In defense of Steemit and its Whales

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

   My intention behind this blog entry is not to start a fight with people who are disappointed with the way the Steemit ecosystem works, but to bring a little balance to the negative arguments that seem to be flooding my feed lately.

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   I won't deny that Steemit as the first ever social-media/crypto-economy platform has many flaws, but to focus solely on them, robs us from the ability to see its potential. I will admit though, that Steemit is definitely not for everyone, and there might be users that simply don't like and/or enjoy it, and that is completely acceptable.

Ok, I'll go right to the point.

   In no particular order I will attempt to tackle some of the negative comments I've been reading lately.

"Steemit is just a Highschool Popularity Contest"


   The way I see it, all content creator on any platform have to deal with the "popularity contest challenge". Just think about it, there are thousands upon thousands of content creators online posting the videos and blogs every second. So let me ask you, Should their mere existence stop you from posting? of course not!!! The game plan as new content creators has to be a long term strategy, and to look at these successful accounts and think that we will never get there brings no value to our life... To put it bluntly, we can't take jealousy to the bank.

   Can you be successful in any platform, online or otherwise without being popular? Maybe, but it sounds improbable to me... I should say however, that this does not mean that someone who is not popular on Steemit, is not creating great content worthy of hundreds of upvotes. What I'm saying is that the success of a Steemian or lack thereof could be a matter of knowledge on different topics like marketing and branding, and its up to us to put in the work to learn these things and discover our own potential.

"The only way to grow on Steemit is to Kiss a Whale's ass"


    I do understand people who think this way, it can be painful to see someone posting a silly picture with a caption, and minutes later witness that post make ten times more than your post when you just spent all day writing a beautiful story (I've been there myself). On my first day on this platform I posted something very personal that I believed was the best writing I had done in a while, and to my disappointment it only made a couple of pennies... But, I disagree entirely with this statement and here is why:

   There are whales and there are whales, some of the biggest users on Steemit are not only working hard to grow their accounts, but also sharing valuable information everyday to help you do the same. Steemians like @papa-pepper, @jerrybanfield and @luczypher to name a few, are constantly running competitions to help and encourage new users to grow within the platform and they don't ask for ass kissing to participate. I will admit however that there are big users on this platform who are not doing much for the community. In my book its not relevant or productive for me to focus on these users because no level of complaining is going to change them, and also you can't deposit complaints into your bank account.

"The math doesn't add up, It's not worth my time "


   Can you imagine how different the world would be if the biggest artists and entrepreneurs had this mindset? I'm pretty sure we would still be plowing ground with cows in the field, if it wasn't for the men and women who took a chance. It's really up to each one of us to decide what Steemit means and what we want to get out of this platform, the truth is that we all joined up for different reasons, but lets be reasonable... if it takes me 16 hours to write an article, and I had to quit my day job to do so, I'm not only guilty of unrealistic expectations... I'm shooting myself in the foot and complaining that I can't dance anymore.

   In the long term Steemit can become a nice source of income for anyone who can put time into it, note the word I'm using here: "can", there might be users who simply cannot spend the time on Steemit to grow their account and that is completely OK. How much energy and effort we want to put into steeming should be decided by us and nobody else, and if the fact that your posts are only making pennies is enough for you to stop, then I'm sorry to say Steemit might not be for you, and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

"You need money to make money on Steemit"


    Yes this is true, if I had thirty thousand dollars to buy Steem Power I would be making some decent numbers each week, but let me ask you this. What business venture requires no investment? I simply can't think of any, and as I was writing this blog entry all that google could provide me was the typical get rich quick scams. So why focus on money we don't have? I don't have millions of dollars in a bank account, and like most people, belong to the group who lives paycheck to paycheck, but complaining about it has never added one penny to my wealth. Again it's not that I don't understand the frustration, we all feel the same way at least a couple of minutes a day, but these unhealthy thoughts bring absolutely no value to our life. I try to think of Steemit as a Marathon and not a quick sprint.

"People are upvoting whale content without reading, its all fake flattery"


   This is very true, there is a large group of people who are hoping that their upvotes will one day catch a whale's attention in hope to hit the Steem Lottery, but this strategy is extremely poor and stupid. In my opinion if you are not truly participating in the community and adding value to it, you should just stick to the Casinos. The chances of a whale deciding that a generic "Great post!!" and a 2 cent upvote makes a him/her think "You know what? I'm going to give this guy a full vote BOOOM! here is a $grand!" are slim to none. Why would a power user waste their time like that? Would you? To even give these accounts more than two seconds of your time is too generous, we should all be working on connecting with real people, with real ideas and develop strong peer relationship with them.

