the honest communication. We're all better with it! I hope you get some much needed rest and can hear some of the words I've shared -- As someone who loves Steem and wants it to continue!!!

The problem is as @RichatVNS said "@Ned is not a leader or even a Boss" he is a guy that has an idea and followed it down an technical wormhole.

He has no previous experience growing and running a company for years. He was able to use his looks on social media to be the face of the product. And get buy in.

The same thing happened during the Internet boon of the mid 90s, which had the bubble burst in the late 90s. The gen Xers all thought they could run companies. They either: (a) learned to listen to people with more experience and affect changes to both themselves and thier business, bring in better managment or (b) essentially went belly up in bad ways screwing everyone around them investors, employees, users, customers, and most off most members of the management team who usually fall into multiple categories.

The question is not that they are down to a company of 9 to 12 people.
You should be asking why are there 2 employees doing the recording of the video while 2 others are in front of it. This is a waste of 4 resources time. doing a vlog takes a cellphone done.... .

One of the reasons I'm here is because I'm fucking in love with this community ...

It's great to create new DApps, hope for SMTs as a 'game changer' or to be 'proud' of having such a fast blockchain. Yes, technological progress does matter, BUT we schouldn't forget that the unique feature of STEEM in comparisen with all other crypto currencies is already existing: the community. The users who are building strong connections and friendships with each other, their dedication to STEEM, their investments of time and money and their skills!
Are popularity and high value of facebook resulting from any especially advanced technology? No! Only the huge amount of users being connected there with friends and family are the value!

Thus our main aim should be to allure (and retain!) new users!

And concerning this 'we' are simply just too 'arrogant' in my opinion!
Do potential users need us (STEEM) more or do we need the users? I think we need them, not reversed. So we should care more about that succeeding here as a newbie will be somewhat easier in future.
For example we should make the effort to seek more, read more, comment more (not only send bots) and upvote more manually!

Also, aren't there just enough STEEM to make it possible for smaller accounts to earn some decent money? As long as the user with the highest reputation in the whole STEEM cosmos earns more than 20000 dollar per month by self-voting (and he is not the only one), and as long as there are no serious efforts to restrict that kind of behavior (I have made many suggestions how one could do to do that ... but never ever got any reply from any Steemit Inc. member), I think we shouldn't tell newbies there were just not enough STEEM to reward them somewhat better ...

I think there is a similar discussion when it comes to the inability of new users to upvote and comment more than a few times per day. "They simply should understand that every transaction is eating resources."
Yes, maybe, but we should understand that new users simply don't need us. :)
If they are having problems to create a STEEM account, they will create one elsewhere. If they cannot comment here, they comment under their friends posts in facebook - simple like that.

If new users are not even able to comment on replies in their own blogs because they have no resource credits they will leave that platform, post somewhere else and steemit will not survive. There were many auction platforms, but in the end, ebay has prevailed, although the highest fees. Simply because someone who put something there for sale knew it was seen by many. In Germany there were f.e. "Who-knows-who" but they simply could not keep alive because people went to Facebook. In my opinion, Steemit will only be successful if it appeals to people and inspires them. If it scares them off and this is happening at the moment, because new members can not actively participate in the community due to lack of resource credits, the new members will turn their noses over and leave - they will be lost forever!

This info given to me by fellow member of the steeminati @richatvns

ebay is the largest because they cheated. They bought out there competitors, bidbay , bestbay, and then dangled a buy out in front of yahoo. Which made them change their auction listings from free and commission only at time of sale to charging a listing fee.
Then after the negative affect of the change destroyed the community, they pulled there offer back.

They did the same practice that Microsoft did with IBM related to OS2 and Windows 2.0.

Not to mention what Microsoft did with Windows 3.x/386 screwing over Lotus and WordPerfect.

I have been in the industry at the time of what was really going on.

The point is not that people use it, not because it was better, but because the management made smart moves to move the product line forward and they aggressively supported the User Base.

