World Is Changing#2: A New Era Of People!

in #steemit7 years ago

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This is the second post of a series. If you missed the first one I recommend you to read the first contribution: World Is Changing #1: The Most Wanted Jobs In The Future!

It all starts with the internet and the world wide web where people got access to an untouchable world. Also at this time, there was a kinda gold rush mood, because the world wide web brought with it unprecedented possibilities.


But a company like Apple and other in that section brought the world wide web in a more efficient way to us. Into our pockets!

New forms of businesses were built and trying to use this unknown area. One of them Amazon survived the dot-com bubble and is today now the most significant E-commerce player.

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But eBay gave simple humans the opportunity to be also active in this realm, to sell old products easily. More and more businesses grew up. Today people are fulltime seller via eBay and Amazon. People don't need a physical store anymore.

Today everyone can sell products online. Is it easy?
Of course not, but the possibility is there.

Social networks like Facebook and companies like Google gave the possibility to reach your target audience. I don't want to start a data debate right now here. ;)

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Youtube became a platform where people are building a brand, sharing what they love, and it became a source of income.

The last decade brought massive online entrepreneurs out.
The possibility to reach financial freedom or a second income stream. In the coming years, it will grow more; people see chances trying to achieve independence. The Freedom to navigate their lives.

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With the blockchain technology and with their projects a new era has begun. I don't know how this journey will be, how far it will go and if there will be an end. It is still at a young age.

Projects like Steemit are worth looking at it, and in the future, this could be the next Generation of Entrepreneurs.

The good thing about it. Everyone can!
You don't need to be young. If you are already older, it doesn' mean​ that's too late. N, ​ the possibility is there.

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Even when the society see many of those activities not as a real profession, its because some of them don't know and understand this whole space. Limited in traditional ways of thinking, but this shouldn't hinder you.

People will always talk!
Am I saying that traditional professions are wrong or stupid?
Of course not, far away with that!

And the world, the society, all of us need them. And its good that we have them otherwise some essential things wouldn't be here. Wouldn't even exist.

But you see the opportunity, and you are trying to take it.
Steemit and The STEEM ecosystem is one of those projects that combines opportunity with social components. The benefits are flowing in different areas, for example, ​new acquaintances.

We are already in a new era friends, and one thing is indispensable.

Do you want to know what it is? So make sure to stay tuned for the next post.

Follow, upvote, resteem gold 2.png


with you it is impossible not to agree, the first digital evolution took place when the World Wide Web appeared and practically every person on the planet had electronic devices capable of intergrating into the World Wide Web and using a huge reserve of information. Then, in time, centralized systems emerged, and platforms such as the facebook of YouTube and so on ...
But now we see a new decentralized era that will turn over the consciousness of many more people, which involves more and more professionals and ordinary people from all over the world.
Great post, thanks

You’re comments are so profound man! Inhabe to vehicle out your blog :)

your posts allow you to think and encourage me to write good comments :)

The name Blockchain, which has entered our lives with Bitcoin, has been heard more often in the last period and we want to invest in what is Blockchain. The popularity of Bitcoin as a financial value causes Blockchain to remain in Arlanda, but now the situation is changing.

We can define Blockchain as a distributed database that provides briefly an encrypted transaction set-up. Blockchain technology, constructed from a chain model, which can be understood from its name, is traceable but not breakable, allowing to operate without being connected to a center. Thus, transactions can be carried out directly between the buyer and the seller and in a secure manner. Just like sharing music between people over Napster once in a while. @modernpastor

I am not sure, if it is just positive. I mean, STEEMIT is awesome - I see so much potential here in terms of the community, projects, yada yada... I also like the transparency and privacy of cryptos in general. In the same time, sometimes I am scared, that we follow a path, where we just have cryptos anymore and no cash. This would cause a dependency which wouldn't be good... especially when nations show up with their own coins and bad regualtions. I hope we go in the right direction; more autonomy, more democracy, more peace, love and wealth for all of us!

Of course, there not much things which are only positive. Also this whole new realm can take an evil direction. I hope not and I don’t think it will happen but it is still possible.

From the moment people get to know this platform, It will get flooded. But Steemit needs a bit more personality, not just blogging capabilities, more like a full on social media platform to really get the ball rolling.

One thing is already in place, the blockchain and the smart media tokens.

I am on your site. But it depends what steemit want really to be. Now we have also dtube, Appics the instagram Version is coming, stepshot is already online.

I think steemit should also have the possibility of shorter types of content.

Oh god, thank god a instagram version is coming, all the art and photography can go there.
The shorter type of content is made possible a bit with, It has more of a twittery feel.

Good post bro
I think the Blockchain and internet will take the world in 2018

Good faith :)

Awesome artical dear thanks for sharing this post i like your blog and follow you due to your work thanks

I have to thank you. Thanks for reading it.

Amazing post and future of tha steem.

Your topic is beautiful and deserves to be taken care of

Truly, Amazons have outdone themselves.
A few weeks after his fortune exceeded the 100 billion dollar barrier after the Amazon e-commerce company realized imaginary profits on the sidelines of the "Black Friday" event, "Jeff Bissus/Jeff bez" in 2017, with the title of the richest man in the world, ended up with another giant, Bill Gates.

Nice Post dude :)) Thanks for sharing..

future of steemt is more bright..

I agree, it is now easier than ever in history for people to collaborate and contribute to projects around the world. Look forward to your next post. Greetings!

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