Adjusting My Voting List? Desire To Support Awesome Content Creators!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago

Adjusting my voting list.png

Sadly I see that people I put on my voting list are no more really active. I observed it now for two weeks. Of course,​ this counts not for all on my list, but most of my voting power stays nearly the same which is not the purpose.

I think I have to make some adjustments.
The goal is, of course, supporting active people here otherwise the power would be in vain when it doesn't come to action. I don't want to force someone.

Maybe when I see it from a different perspective, there is place for more people to join the list?

I will have again a closer look starting with my eager commenters.

As I said in a previous post, now is an excellent time to accumulate more STEEM. And we don't need to think in large quantities. One STEEM more today can make a significant difference in the future.


Glücklich ist wer genügend Zeit zum posten hat.
Man sollte nicht alle in ein Boot werfen, der eine ist Beruflich eingeschränkt, Studenten müssen in den Ferien auch arbeiten für die Studien Gebühren, andere wieder gibt es Familiäre einschnitte, und und und.
Ja, mein letzter post ist auch schon etwas länger her, dennoch vote ich soweit es geht noch persönlich und verkaufe auch meine votes nicht, im gegenteil, habe mir Delegation dazugekauft mit den Steem die ich gekauft habe und somit auch was für Steemit tue, auch wenn ich nicht poste. lg 🤠
ps.: Gratulation zum Aufstieg, jetzt ist die champions leage nahe!
mein Verein hat heut leider ein klatsche bekommen 5:0 , egal deswegen bleib ich trotzdem ein Fan desen Vereines, so wie ich ein Steemian bleibe auch wenn viele davon rennen.

Du hast vollkommen recht :)
Nein, man darf nie alle in ein Boot werfen, damit macht man es sich zu einfach.
Finde ich gut das du dir noch eine Delegation dazu geholt hast ;)

Ich danke dir das mit der 5:0 Klatsche habe ich mitbekommen a ber du bist ein treuer Fan. Davon brucht es mehr.

I agree. Planning on accumulating more STEEM tomorrow.

As I said in a previous post, now is an excellent time to accumulate more STEEM. And we don't need to think in large quantities. One STEEM more today can make a significant difference in the future.

I agree with you brother.
You will always see people making their winter sleep when the crypto market is dropping.
The next loud bull wave will wake them up again.

I really appreciate your constant engagement here on Steemit regardless if the crypto market is up or down!

Haha :D great expression. Making their winter sleep.
Thanks my friend I appreciate your comment :)

i think this is what separates you from other older steemians. you actually engage with your followers and commenters.

i know i appreciate it man. and this is what will help ‘serious’ steemians grow here. the more engagement and awesome content that’s out there, the better.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for your kind words :)
I really appreciate them. Exactly that is important to me. Helping serious Steemians to grow. 💪🏽 You are definitely​ one of them.

I'm waiting and I hope. no matter how small. of course for tomorrow it's worth it.

It's the same everywhere, so many people are no longer posting on Steemit, discouraged by the low pay outs. Many have moved on looking for greener pastures. It is saddening. I do think we should all progress and find alternative sources but I don't think we should abandon our loyalty to this platform that has bettered so many of us. I have learnt to write better and to socialize better and I wouldn't trade the knowledge for anything. I do hope I make your voting list, it would definitely be a great source of encouragement. Cheers!

I’m more bullish than ever about Steemit. We should not confuse psychology with fundamental facts. People are posting much less now because of the bear market, but tell me one blockchain that is used to the extent and width that Steem is ? Just because the fiat price of Steem is much lower it doesn’t really mean much to me, because I’m looking at the future price, and therefore I still value each Steem as something very valuable!

  • now is the time tinne active - keep up the good work !

You are also one bright light here. I appreciate your lovely comment and agree with every single word.

Modernpastor FTW! hahahahaha keep on keeping on mate!

Keep doing the good you are doing. 😍
I am putting you on the auto vote without expecting anything in return. (after all my vote is pennies) I put very few on auto-vote. I will still drop in at times.

This assures me that I have voted in case I miss you in the feed.

Hello there @modernpastor

I'll agree with most people that commented before me. Changes on our voting / following list are necessary every now and then. I've seen my feed dying lately (even made a post about that)...and I can only justify that if people are on vacations. In any different case...I just don't get it. Really.

I just don't understand that people prefer not to post because payouts are low at the moment. What the heck? Are we here only for the money? I don't really know how many of us have understood how revolutionary this platform is and all the potential...

And not everything has to be a novel. Steemit is a social media platform. Not a school, nor a university. People just need to express themselves, to socialize, to be present. I don't I sound romantic?

Anyway I am glad that you are an exception and people like you ( and a few others that I don't want to mention for obvious reasons) is what this platform needs if we want to go a step forward. Inspiration and motivation at its finest.

Have a great day my friend and sorry for the long comment.

You don't have to apologize my friend :)
Thank you very much for this detailed comment. And I agree with everything you said an no you didn't​ sound romantic ;)

Great idea! I need to refresh mine also, it’s been months lol... I think dozens of them got inactive. It’s going to take me a few hours probably 😂

Thanks, ​buddy.
Then you have to plan it well before. It will get time-consuming 😁

Might take me a whole day lol

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