NEWBIES Starter Kit - Dos and Don'ts - It might actually help you get oriented

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


It is never easy when you're new guy around town. Steemit IS relatively new community, but it already has some hierarchy set. Hopefully this post will help you understand a bit better how things function in our every-day-growing community. You can follow @penguinpablo for daily statistic, but in average we have 2-10 thousand new accounts daily. I know, because I was myself a newbie not so long ago, that you have hundreds of question marks around your head and you probably want to get noticed and leave a trace. And yes, it is possible. I like that cheesy phrase - Nothing is impossible. Like the word itself says: I'm possible. I believe that is true and I want to share with you - the new kids on the block - some tips & tricks how to get started.

Are you ready?


Write about something you personally love, like (or are willing to explore)

For a start, ask yourself just one question - What am I passionate about? You're a coffee addict? You like to drink coffee, know something about different coffee aromas, preparation, origins... You like to explore different coffee places in your country or abroad? Great! Be the coffee expert on Steemit, share your knowledge, make us want to learn from you, entertain us... Steemit network can be seen as a talent show - show community what you're good at! I know a guy from my country who made his Steemit career by focusing on just one thing: beer - and became a best beer blogger in the community @buzzbeergeek.
You can, of course, go more wide with topics you're interested in (like mua) and be a lifestyle blogger... Artists of any kind are also very warmly welcomed here on Steemit - photographers, painters, poets... Travelers, crypto experts, animal lovers... Just define yourself and hit that direction!

Don't be a COPYCAT - Develop your own style (and "brand" yourself)

In case you didn't know, we are all being watched by Big Brother. Got you! But now, for real - there is a bot called @cheetah that automatically finds copy-paste content here on Steemit so don't think you can fool him. We all have internet, you know, so give us something original. Something you created. If you're a bit sarcastic, let us scent your sarcasm in content you create. If you're a class No. 1 clown, come on, make us laugh. The key is - be authentic! I know it is hard, especially in the beginning - but don't try to be likeable. Be yourself, you'll (like in life) eventually find people who will enjoy and reward content you create.

Find people who you can learn from (and who's post you enjoy reading)

If you're new here, explore. Wait with the posting for a while, you have plenty of time. Find topics you're interested in. Then find the best authors who write about them. Take time. Read what they wrote. Contemplate over it. If you have something to add or discuss, leave a comment (we'll get to that in a minute). It's similar like in life: find your people here in the community and don't just follow around like crazy. Make your home feed nice place filled with interesting people and posts you enjoy reading. Learn from them.

Get connected

We all like to think we are very special and deserve special attention and treatment. And, yes, we're right. But to get someone attention, you must give attention first. Connect with people from your country, for a beginning. Talk with them on Discord or on Steemit Chat. Exchange your experiences. Then connect with people you share interests with. Comment their posts, share your point of view... Make your own little crowd here. It all takes time, but you're here for the long run anyway, aren't you? Like in a yoga class- just practice, all is coming.


Read other people's post and leave a RELEVANT comment

I know I've said that before, but - Repetitio est mater studiorum. Comment, comment and then comment some more. Make them notice you. Nobody can notice you if you're sitting in your own house and don't put yourself out there. You can be the perfect blogger - but if you don't communicate with others, on their posts as well, you can forget about being successful. After all, Steemit is a social network. So socialise, for God's sake :) And now you can ask me - what is a relevant comment? To the next chapter, por favor...

DO NOT post shitty comments (or posts)

My friend @moonwalker had a great post the other day about shitty comments on Steemit. I like sir, very nice, interesting, please continue or Upvote for upvote or Great post or whatever goes that direction. Just don't. People who hang around here are not stupid - take f****** time and read somebody's post if you're interested in the subject person wrote about. If not, even better. Keep scrolling and find something you find interesting.

I've read somewhere that average Steemian spend 2-10 hours daily on Steemit - reading, commenting or writing his own post. Nobody here is stupid, we can see how much effort you've put into your post or time to read somebody elses post. Appreciate other Steemians effort and time they took to make their post and please don't leave us shitty comments without a clue what we wrote about. Very nice, I agree. Facepalm.

Now, here is a great example of completly insane post. I mean - seriously? You need an upvote? Yeah, me too. Make an effort. You will NEVER get an upvote for post (or comments) like this:


You will get ignored (if you're lucky) or even flagged. And pretty soon - you'll be out of the game. Out of our Steemit sea. Adios!


Be outstanding (and let your whale - or at least a dolphin notice you in a schoal of fish)


To be noticed takes some time. Just focus on creating quality content. If you're not putting your hearth in your posts, you will hardly ever get noticed. Show us your passion. Try not to overpost - one post daily is more then enough for a beginning, if it is a valuable one. There are many users here, try to find your path and give 110 % of your time and knowledge to make a good post. It all worth it and you'll get your reward eventually. There is this great guy who joined the community 2 months ago @thi-js and already had army of followers on Instagram (around 14 k). He is a medical student and a great photographer, but on Steemit he was just another newbie at the time. I remember his first steps and the frustration he must have felt when he posted great photos and got 23 cent reward for his early posts. He is now in his third month on Steemit and has more then 1000 Steem Power. You see?

Your whale (or dolphin) will come eventually ;) I'm still waiting for mine, as well.

Let yourself grow (little by little)


You will grow. Just put that old Guns'n'Roses hit "Patience" on repeat. Nothing - in life or on Steemit - comes over night. I got inspired the other day with one sentence @sambillingham wrote: You can never go from zero to hero in one run. I try to think about that when I get 33 cents for a post :P
Here is a bonus - but maybe also an idea for my next post - What has Steemit brought to my life? So many things, some great people and great teachers, as well. Thanks to Sam, I discovered Ryan Holiday and ordered his bestseller Obstacle is The Way. Thanks, Sam!)... Steemit is journey, just like a life, it's just happening on a platform.