"There is no way for me to get noticed"


    I know it can seem that way at times, but its completely not true. You will find an interesting phenomenon on Steemit, groups of users who are dedicated to finding quality content and getting up and coming authors the much deserved spotlight. The great group at @OCD does a fantastic job finding undervalued content and one of the biggest whales on here @curie is behind a great curation initiative on Streemian that supports content undervalued creators and the curators that discover new talent.


New opportunities on Steemit are being developed everyday

   We must not forget that Steemit is still in its infancy, and many of the problems we experience now are being actively worked on. One of the things I personally appreciate the about Steemit, is that the formula of "how to be successful" on this platform is being written by us, with every blog entry we make.

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    I would encourage you, my dear reader, to think outside the box, discover how you can bring more value to this community and rid yourself of all the pressure and negativity; simply because, Steemit is just getting started, and we are right here in the beginning.



All images source: Pixabay


Good post on a very important subject! And very good examples of people who are working hard to improve Steemit content.

Followed and will resteem too!

Thank you brother, I'm checking out your stuff and started to follow you too... great work @cryptographic

So many great points. People will care about what you post if you care about them. The first time talking to @meno, he looked up my post and commented on it.

It's sad seeing people asking without giving anything.

What is up my talented friend @corganmusic , to me it's simple life teaches us that only with strong relationship we can build success. That is all I want to do, don't you agree?

Thanks for this information. You pretty much answered all of the questions I have been asking my self. Are bots helpful for minnows looking to grow?

Hey @charlesarthuriii , in my opinion they do help but are simply not enough to grow, and to pay resteem bots to forward your posts might not be a good strategy as well... think about it... those bots flood feeds, I don't read them as a matter of fact i stopped following a few because there was no filter, they resteemed a bunch of terrible content..

Yes you make a good point I don't usually read anything resteemed by bots because a lot of times it is garbage. Thanks for putting in the time to help us minnows grow. I love steemit and look forward to growing here. I still find much less garbage here than Facebook.

We all grow together my friend! ;)

As always @meno great insights :)

I noticed the fake flattery and I steer away from them. I have a thing for genuine people and those are the ones I follow or comment.

I wasn't popular in high school and I am more than certain I won't be here 😁 especially since my topics are, well...conceptual/abstract. I just want to find my tribe :)

Good Moring @szuri as always I appreciate your comments. that being said I don't agree with you 100%. You have a lot to offer to this community and the posts that I've read from you have been special in more ways than one, just like you said if you find your tribe (which im sure you will) you can find the right niche for you and become popular (but lets put aside the negative hot cognition we have attached to the word) . In any case my dear @szuri dont stop writing... steem on ;)

Many true words!


Thank you for reading @cryptogainer, much success to you!

Well it's very interesting to get your point of view, thank you. You get it out there and those that have a moan maybe have a better view now. I'm just one of the lucky ones that enjoys being on Steemit. I like getting nice notices for my posts and I like getting thanks for my votes. I take care in curation and strive in my posts. I would never dream of looking at what other people get(perhaps I should?) because I figure if I'm earning now then I can go on earning and trying to improve as I go. I'm in it for the long term as I'm curious if nothing else. But there is something else, we are in a great community, we just have to realise that and what it can offer. Steem On!

thank you for reading my friend @jvalentine , I'm just trying to add my cents... Steem on!!

Happy Steeming to you!

Dear meno just to keep you enlightened, I tried the ultimate test this week. I powered down some funds and today they were translated into my Steem Dollars. That's one step closer to getting your steem into actual real dollars. Why I am happy about this as I can now tell people that the whole Steemit thing works! I'm still in it for the long run and this is just to prove it happens...Happy Steeming!

Dear @jvalentine I must confess I did the same little test myself last week! ;) steemit is the real deal my friend we are in good hands.

Congratulations! It's such a good feeling when something comes together and this is very important as it means I can work from home from now on and concentrate on my writing. Lovely. JV

Agree on all your points man!... I really understand the frustration of many people, but its a nonsense frustration...
This happens in all social media, at least here you get to make some pennies, thats infinite higher number compared to any other social media...

Exactly, how much did I make on facebook last month? hahahahah

Thanks for sharing @meno . Love it.

Thank you for reading @dailypoetry , much success to you!

Good post ! Thanks for sharing !

Thank you!

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