I Had An Idea and Now Need Suggestions!!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I really want to start using Steepshot or Partiko and other Steem Dapps..

I want to put more of how I'm living onto the steem blockchain to purely influence people in these crazy days and changes we are living in.

Why arent I already?!

Well, the reason for this is that I dont agree with smart technology and the way all devices will be connected online and then also being autonomously run by AI programs.

I do have a smartphone since 2 years but I choose to cover the cameras because they are not private if you have certain apps installed etc, and I am not willing to be on a system somewhere or anywhere come to mention it.

I have nothing and everything to hide at the same time because I understand where the future is heading, and thus the data on my self stays anonomous on blockchain so it cannot be used to manipulate me if the future.

So yeh, Smartphones, that robot which we carry around and have a hard time trying to have privacy with. I have never registered a sim card to my name, but since Norway, theres no choice but to link your government made personailty to the phone you want to use which removes any kind of privacy once you registered the sim.

I was lucky to find a wallet a while ago with an ID card inside and I was using it to register sim cards with, but after a few simcards(I loose phones often!) it didnt work again, and so I have on now in my real name.

My choosen lifestyle is definatly not what the goverment wants you to see, and as we are on blockchain this is the only reason Im not using a smartphone to blog.

The Solution.

I realised since joing steemit that I really do have a passion for sharing my anarchistic ideals of life with readers, hoping to provoke and create some alternative perspectives.
I am now thinking of possibilitys so I can use a smartphone and blog with it on a steem based dapp, but still have no geo tracking on the photos taken on the phone, and then also the simcard and phone not to be registered in my name. I could then also have that phone in a closed case so the cameras are not showing 24/7 and can then take photos with it easily.

I would even make vids aswell,and of course, I could have a voice changing app and then could make vids!

I want this to happen, so my next step is that I need a simcard, just for going online on a smartphone that is also pay as you go without a contract!
I guess it dosnt even need to be Norwiegen one either!

So the question I ask Steemians is..

Any got an idea on how this can workout?! You guys would fucking love to see how us landpirates are living!

I would happily buy with Steem a new simcard that was ready to work even for a good amount of steem.
Will there be a future place to buy anon simcards from do you think? There must be cool ways to blog whilst keeping all data safe?

I wrote this just now whilst moving around, no pics needed - suggestions are though!
2more days and Ill be up to vote power again.. 😎

Ideas please!!

Big love @movingman


No phone, no geolocation ... Airplane mode works for me.
Just a tablet with even WIFI off, when I just #actifit with it ...
I create mainly via laptop + wifi / lan ....
... linking the tablet online at home, to use it for alternative device: posting in Patriko, eSteem ... HODLing some crypto wallets there too ...
My last SIM expired more than a year ago and since then I avoid any new registrations / using my old number for that or some other ppl's phones for SMS verification, airdrops etc ...
And despite I'm my real self here, I live quite happier with the less attachments ... like NO MORE BANK accounts being my priority ...
No schedules, no office jobs, no organizations, shity governments and other sects :)
Even family and relatives seem living the nightmare...

So remember kids, anyone could become agent of the matrix near you anytime!! :P~

like NO MORE BANK accounts being my priority ...

Its so satisifying to close a bank account and adapt to not having one. Its great if you know people around with a card to shop online with every now and then. Thats what I miss I guess, online cheap things. But the online shopping thing is all part of that cycle, I was just thinking "Fuck.. I used to do the food shopping online!
Like what the fuck!!
Now I dont even need to work, spend money or even go in a store to eat, aslong as they got dumpster out the back hahahaha! I do appreciate that in other countrys its not so possible like that though :P) How is it where you are there, its Bulgaria right?? Any supermarkets and food in the trash?

in Bulgaria it is not a practice, they compress everything and throw away (they said) some guys still manage to get something backdoors tho...
here in Greece Yes... they give away and my father gets a lot of it 😁
...especially at the end of farmers markets...
last night we ate bunches of fresh greens @ my brothers place.. his wife got them for free from nearby street market... just as a bonus for buying some eggs...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thats great to hear, that means then that smaller supermarkets in BG shouldnt have compressors and just dumpsters ☺ never believe when people say theres all compressors, this isnt true most times its just FUD hahaha