Ned does not understand that! The best asset he could have is his user base, they would champion his product and the underlying technology, the SteemIt Platfotm is the way to spread the word. He should drop every developer except a maintence staff for the Block chain. Then go out the community and offer future locked up spd's (version 2 and very small stipends) to programmers, designers and project leaders to work in an agile Open Source Group to improve SteemIt and the Steem Blockchain. I'm sorry but being a witness in most cases are admins, not programmers, social media experts, system archs and developers, qa and documentation writers.

Groups of stakeholders could easily be created to oversee the spec and direction of both STEEM the blockchain and SteemIt the community app. The same way android, OSA, Ansi, Mozilla, and are all done.

Then way later (many years) the Mozilla team could give up on Netscape which the took over from AOL, and then a couple years later the Netscape. Because of the Existance of versions which use it's engine that exceed the user basis and capabilities like firefox, chrome, and safari.

But the team at Mozilla never said they were going to drop Netscape as the other browsers were starting to use the database, they partnered and built a strong vibrant community.

Instead of the FUD he has done, This is a path of a CEO


thanks calvin....We will wait and see if @ned gets his head out of the clouds...The idea is good otherwise I would not be here, but I'm seeing some things that need to be addressed.

Yes, right, the idea of ​​Steemit is very good. But from my point of view some things have to be changed, e.g. At least allow answering replies in your own blog and if you say that you need 1-2 weeks to set up a new account, then it should be ready after latest 2 weeks

I think you see it right. Steemit is giving away a lot right now. I know, for example of new users who registered more than two weeks ago and was told by Steemit that the process needed to be controlled would take 1-2 weeks. The two weeks are over and the users are still not released. For other sites you can start immediately if you have registered, with Steemit you have to wait for 1-2 weeks according to their own statement and then they do not keep this maximum of 2 weeks.

It is not only the onboarding process, I think there is a whole lack of business administration and a fundamental understanding of economy. The blockchain and Steem(it) itself is an ecosystem and a very special one.
Ofc there are great minds in the company itself, but the main part is the community and for that we should include and develop it. Ppl claiming this is the era of decentralization, then every1 has to put effort and his skills into this, not only post, also cleaning and think about how we can make this system better togehter(also the witnesses have a high responsability here!)
I hope and dont want this to end(at all), but there should be clear informations about what is going on and what is going to happen.

stay tuned for the next episode of... survival of a community :P

We don't expect you to do everything. But, as in a relationship, we do expect you to clearly state what is yours to do and what we shouldn't expect you to do. You started that process of honest transparency in this livestream today. Please keep it up.

Yes, those are very true words. I know not all that is being said and done is visible to @ned, but 'behind the scenes' I see many people willing to take on challenges, tasks, costs - but clarity on what Steemit Inc will be doing is going to help tremendously in understand what Steemit Inc will not be doing which in turn will make people realize/understand/start embracing where they can 'pitch in'.

Todays livestream felt like some tension had to be let go, which is okay, and understandable, but by doing them regularly I believe we can create a very healthy way of understanding where Steemit Inc stands and what 'we' as a community should do to contribute to a thriving Steem (network).

yes @soyrosa, very true words. and i really was inspired by your post on taking the lead and seeing oneself as a leader. i've been sitting and ruminating on many of the "goings on" since this announcement and I've been enjoying seeing leaders emerge. Thank you for being one and for raising a potent war cry of sorts that many of us can respond to.

this "pitching in" of which you speak is really the core strength i see from this community. i am completely understanding of their tension and i'm happy to see the energy move. for too long i feel we've been kept in the dark. we all have some stake here and i continue to believe we are a part of a radical and amazing community concept that has been rewarding so many of us in real life terms.

by doing them regularly I believe we can create a very healthy way of understanding where Steemit Inc stands and what 'we' as a community should do to contribute to a thriving Steem (network).

I love this... and I say a full YES to it! let us be very clear with what our roles are and how we can empower one another and ourselves to move into the future with wise and skillful action!! thanks!

This has been a thoughtful comment that I wish I could replicate. I'll just ride the waves on this comment. Great one @mountainjewel!

