[STEEM TOOL] Should you re-engage your Power Down?

in #steemit8 years ago

Since I love to make tools, I decided that it was time to make another tool. A tool that hopefully is going to make your Steemit experience again a bit more smoother. The Re-engage Power Down Tool. This tool shows you if, and how much you could gain from re-engaging a power down. By re-engaging a Power Down I mean; canceling and re activating your current Power Down on your Steemit Wallet page.

Re-engaging a Power Down can especially effects the steemit members that have made (big) grow spurts and choose to power down a while ago. By re-engaging their Power Down, some of these steemit members can gain a much higher Vesting withdraw rate then they are currently getting. Meaning they would now get less Steem then is posable with there current Vesting Shares (Steem Power).

To calculate if this is the case for your account you can easily check out this simple tool


Possible gain in % compared to current Power down.

Current Vesting withdraw rate.
Current Vesting withdraw rate converted to Steem payout.
Current Vesting withdraw rate converted to Bitcoin payout.
Current Vesting withdraw rate converted to USD payout.

Vesting withdraw rate when doing a Re-engaged Power Down.
Vesting withdraw rate of the Re-engaged Power Down.
Vesting withdraw rate of the Re-engaged Power Down converted to Steem payout.
Vesting withdraw rate of the Re-engaged Power Down converted to Bitcoin payout.
Vesting withdraw rate of the Re-engaged Power Down converted to USD payout.

With these features I hope to give a simple insight on how much your account could gain with re-engaging your Power down. And since you can only Power Down for 104 weeks (every week for 2 years) you want to get the most out of it.

How dow does it work:

It collects the data from the requested account via de Steem api made by @fabien -

  • Requesting the Vesting withdraw rate of the account
  • Requesting the Total vesting shares of the account / 104 = current posable Vesting withdraw rate of the account

Collecting the Dynamic Global Properties data of steem by using the same api.

  • Requesting the total_vesting_fund_steem
  • Requesting the total_vesting_shares
  • Calculating the steem_per_Mvest (total_vesting_fund_steem/total_vesting_shares)

Collecting data from external api's:

  • Collecting the Steem BTC price by using the Bittrex api
  • Collecting the USD/BTC price by using the Coindesk api

And lots of calculations to get all the right values :)

Visit: The Re-engage Power Down Tool

Make your Power Down count and check it out!


There are clever people in this space. Great stuff!

Pretty easy to incentivize developers when all it takes is an upvote. :-)

Great tool! Love it...I would suggest you add some an algorithm that gives guidance based on how much time is remaining in the current power down (or at least displays the power down timer, just for reference).

Nice one again @mauricemikkers, should save some calculations.
Otherwise it is clear that you should Re-engage Power Down each week as due to the interest rate on Steem Power you end up with more than you had prior the Power Down last week. Of course the percentage can vary.

Tested it out and it said 100% so I guess that is a go head for me , thank you for awesome tool


I think it only gives guidance if you were powering down already...I'm guessing it always displays 100% if you are not powering down. :-)

Your apps are always awesome. Thanks for this tool, will be really helpful! You got my vote (in like 12 minutes lol)!

Thanks for this! I love the tools that are being made, They are fun to try out.

Just another great tool & post by @mauricemikkers great job! :)
I added this in the "Tools" section of my forum.

I know it's a minor criticism, but I see this a lot, especially on your posts: The dollar sign goes before the amount, since you're talking about USD. I hope it doesn't bother you too much that I'm saying that. Thanks!

The link in the footer for steemdollar.com is broked :)

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