Sure! ;)
Another thing in my hometown is that, half of the population are gypsies and this a whole another story :)
I mean every bit of stuff is getting recycled and/ or eaten :)
I recycle seriously for the past 10 years everything in my birthhouse... and its belonging properties :))))
in the beggining there were like tons of iron and other metals, then remained textiles from family businesses and a lot of other interesting things (just because my father is addicted to stuff and my grandfather was too)
But hey its a lot of FUN sometimes to do my missions :) learned a lot of new abilities! This was my breaking free from "carrer" and big city living and fake relationships...
Its time for me to get my own land near a river and a forest with a big meadow ;D

We have the same style for sure :)

Did you think about finding an empty farm or land and just move onto it?! Instead of thinking to pay for it?

I just had to adjust all my autovotes to 10% as its not going up in VP and im stuck at 3days always to fully recharge hahahah

A new place would be built!

what about a wagon to live in?! a home on wheels! So if the owner of the land ever shows up you can just move on.. Oh wait, thats the real gypsy life :P

Like to learn more about they way you live life. Do you use a laptop to post on steemit? If so you may just be able to wifi link a smartphone to a laptop etc or use a free wifi somewhere to connect with out needing a sim in the phone. I am no expert but it should work.

Aaaaaw sounding good! Yes I use a laptop and digital camera ☺

Hope it works mate :)

I think i'll see what happen next, but the anon simcards are looking great, just dont have enough wlan or wifi, theres no hotspots even in range from this cabin from other peoples internet lol..

Its not going to be that hard to get something going. I never got into instagram and all that shite, obviously I guess.. But now in this decentralized future, of which i think sometimes its all still just a dream, we have more choices!!

Yes i never did facebook, twiter or instagram etc steemit is my first time as i thought it be alot safer to share things.

Man I was so untech orientated when I got invite to steemit...
had some btc and one wallet, and no idea what I was doing on binance stable coin wise around the same time..

now im addicted to crypto the more im learning and to this online anarchy and freedom of decensorship, and just making the most of it with my input to be forever accessible on a blockchain! We are so early we can invest now and then wait 10 years to be millionaires!

Yes i have been rather hooked now on steemit and some dapps. And getting excited for what crypto should be able to do for us and future freedoms.

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A few tips:

F-droid is an app store alternative to google play. All apps available are free and open source.

You may be able to connect to public wi-fi spots without a sim card (i have not tried that) otherwise you may search for anonymous bitcoin sim card online.
Something like this:
(I have not tried that company so do your own research)

For anonymous communications you could also try blockchain projects like Obsidian.

Lastly you could flash a privacy-centered ROM to your android phone, i think T.A.I.L.S has a mobile version.

Thanks matey, im working at the moment but will be online after 6pm to learn!

I think a mobile phone paid with cash and accessing the internet via public wi fi spots (while using vpn) will cover your privacy needs 99.9%.
If you want anonymous 4G it gets trickier yet not impossible.

Moreover there are a lot of things you can experiment with.
You can buy blank sim cards and a sim card writer and tinker with them :-)


Right im "here" Checking these replys :) there are many! i must add, its the registered sim card thing thats actually stopping me from doing it all, phone cover makes camera useable and covered when not in use.. credit pay with cash still possible (wonder for how long though!)I have no wifi at home, and be fucked if I'm going to go find it to do a short post lol.. I even have a new sim card here actually that I was going to use for a router for mining with whilst I was out in the daytimes on my old smashed phone that still works.

The voice changer would be great and a regestered simcard not in my name, I will hope to find a wallet again and use that ID hahahaha just have to imagine that it happens and bam!
Vpn I have running all the time on phone and laptop so thats ok..

right yeh ill go check out these great replys!! Which im very appreciative of !

fe fean digitree! Your a tech-legend in disguise, I thought you just were into photography hahahahah!!!!

Blank sim cards.. sim card writer?! :) Hello new world!