I'm almost completely lost when I saw his update about laying off 70% of his employees and he followed up a post mostly playing his guitar. I got a bit more worried because for a year and 5 months now, I have been spending almost all of my time Steeming.

I have not finished the video today and I'm positive to look forward to it :)

I got a bit more worried because for a year and 5 months now, I have been spending almost all of my time Steeming.

me too, man... and there are so many of us who are similarly invested. if i can say one thing, however, it's that the rally that i've seen as a result of this announcement really lets me know that everything's going to be okay. it's clear the community is strong and really won't let this blockchain experiment die easily.

this video and the information therein is long in coming, in my opinion... but at least ned has finally said the true words hiding beneath the surface. i think we have a bright future. this is just a reassessment phase!

Excellent comment

thanks, i really appreciate that! i'm glad @ned addressed many of your excellent points during the vid. it's a time of reckoning, to be sure, and i'm glad there are so many intelligent longstanding community members with not only the historic perspective, but also a grounded vision.

Well, I for one quite liked the guitar :0)

:) i did too... but i was looking for a bit more substance.. or at least felt a little confused as to the point of the livestream...

I thought it was just me that thought about that "lacking of substance".

One thing more, why the call to subscribe in Youtube really when this account can just stay here ? Well, I can't help but think, it's abandon Steemit ship already. I just wish there's an assertive announcement to that and a clear plan of what's next.

It’s Steemit, Inc.

Glad that’s all you took from it.. i changed it, but what about the rest of the post?

I so agree. I had the same impression of the edginess and resentment that comes from worrying about the expectations people have of you and being unclear on them yourself, and the same relief seeing some real communication about the vision, values, and strategy of steemit, inc.

Everybody that wants to have an awesome Steem system needs to think of how they can provide digital services they can charge for, bring revenue in, and make a real business out of. Should be fun!

In the meantime if Steemit can add two ops create token, and transfer token to the code base and make a real easy way to see those buggers in a wallet then I think we can start funding businesses locally and organically in the steem ecosystem as well.

Agreed. @Adept would say the same.

Posted using Partiko Android

I plan on promoting Thys3lf for Entertainment spinning fire for all to enjoy. Just have to start up me structure and plan out.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm happy the discussion about simplified tokens made it on air!

Please consider both types when designing the simplified interface: fungible and non fungible (NFT) tokens.

For non fungible tokens we need to be able to group them by issuing account. An example: all steemmonsters monster cards would still be unique tokens, but they would be grouped under "steemmonsters" market (for query and listing purposes).

Nice presentation of @smooth TOP-500 thoughts and proposals !!!


First of all, respect for the candid communications at what I'm sure is a difficult time.

This was a great communication of your vision and mission of distributing cryptocurrency to the masses and Steem's social and content features as being a means to that end (what took so long?!). I'm confident that the community will (and does) see the value in that vision now that you are starting to effectively communicate it. Please continue.

I'm glad that my comments were helpful in contributing to the discussion.

Hey, where's your partner in awe, @abit?

Not sure but apparently less involved with Steem than in the past.

I hope to he's gonna spring into action mode soon. What you and him did (among others) is still the hands down most radically all around positive thing this community has been witness to.

I second that. Both @smooth and @abit are tremendous assets to the project/community.

As far as @abit he spends most of his time with Bitshares these days (afaik) but he is still active in Steem behind the scenes. When the Steem blockchain halted a few months back due to an unexpected glitch, it was abit who debugged the issue and actually developed the patch for the fix.

Thank you

Great job on the live-stream today. I'm sure you probably already know, but these things go a long way in building confidence with the community. It was great to see publicly what some of the thought processes are behind the restructuring, and how Steemit will be shifting focus going forward.

I appreciate you taking as much time as you did on my (and smooth's) comments.

