Living The Steemit My Life ... I Want To Hear YOUR Thoughts

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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Steemit has changed my life. Hands down, no questions asked.

Having a platform to post my content with direct monetization has motivated me to create and curate SOOO much more content than IN otherwise would have. I went from writing a few times a week to going around telling people that “I’m a blogger” when asked what I do. This has been wonderful in so many ways, yet like everything, Steemit has it’s dark side.

The Good

I can get paid to write words! Sure this has been possible… forever … but with Steemit I found a platform where I could easily a reliably make money for creating content. No more trying to drive traffic to a website, convincing other blogs to pay me for my articles, using shady ways to convert “free” content into sales. I had a platform to express myself and I was making money doing so.

It’s a wonderful community. Steemit has gathered people from all around the world who are intelligent, interesting and ambitious. That’s my crowd. I’ve enjoyed meeting and interacting with many of you and am excited to meet even more.

The sky's the limit. When I first started reading STeemit I @chbartist making $500+ per post! I was stoked! I looked at his history, saw he was only a few hundred posts deep and thought to myself … “I can do that … I will do that”. And here I am. While I don’t categorize myself as being on that level yet you can be damn sure that I will be … and soon.

The Bad

A lot of people are using Steemit just for profit. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this I think that it’s always nice to have a bit of balance. If you are going to upvote all of your content … you might as well make it look nice.

It seems like it’s become (or has been) pay to play. Unless you have a huge following, it takes bid bots to get onto the trending page. Sure there is a lot of good content out there but there is also a lot of fluff. I wish that there could be a separation between promoted content and organic. Now that would be nice!.

The Ugly

I wake up and think about Steemit. I’ve focused the majority of my work time over the past month creating, curating and promoting content on this platform. Sure it’s great but you’ve got to draw a line somewhere. I think I am relatively good about maintaining balance in my life but I am sure there are some people out there hitting upvote like it’s a goddamn line of blow. Remember folks, life comes first, then Steemit.
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I hope you guys liked this post. Let me know what YOU think about the platform and how it’s changed your life.

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Stemmit is revolutionary in terms of social media paying out crypto for engagement. Of course it has its downfalls, but what doesn’t? Steemit is just starting and the best is yet to come!


Yes brother really steemit change most of the people life. I am student and i need money this platform help to solve my financial problem

If you feel like it's a problem it will continue to be one ... key is to see it as the solution :)


Thanks for this , it was really helpful and I am still learning. I just discovered Steemit and I can see how it could be completely life changing! I am also excited to have a platform and join a community of smart, aware people. For sure there will always be negative things, but its all about balance and focussing on the positive. I wish you much success now and in the future. :)

Well written. I agree 100 % with your post. I enjoy the platform because it keeps me busy for 1 hr each evening and I love reading various posts, checking out different places in the photography section, learning about crypto currency etc. Of course I love seeing an upvote on my post and the money is a bonus, but honestly, I get my daily pick me up from the steemit platform.

Steemit allows us to much more clearly observe the value of the content that we bring to people. This is a great characteristic of Steemit, and one that really motivates me!

What are your thoughts?


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Keep it up!
All the best!

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Steemchool has changed my life For the importance of brotherhood and Can Change the World for the Better..

Very good post. You see with steemit and any other platform there is up's and down's. The great thing is we have a channel to express our selves . If steemit where to grow exponentially to the masses imagine how fortunate we would be in the long run financially and mentally. keep up the good work. And i'll definetley follow you. peace.

I totally see steemit and similar platforms being the future of social media. It makes sense for the users to benefit as we are the ones creating the value. The days of the facebook giant are coming to an end!

Yeah!! facebook is a dinosaur

i agree with you! because i think steemit is a enough way for life shine!

Now i am a new steemit lover. I love this platform. I want to stay with steemit. I think, steemit change our life any time. Long live steemit. Steemit best is yet to come. Thanks.

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