The true value behind steemit.

in #steemit6 years ago


Many new people come and go everyday on steemit when they realize they aren't going to get rich over night. They think a few cents or a few dollars isnt worth their time or hard work. Trust me when I tell you I understand their/your pain. I to have spent countless hours pouring my heart into articles that make next to nothing, in fact most people have this same problems when they start. But I know something most people don't realize. With cryptos such as steemit, its not about what you make today, it's what you hodl!

You have to realize that when pretty much all of the whales on steemit are just people who came to the platform early believed in steemit/steem-network so much that they powered up their Steem instead of spending it. See back in the day steem was only worth pennies, so when a post paid out the steemian would get hundreds or thousands of steem for just a few dollars on a post. At that time it didn't seem like much money but as the steemit platform grew the price of steem raised which made their shitty $1 post worth $10 then worth $100 (USD) because they invested (powered up) their steem instead of spending it. In time their investment payed off amazingly, and yours can too!

What I am saying is don't get discouraged by low payouts because if you just continue to save, in a year or two steem will be worth so much more than it is today. Think about it if steem one day goes to $100, I know it sounds ridiculous but I really think it is possible with the technology behind the steem network especially once you add in Smart Media Tokens and the steem network becomes more mainstream. If you ask me its more of a matter of time, than if.

Imagine, in the future it may take you 5-10 articles to make just one steem! Seems like it wouldn't be worth it to post but trust me when I tell you it won't matter because the new people coming to the platform will never remember when steem only cost $1 and they will still be happy to make "free money." And since you make the "same amount of money" for a post regardless of the price of steem people wont mind if they are only making 0.01 steem, just like we don't mind steem being around $1 because most of us don't remember when it was $0.10, everything is relative.

So unless you are relying on your steem to pay bills then you really should refrain from spending it as much as possible. Just look at your account and pretend that every steem you have is worth $100 not $1. Doesn't that change things a little? Just think, you shitty $1 post now could be worth $100 in a few years, talk about awesome interest! All you have to do is wait, and believe in the steem network. Even if steemit doesn't make it, the steem network surely will.

My goal is to have 1,000 steem power by the end of 2018. That way, if steem goes to $100, I will have $100,000! JUST FOR POSTING ARTICLES ON STEEMIT! Not to bad for a little more than a years work. Steem On my friends.

"Peace, Love and all that hippie shit"

The STEEM Engine



Nice one mate! To me, Steem is a great crypto for many reasons! No chance of a 51% attack, a blockchaoin designed to adapt, and many new things will be happening on the Steem blockchain, which will be amazing! The safety of Steem is also superb, for someone like myself who lost 1000's of usd on fake wallets, there's no going wrong with the Steem wallet!

I totally agree with every thing you have said here. I've always thought that way. I've always been a saver and right now I'm just trying to scoop up as much as I can and in the process I'm making friends and enjoying myself 😀

Im glad you are on my page.. not everyone gets it, and those people will miss out when steem takes off..

I was just about to log off and saw this. YOU NAILED IT! We're close to the same level and have the same goal. I bought in late last year when SBD was $14 converting that to SP really helped.

I did some research before I joined and noticed that the Whales also supported each other with upvotes when they were new. Now they're the big fish on Steemit and we can do the same. Buy on the dips! :)


Maybe it's too optimistic to think that steem could reach 100$ value, but c'mon people post their content in other social media for nothing.

The problem of people that discourages in Steemit is to think that they will become rich in a moment just posting some shitty content, that isn't the concept of this proyect. And who knows even the bitcoins value was very low three years ago, we don't know the value steem could have the next two or three years. We will see, patience and hard working almost always has its reward. Good post.

Very true, and all great points... However, if you really know a lot about the steem network (not steemit itself) then you would know that $100 steem is very possible in the future.. The steem network will be like the etherium network for social media, with thosands of coins riding on it. Simply supply and demand will dictate steem radically increasing in price.

It might not look like much now, but every great painting worth hundreds, thousands, and even millions started out as a blank canvas and idea in the painters mind. The first brush strokes haven't even dried on this soon to be masterpiece is the way I see. We all need to give steem a chance and be patient, the ceiling on that chapel took some time, this masterpiece will as well.

So true! I really wish more people could see this. Most people are to busy complaining about post payouts or whatever the drama of the week is on steemit to think about things like this.

When I joined i was like the 294,644th account on steemit and at the time there were about 60,000 daily users.. Now there are 1.2 million accounts but still only about 60K daily users.. that means approx. 1 million people have come and gone from this platform in about a year. 1 million people who have no vision of the future! :(

A even bigger question is of the 60K, how many of those are bot accounts?
The actual human users is probably 20% of that if not less possibly or is the 60K verified human accounts?

As well as all you said, invest into it, have some faith and lay down some $ if you can. It will propel you forward no ends.

Man I wish I had the money right now to do that! however with traveling the past 8 months and then buying a new house last month, I am a bit strapped for cash!

Yup! You hit the nail on its head with this post! Blessings and upvoted! @moderndayhippie

Glad you liked it, thanks for taking the time to check it out and comment :)

Totally agree with what you said, HODL is what everybody is doing now, however, dont forget to keep writing good content and engagement ... it so critical and important !!! Good luck to us all!!

Yes it is! especially right now because this is the best time to get noticed by bigger accounts.. Not many people are writing good material, everyone is on the prowl to find good content!

Oh we felt inlove with the Steem platform for many reasons!

We kinda abandoned other social networks and when we get into those again we say "how could all this people not be into steemit?" Haha

Even when steem is very low right now is good moment for plankton like us to get noticed with our content despite the rewards we could get from it.

Even so, untill now we haven't invest more than time on steemit and it's already a very profitable way to invest it.

Our goal for the end of 2018 is 200 SP and a bunch of friends around the globe 😁

Thats a great goal! And you are totally right with everything u said.. Now is the best time for plankton to get noticed because there are so few people on the platform and so few good posts being produced. And u nailed it with time thing.. most people spend hours on fb or twitter daily for free, but when they come to steemit and make ten cents on a post they are pissed, I don't understand why? that is ten cents more than you ever made on your entire history of all other social medias combined!
I am glad you are here and have a good mindset about steemit :)

I agree! Back in December it was so hard to get any SP but now that the price and hype is less, it's a lot easier to power up. When the next bull run comes, it will pay off!

So true! its funny though because a lot of people on steemit now weren't here in December so they never saw how crazy this place gets when cryptos are on the up and up.. :)

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