I wanted to respond to a few of the remarks you made in the video:

  • First of all, I think that it is excellent that you are trying to narrow Steemit's focus, and I agree 100% with the assessment that spreading yourselves too thin was one of the big problems. You are right, that my suggestions came with a lot of "expectations" on what Steemit, Inc. should/shouldn't do, and that maybe it is the expectations that should change. I'm 100% fine with that, although one thing that will help (not just with myself - but with the community as a whole) is if we continue to have the conversation on what those expectations should be. If we know for example (just a hypothetical example) that Steemit is not going to focus on marketing to investors, then it will be clear that the responsibility for that falls on us (the community) if we want anything to happen with it, and we can stop looking at Steemit, Inc. to make that happen. TLDR: It will be really beneficial for us to know what Steemit will and won't be focusing on, so we can align our expectations accordingly.
  • I think there was a slight misinterpretation in my comment about delivering changes that investors will be excited about. I definitely was not advocating for any type of "hype" where we are just performing gimmicks to attract investors without adding any real value. I was more getting at the fact that over the past ~2 years, there have been very few changes delivered that would cause people/investors to be interested in Steem. Part of this goes back to the spreading too thing argument, but I think part of it too has been to focus on very long term goals which have been taking literally years to deliver (Communities, SMTs, Mobile App, etc.) and there hasn't been much substance that shows we have really done much in the meantime.
  • Lastly, I would like to challenge the sentiment that was expressed in the video, which was it seemed you didn't care about investors. Sorry if I interpreted that wrong, but that is how it came off (i.e. it almost made you sick). I would argue that it is possible to still hold true to your core objective of bringing the benefits of cryptocurrency to more people, and at the same time have the expectations of investors in mind when deciding where to focus. It is not to say that we should make decisions solely for investors at the cost of sacrificing core principles, but I believe that evaluating what does and doesn't make Steem as a blockchain and STEEM as a cryptocurrency attractive for investors is a very important thing to be doing.

Regarding the last point, it is important to keep in mind that what makes a cryptocurrency blockchain work is that the token has value. If the value fades away, then everything else (nodes, developers, users, even reliable witnesses) fades away with it. And conversely as the value grows the entire ecosystem becomes stronger.

Value and the investors who play a huge role in determining that value are incredibly important, and that in turn depends on effectively communicating the work being done, the goals, and the progress being made (and what better way to show progress than actual releases at a consistent pace?). The difference between marketing and hype is that marketing communicates the actual value of the actual work and hype is based on fabrication and exaggeration.

Yeah, market, but don't go "full Tron".

We got an original whitepaper and bluepaper at least. :P

While we are on that subject, do we have yellow and green papers?

Great comments Tim.

The community on Steemit is unique but that in and of itself is not enough. The tech, however, is amazing. I also feel that the social platform on Steemit is a stepping stone of sorts. It has allowed for the showcasing of the Steem blockchain and just how strong and powerful it is.

This is what ultimately attracted the attention of SteemMonsters and soon to follow other projects that will embrace what Ned and team have created. These types of projects, not SMT's, are the natural next step. These projects have their own advertising budgets and goals, and all of their efforts will directly increase awareness and use of the Steem blockchain.

There are different ways of looking at this platform, and each way will attract a different audience.

For example, all types of companies spend money on promotions and advertising. One way of showing the power of the blockchain is to show companies that they can power up X amount of Steem and create a never ending promotion with 10 payouts/winners a day for the cost of 1 regular promotion.

That is just an example but the bottom line is what is already here is AMAZING and we can put energy into focusing on those things.

Don't walk away from this beautiful beast!

What was my favorite quote in today's show? (72).gif

FAVORITE QUOTE - On appreciation of the process
“There’s a whole evolution to get the set right - to get the cadence of dialogue right – to get the topics right - so a lot of these things need to evolve.” - Ned Scott kwhalect.gif




Listen @ned .... Steemit is already AWESOME ..... You don't need to become a Youtube Sensation. HOWEVER. get up to 1,000 Subscribers on Youtube and start earning Youtube / Google AdSense Dollars that you can use to pay for Stuff. I have 4,000 Subscribers and earn about $10/mo .... Imagine how much you could make

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