I think I know what Ned's doing, and it's reminded me of an idea I had once. steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Back when there was only Facebook, I thought Sealed Statuses would mix things up a bit.

You'd write a secret status update, including a title and reveal date, and it would show up as an envelope on your wall. Those interested could click the sealed envelope icon, and on the chosen date your status/post would become visible.

If Sarah and Rick seem like the perfect couple, the mystery and drama of a big secret with a deadline would be irresistible to your mutual friends.

It's not something I pursued because people can be horrid and Facebook is terrible, but I'm revisiting the concept.

I have a theory on why Ned is powering down and his STEEM is being sent to exchanges. If I'm right it's good news; but also not something that should be common knowledge.


This is the hash of a paragraph I've written explaining my reasoning.

For those unaware, hashing is when a program takes a piece of information and scrambles it in a very deliberate way.
The result is a string of seemingly random numbers and letters, as above; but it's not actually random, it's deterministic.
The information could be a single letter or a whole book, we can't know anything about it's length or content by looking at the result, but every time you hash/scramble the original information you'll always get that same result.
That might seem a little pointless at first, but it's actually incredible.
The only way to generate that exact result is to know the original information, so down the track when the dust has settled I can post my original paragraph, you can drop it into a hash generator tool, like this one.



... and if the result matches the one I've posted above, it'll prove that I wrote (or at least knew) the information today.

It's a way of saying, I told you so, without actually telling you anything.

It's also a bit of fun; and it's important we have fun here, or it's going to start feeling like work.


As long as I follow @the-canary, you'll know I'm posting freely.


its funs.PNG

I think you've nailed it Mr Clarke :)

The other possibility is that he's helping fund his and his friends crypto trading fund and is loading up ready for the next bull run. Either way, I'm not concerned at all, will continue to have fun, and I might even eat some chips tomorrow - the biggest smile potential :D

That's fun too. Now you've got me all a-pondering.

Ditto...especially with the chips 😊

Lambo where so 2000’s this is the age of cryptocurrency. It’s all about those 35 foot yachts. They got be big enough to have a party on. Yet small enough to still fit into the best ports around the world. Who wants that 80 footer that has to sit off the coast and can’t even come into port! Not this cat!

The problem with a 35 footer is that you sometimes run into the captain. Having to look at a commoner every few days sounds quite laborious.

That and where are you going house your toys like a helicopter or the submarine. I guess you need two then. The 35 footer for going into port and the 80 footer to be left alone in.

But if I have two, I need to name them BOTH, and remember which one is which.

You guys are cracking me up..

Why are we still talking about boats...i had a convo with elon few weeks back and he is planning on releasesing personal space rockets for crypto dudes...

Why do I have to go places? Can't stuff just come to me?

That just blew my mind...

so that's the peak equality , top guy is also covered in cheetos dust sitting at home and the peasants are also sitting at home covered in cheetos dust...

We can stop the science now

Lol he has every right to power down some if he chooses, I think people may have overreacted with the whole thing.

Lol he's free to buy a Lamborghini if he wants, so long as Steem keeps functioning

Never knew about hashing, looks kinda cool

That's a lovely photo at the end

Thankyou. That's my Fletch. I just gave him his first steem monster. He likes the clay golem.
An excellent choice :)

Very clever, but when do we get to see it? LOL

It seems obvious to me. He is reducing the amount of top-heavy accounts on Steemit to make it seem more "distributed"

It's never a good look if one account is holding all the SP.

And even though we might know otherwise, for the interested onlooker it'll seem like there are more accounts holding the majority of SP rather than just a few.

And it's going to exchanges to be 'laundered' so you don't know when the SP comes back in.

Or he needs funds to 'PUMP' the price when SMT's are released :-D

The more you think about it, the more good candidates there are.
Mine ticks all the boxes, but could still be way off.
(I promise not to "lose" the original paragraph if it happens to be dead wrong)

Hahaha that's funny, so we have to wait until we know what is he doing so you can post the original paragraph, then we generate the hash with it and compare it with the big ned's revelation. It sounds like a very funny interactive experience.

Spot on :)
I don't expect everyone to do it, but it's on chain now so I have proof I made my prediction.

Ha! That is amazing. It completely blows my mind and I have no idea how you figure this stuff out but I’m glad we have a huge variety of minds and can all appreciate each other’s strengths!! And I’m super intrigued now....I want to know.....hehe

You could type stuf into that window for a billion years and still not be 1% of the way to stumbling on the exact string of characters I wrote.
This whole digital world is built on it.
(It gives us the little padlock on safe websites for example). Fascinating :)

Very fascinating!! Mind boggling too!

Oooh! Cool idea! It's like a time capsule, with a secret prediction inside. I wonder what it is! I hope it is a good thing, and I hope you're right. And I wanna try and do a guess too!

Okay. Well, my interest is piqued. I think the idea of the hash is awesome, too. What I'm not so keen on is the waiting. :) However, if you're right, and it would not be good for the public to know, I guess it's best it be held close to the vest.

But if you're wrong...

I guess it will still be interesting to know what you thought was happening, and when I do find out what it was, I may be wishing you were right. :)

So, I guess I need to find something to do in order to occupy my time until whenever this whatever is appropriate to reveal.

It's going to be a while, isn't it? :)

It's still just my own guess. No more authoritative than anyone else's.
As soon as I know whether I was right or wrong, and I'm confident I'm not doing Ned a disservice, I'll post my reasoning.
I think there's a lot of fun potential to be had with that hashing tool, though :)

Oh, I agree with that. There could be all kinds of things you could do with the hash. I even liked the Facebook idea you started with, even if Facebook is horrible.

And while it is just a guess, that doesn't mean it's not a good one, right, or what ned should be up to, even if you're off.

And I think it's very shrewd of you to not reveal it now so as not to do ned a disservice. Very astute, and classy. A scholar and a gentleman. :)

OK, what you said makes sense, but I have no idea what you're talking about.... Did that make sense? 😂😂😂😂

So "hashing" is a way of encrypting your prediction, and you can't use an un-hashing program.

You think his powering down is for a greater good and you know what it is??

Is that about it? Excuse the long pointless response, it's far too early here and I haven't finished my coffee yet 😉

It's spot on. That's good coffee. Half a cup is doing the trick. There's no such thing as an 'unhashing program'. If there was, we'd all be in big trouble.
We're at a dinner party and nobody knows what's going to be served. I've put an envelope on the table, where everyone can see it. I'm the only one with a letter opener.
After dinner, anyone can claim that they previously guessed we'd have a terikyaki chicken entree, grilled eggplant main and raspberry sorbet for dessert, but didn't want to ruin the surprise, but they won't have proof.
I can open the envelope after dinner and show that I knew beforehand, without naming the dishes beforehand.
Or I can be hopelessly embarassed by being completely wrong; but you've gotta be in it to win it :)

A couple of things I've picked up from that response....

You go to very posh dinner parties


You aussies struggle to open letters


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