Giving back to my fellow minnows

in #contest6 years ago

First off, I'm nervous as hell about all of this.

I've never been in a position to help people, but thanks the the @curie curation trail that stopped by the other day and did a huge upvote one of my posts, I can. It might not be much since I'm like a lot of the other minnows out there, but it's something. Hopefully it will encourage others to do the same when windfalls like this happen to them :)

Watch the above video for the gist and most of the details. Try not to laugh too much, hehe. The longest video I did before this was like 15 seconds for Instagram. Three minutes, almost four...a first for me.

So, basically I want to give a total of 10SBD out to 6 minnows just like me.

I want to give 5SBD to one minnow, and 1SBD to five minnows. Pretty simple. You have to nominate someone else, and you need to give me a sentence or two why you think they should receive the SBD. Only one nomination per person, and there's a max of twenty-five total nominations. I'll keep nominations open for a week from the day of this posting or until I hit 25 potentials.

Something I didn't mention in the video is that I'm looking for people who are sitting in the 30-40 REP range. Those that are still figuring things out, seeing if they want to be a part of this community or not. I had some amazing people help me out at that point which encouraged me to work even harder.

Once again, I know it's not a lot.

But I want to give something and I know how much it means to get rewards early on for hard work. It's easy to feel lost in the ocean when you're so small and you only get penny votes. And in a week who knows how much STEEM you can buy with it :)

You don't have to follow me, upvote this, or resteem this if you don't want to. As a newbie to this platform I can already see that following people just for contests will clutter the already messy feed, unless you want to follow my work in general. Resteeming will help the word spread, but sharing the link in your groups works just as good.

Once again, this is the first time for me to do a giveaway/contest like this so if I forgot some details, let me know and I'll update the post. The winners will be chosen by me after I've had a chance to go through all the nominations. Once again, you can submit the person you want to nominate via the comments below with a #nominate and then the @ with their username. EX#nominate @personsname reason why

Thanks! I look forward to helping out some minnows just like me :)


Rep 47
Member of Steemit since December 2017
Has very complete, well-presented posts. Is extremely helpful in the communities he is involved with. Totally undervalued.

Rep 45
Joined Steemit in December of 2017
Extremely supportive and is starting to understand what Steemit is about. Good musician and poet. Again, undervalued.

Thank you brother. That had meaning for me. That is a real thing and is worth more than money can buy. It encourages and motivates. Peace friend.

Rep 47
Joined Steemit in December of 2017
Very vibrant and enthusiastic Steempeep. Beautiful artwork and photos, undervalued.

#nominate @anjiba simply because he was a minnow who saw the potential of steemit and decided to help carry other minnows along by opening up whatsapp groups where we could all support each other. This has led to the opening of @abuja-steem and our first major project is happening this Saturday.

Roger that! They have been nominated :) Entry #8

Great idea sir! :) Community focused ambitions are always good to inspire the wider population. I'll be sure to resteem this, such efforts deserve the support :)

Thanks! The more the merrier. If I can get the message out and help some people, awesome :)

What a cool person! Great thought and excellent way to manifest it. I #nominate @sweetscience. He is a friend in the meat and bones world here locally who has helped me find ways to use my poetry and words. He has invited me to perform at various live events here in town. And in the spring we are traveling to GA to do a festival. He is an excellent DJ/Producer with exquisite taste that even an old dude like me can get with. He has recently joined steemit upon my reccomendation and has begun producing varied and excellent content. I have met some really cool people here and several crossed my mind but Lee is a brother from before steemit and he is where my nomination should go. And you should know if his stuff sucked I would tell you so. :) Peace brother and thanks.

Wow! Honored...

Thank you.

I second this nomination. I'd love to see both @sweetscience and @platosgroove receive something. This is really wonderful of you to do, @mikesthoughts. :)

He's smarter than me so I figure the best investment is him. :) Thank you my friend.

Hi @mikesthoughts! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.01 SBD @tipU from @dswigle :)

@dswigle wrote lately about: Be Mine. Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Tipuvote! - upvote any post with with 2.5 x profit :)

Great to see you do this!
I am sure are going to make a lot of those minnows very happy!
Good luck and much snek cuddles


Ill nominate @alale.
First for her passion and zeal.
Second , to encourage her, I think she needs encouragement at this stage of her steemit journey.
My words of encouragements just ain't enough.

Roger that! They have been nominated :) Entry #9

And, yeah, words are great, but an actual statement by the universe in tangible form is usually what people need. :)

I nominate @celineaugustinee, she introduced me to steemit and she is very kind.

Roger that! They have been nominated :) Entry #6

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