F-droid is an app store alternative to google play.

That's really cool, really really cool!

Aha, I see your user name now, Digi tree, like many branches in the digital world? Anyway that my thought!
Thankyou so much for these tips, im going to check that second blockchain one a look and remember about bitcoin simcards and most likely check that afterwards!

Dont want to keep making new relpys so edit: I just checked out the simcard thingy, will watch a vid later on them.. and I looked at the btc sim card and sent a message asking if they would accept a anon currency and not just btc.. I rekon I'll here back

Well if they don't take monero etc you could use a "Bitcoin mixer"to anonymise the bitcoin transaction. Let us know what comes out of the research. Privacy is always an interesting topic.

Ah yes I forgot about that possibility! The next question is where to get it sent too, we got 3 places occupied and they are all so old that they have no adress hahaha

If your cabin is not deep in the woods it is possible that it has an address, it might be worth asking the neighbors.
Otherwise you can use something called Poste Restante. That means that your mail is delivered to a post office you choose and you collect it from there. You could also rent a post box at a post office for around 2000 kroner per year.

We have just a gards nummer from back in the day ahhahaahha..

We went and got a postbox at a shopping center last year so a mate could recieve a christmas parcel from SA, we went and got the key etc but they didnt ask us to pay anything so we thought we had somehow got away with paying or they would ask us to pay later, we went to get the post and they said, "oh you dont have a mail box here, you came in a few days after and cancelled it", so my mate lost his christmas gifts from his family hahahaha..

I like that first option there lol.. I guess it also require showing ID?

ps I usually use an empty house that nobodys using or if someone goes away for the winter, but havent found a possibility around this area

Every post you make is another clue to your identity'..

True True, I mean I do openly show my dogs and where I work and what job I do, but we have a few years yet until anyone worry's about finding that guy with the dogs.. the dogs will die anyway at some point and as everything, its all temporary. I certainly wont be using internet often when the smart grid is up I guess and there wont be much more of me writing and posting anywhere online :)

Hope your healthy my friend!

Well, this one hopes you continue to participate, but certainly understands your reasoning..

I am really concerend for the proposed smart grid with 5G and 6G, which will certain be frying the brains of people. I guess we can make houses frrm quartz crystal where we could atleast go to sleep without being radioactively poisoned!

It so close to being implemented as well that there not even that long left, and most people (apart from the few who did research) are living with smart meters that have definitely been proven to pulse out a dangerous amount of radiation..

It makes me feel nauseous to see it all set up like this and the people just plodding on and dying off by one from some sort of cancer.

won't be posting much when we get off-grid.. Sick of my smart meter, never wanted it to begin with.

there is a loop hole, as it isnt a law that they must be installed its actually voluntary but as everything else they say you must. I did witness on homeowner videos the lengths installers were going to to install them, like cutting chains and entering propertys etc..

You can definitely go to your doctor and complain of mega headaches and crazy dreams since the meter was installed and you will have to pay a fee but then it can be removed, with a doctors note..this is a loophole I read of a while back and works here in Norway if you have the balls to do it , which sadly most people dont. One friend covered it with multiple layers of foil, which does reduce the outputted radiataions.

I had never been near one until last christmas and when coming down from a great mushroom trip, I started to get headaches and felt strange after being there 6 or 7 hours. I asked my mate if they had a smart meter and they did.. we left as soon as the first bus came in the morning.

I watched too many documentrys from independant research to want electric so badly lol

We told them we didn't want it, they said they would replace it with an older model and come check the meter manually for a phenomenal fee of course!!

how much is it where you are? it would of course be numerology price aswell hahahah

Glad you mentioned Partiko! I'm replying this post using Partiko! I would definitely recommend giving Partiko a shot, many people have said good things about it and its quality and realiableness really deserves attention.

Let me know how it goes!

Posted using Partiko Android

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@digitree I just found this and think I could use my camera, then swap Sd card to this device below, and the stick that into my small usb socket on the smartphone to use it for steemit apps? Should work!


To upload pics intead of taking them on the phones cam

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