SBD Giveaway to Minnows Results! :)

in #steemit6 years ago

It's been a crazy week since @curie came by and changed my life a little bit with it's curation trail.

Someone saw some potential in my work and put their money where their mouth is. An occurrence way too rare in the old world, but here in the new world of Steemit, pretty dang common. That's what I really love about this place. And that why I just had to pass on some of what I got to encourage other people to keep on trying to make this a better community.

It's not much, but it's something. Six total gifts of encouragement. Six rewards for being a productive community building member who creates and promotes good content. One gift of 5 SBD, five gifts of 1 SBD. If you want to see the original post, it's Giving back to my fellow minnows VIDEO ABOVE. All the details are there. I had to shift a couple things, mainly raising the eligible REP a bit.

I want to thank these people for nominating those they thought should receive this bit of SBD encouragement for their efforts. All these people are amazing members themselves :)

@enginewitty, @chiama, @cryptosteven, @peakreal1, @archeothot, @jrvacation, @simplemrakpor, @zemex, @masterpiz, @platosgroove, @sanmi, @old-guy-photos, @eastmael, @fireawaymarmot, @ydal, @hazem91

So, having taken a look through all the nominations and doing a bunch of considering I decided on who I wanted to award the SBD to. Things that I paid attention to were what kind of content did they produce. Was it thoughtful, useful, did it add anything to the community... Did they seem active on the platform with regular posts, comments, upvoting... Did I see the potential for more...that X factor that made me want to follow them and wonder what was next? A giant mixing pot of considerations.

I really wish I could give more to everyone, or to more people, and it was a really tough decision for the top spot as I wanted to award it to several of you but, this time only one.

5SBD gift

This guy has been everywhere. Or at least many of the places I frequent. Whenever I scroll by his comments they're thoughtful, funny, interesting, conversational. His posts, a great combination of music, thoughts, collaborations and writings that are well flavored with his friendly personality. His feed is filled with not only his work, but the people he likes, projects for the community, and things he thinks might be useful to those who follow him. He is the kind of Steemer I want to be more like. :)

And in no particular order

1SBD gift

Another amazing writer with a strong love of the community. Browse his feed and you'll walk away feeling a little bit better, stronger, and ready for the things life throws at us. Whether it's just text, spiced with graphics, or one of his amazing audio performances, I do love dropping by for all of his work. Since his joining up he's thrown up insightful comments like rice at a wedding, but in a really good smile inducing way. Like when the rice doesn't get stuck in your hair and stuff...
Since running across this guys feed thanks to his nomination, I've enjoyed his thoughtful walks through his experiences, projects, and interest. With a great combination of words you'll find yourself scrolling through page after page of thoughtful photos that bring everything to life. A regular poster and solid resteemer there's always something new and interesting on his feed.
This is a nomination I probably would never have found myself. A lovely mother of four in Nigeria, I was enchanted by her writings. Though few and far between they struck me with a certain energy. I just have this feeling that with some encouragement she could become a very interesting member with a lot to say. Poems, random thoughts, stories, photos, it's a window into her life.
Honestly, yet another writer I would never have run across, but I'm glad I did thank's to her nomination. Originally I was a little put off by her writings. But, the more I read the more I saw a strong point of view that had a lot to say and was trying hard to say it well. There's this deep energy I feel when going through her posts, raw and vivid. Her views on women, self respect, and human interactions give me a new perspective on my own life.
This lovely writer from Venezuela intrigued me with her posts. Although many of them were in Spanish, and I haven't spoken Spanish since high school, I got this fresh creative vibe from how the posts were put together. As though a thought had taken form as a seed and this post was the flower that bloomed. A wild assortment of creativity, I had a blast going through the multimedia frenzy and trying to figure out why there were so many werewolves and vampires in one article I read., that was a bit crazy for me.

So, I apologize if there seems like any rough edges. I just want help others feel encouraged and hope these small gifts from out of nowhere will at least get them to smile a little bit and realize that there are those out there who want to help :) New time will be better.

Together we can make this a better world!
Woohoo for cornball sentiments!'s true :)

Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 5.24.52 PM.png

See, it happened ;)


You are a true gentleman sir :-) I thank you most kindly, more than I could probably put into words without seeming creepy lol ;-) But honestly I am always happy to be here, you do such great content it's hard not to be engrossed.

I've found my balance I suppose when sharing my thoughts, where I try to offer questions rather than answers; as I like to believe that we usually learn more by finding our own answers when it comes to our own soul.. Kind of like how the light let's us see what is before us, but it doesn't tell what to see.

I would say that you too offer much food for thought in your posts, it's often why your content is so engaging... oh and that alpaca is simply sealing the deal ;-)-)

Thanks Paul :-) Mike is one cool guy.

It's all about the Alpaca ;)

And, you're welcome. People working hard to be a part of a community should be rewarded! :)

The balance is hard...between telling and asking. Most of what I write just happens to be on my mind at that time. Perhaps similar to your method of writing. A seed of inspiration that sprouts into a post. You lead a person to the water, ask them a question, and hope that they'll drink :)

Keep on trucking @westley-nash! :)

Thats Awesome! I just recently joined steemit and just spent the last hour writing about whitepaper. We will make it a better world!!

Bit by bit. Welcome to Steemit! :)

Excellent buddy. Great thing of you to do and congrats @platosgroove!

Do what I can when I can :)

Wow! Thanks brother! This means a lot. I was told be an old hippie once,....
"Give, give, give. And that's how we win!"


Hehe, exactly! My pleasure. Hope it gave you a smile :)

Mike. You are a multi-talented, but more importantly, an honorable man. I know things are not optimum right now. But you kept your focus on doing you. Bad ass! Well done sir. Well done. I'm thinking that Creation took notice and is even now moving on your behalf. Peace friend.

Thanks man! :) Doing my best on the focusing bit, hehe. Just trying to do my bit for Steemit when I can. Hope you're right, hehe. Keep on doing you as well! :)

woohoo!! thanks for the nomination. Go alliance :)!!

You can thank @enginewitty for your nomination ;)

From a special place in my heart : thank you.

You are so welcome! I hope it encourages you to write more and become a bigger member in this community :)

How do I join the alliance, what is it all about?

Hi @alale! I'd start on their main page. I'd give more detailed instructions but I'm about to be off my computer for the day. They're an amazing group of people here on Steemit building a great community of supportive people. If I'm on later again I'll try and give better instruction :)

Great going! What a community of givers this is. Congrats to everyone!

We do what we can when we can :)

Well done! This was a very stand up thing to do!

Just doing what I can, when I can ;) Someone saw it fit to give me a gift, so all I could do is pass some of it on. Need to keep this community good, not greedy. It's tough, but changing the world is never easy.

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