Dead Followers - How many Steemit followers do you really have?

in #steemit8 years ago

Followers Vs. Views

My most recent post has me thinking...

Say you have 500 followers on Steemit. Does this mean you will have 500 sets of eyes viewing each post?

Probably not...

To help answer the question I created a tool called Dead Followers. It is a website that allows you to see how many and which of your followers have gone dark using various different metrics.

See how many of your followers are dead!

The Dead Followers site can be seen in action in the gif below..

If you enjoy the site I would love to hear your feedback.



Super useful tool! Thanks!

This is brilliant. I would love a tool that did the opposite too and showed which people you are following that have left.

Good idea! I'll try to knock that out next week.

Yep, this is a good idea!

A very good idea.

If you use eSteem you can get unfollow notifications

OK good to know thanks:) In this case I'm talking about people who have actually left the platform though. I'm not necessarily concerned with whether they follow me or not.

Oh duh, I see what you meant now! That would be a great feature

Yes. Would be great if we could eventually get all this analytic tools on our homepages.

Good idea. Mine are half dead. Maybe some will be back when the Steem price hits $4 again?

And when will that be? $4 that is?
I'd really like to know :)

i thought mine will be closed half but the other question is how much live followers support is a question. Will have to see how this match up with steemvp or steemdb.

I really liked that song. Gonna check out some more Turbonegro tomorrow!

My only question is this.

Who killed my followers!

Hey, @mynameisbrian, Thank You! for this very cool tool!
Bookmarked, and following you now! ;)


I saw those stars in the comment image preview and thought it was a shot of Xmas Steemit Pond.
Fun gif though. Merry Christmas!

Thank you...

Wow, your Xmas Steemit Pond is way cool! Another bookmark!

Neat tool. Mine shows a clear patter - a whole bunch of people who joined when I first started talking about Steemit - joined and were excited and made a few posts and got distracted, bored, no or low rewards, STEEM price fell away = gone.

Reminds us like all things, we do need to keep talking to our disciples to keep them true.

Cool add to the tool would be to list the Vesting Power in the dead followers list - would want to encourage the ones with high power to come back

Great idea to add vesting power! I'll try to do that too when I get back to it.

I have 420 true followers. Awesome! Thank you for this!

Now...why aren't my true followers voting on my posts? I'll be watching...

[EDIT] - I'll mention this in my price analysis post tonight. Good job!

That may explain where the 146 dead followers have gone.

lol. too funny. And thanks for sharing the post!

As it turns out, my dead followers may be less. If I go by voting, then I only have 97 dead followers...and 469 true followers.

Amazing work Brian! RS and UV for you!

I am going to do a post on this shortly and direct everyone to the site and to you.

I really appreciate all you IT crafty computer people who make magic happen every day for us unskilled types in these departments!!

Here is what mine showed and this is the graphic I will use in my post -- I hope my ahem...."followers" -- see it and add you and follow you -- you are a great source of info.

Thanks for the work!

Lots of options and tweaks for similar things like others have mentioned here also!

Very cool! Have an upvote.

105 true followers out of 134. Pretty good, I think. A lot more than I expected. Not that a number of them ever read anything I post, but still.


Thanks for the re-steem!
EDIT: 105 - That's pretty good. With the default settings I have 108 dead followers!

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