Winston Churchill said that success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. JK Rowling, one of the most influent and rich women in the world today, was rejected by 12 major publishers for the Harry Potter script. At the time, she was single mom, so poor she didn't even have money to pay for the heating so she would write story about famous wizard in a coffee shop, sitting over one cup of coffee for hours. You all know who she is today, and her Harry Potter books are sold in more then 400 million copies worldwide. Why am I mentioning her? She didn't give up. Failure often comes before success. Take it as a test. And remember - don't give up!

flowers line.png

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

Don't loose your faith and - STEEM ON!




Thank you Pixabay for lovely and free photos!


Very good advices, @matejka13. Someone should update a FAQ with it, or make an official @userguide account ;)

@lighteye I think there might already be some FAQ section on Steemit but I think people like to hear personal experiences, as well ;) Hvala ti, drugaru :)

Нема на чему @matejka13. FAQ постоји али се врло слабо одржава. Зато и јесу важна лична искуства као што је твоје. А ја бих волео да се то сакупи на једном месту како почетници не би морали да лутају и губе време учећи основе на сопственом искуству. Само настави тако :)

Talking like an expert :)
Proud of you, I walked with you on your baby steps :)

We walk together :)
Thank you @olegw, you are one of those who inspire me :*

very nice. i agree

just kidding, the best advice is deffinatly the patience part. that is the key around here. i am still working on the getting attention from whales and dolphins part

I hear you, we’re both working on that dolphin/whale part 🐳 It will happen, eventually ;)

All good wise advice @matejka13 . Persistence is definitely a good thing, don't get discouraged by posts that flop, as long as you enjoy blogging and developing your own style everything is good!

I agree, nice comment, sir, thank you :D

Everything is good and is gonna get even better ;) @terrylovejoy glad to have you by my side :)

I see you found your writer's inspiration and you are on fire these days. Great, keep on keeping on :)

Thank you, sir, nice comment sir, please upvote :D

Hvala ti @moon32walker, čopilo me zadnjih dana, posjetile me muze ;) Al s obzirom da imam već danima 5 razreda neispravljenih zadaćnica, morat ću se malo primirit, inače... :D

Good moon, nice post, follow me dear, I good

Moja muza je ovih dana Netflix. Daj svima 5 i nastavi steemati :)

Good advice, sir, I epriciet, please follow

Tak bum i napravila! ;) Btw, Black Mirror S01, ludilo! Sad sam na Oscarima... Call me by your name I, Tonya i Three Bilboards zasad... Fakat cu otkaz dobit, hahaha 🐒

Black Mirror rastura, totalno zanimljiva serija, Electric Dreams također, a da ne govorim o Altered Carbon. A šta se Oscara tice dosta je lošija ponuda ove godine nego inace, pogleda sam sve osim Call Me by Your Name i Phantom Thread i nisu me baš posebno oduševili, iako ima par kvalitetnih, npr. Dunkirk i Three Bilboards. Baš sad idem vidit jel valja Phantom Thread.

*Nice topic. Can give me vote. *

Pišem u tekicu! Da znam što da stavim na "to see" listu!
Btw, meni je mrak Call me by your name! Mali Timothée Chalamet je rasturio... Mislim da mu se smiješi Oscar :) Tebi možda bude malo pre cheesy, ali meni se svidio, ima svojih momenata, a monolog od starog na kraju razvali... Uglavnom, pogledaj pa javi dojmove, nice movie, sir, thank you, I agree :)

Good job, you have listed every important thing except one... Grammar :)
Some posts are very interesting and come from a good idea but are just unreadable. I often give up on them. Then I feel bad and come back to them, giving them a second chance, try to read them again. Then I give up... again... English is an important factor in our steemit story. I know we all make mistakes (I know I do) but there is a difference between finding a couple of errors and not being able to read the text.

I hope a lot of people will read this post, a lot of people need it and a lot of people will benefit from it. 💚

I wish I had a better reach ;)
Thanks for the compliments, anyway! I'm a grammar nazi myself, but I happen to be more tolerant when it comes to foreign language :D

@zen-art Come on! Your own most recent article is riddled with grammar typos as well (tenses, typos etc.), but it's equally as readable as @matejka13's! Best the pot don't paint the kettle black here as we say in English. Good luck to you both improving your English grammar :) Steem on!

Thank you for your notion @mindhunter, I try to correct my grammar as often as I can and will do so in the future.

I have to point out here that I did not in any way say something about @matejka13 and her post but was speaking in general, (about post that I have read on steemit, not post from her), and I have also stated that I DO MAKE MISTAKES, so please check my comment again.

@matejka13 writes really well and her posts are more than readable, they are excellent in fact! I don't get how you got that I think otherwise :) But never the less, I should have been more clear and obvious, it was a mistake and for that, I apologize, to you and to @matejka13. Sending you both some love 💚

@mindhunter keeping English language order within the Croatian community! Ha ha! I need to get over to Croatia soon to learn some Croatian, then you can both laugh at me! I speak good Polish, so the Slavic languages are not too bad for me. Steem on @zen-art! :)

If you are brave enough you will try to learn Croatian :) I dare you :)
I am often told that Croatian is pretty hard when compared to other languages.

To be completely honest... (but promise not to tell anyone), my English is sometimes better than Croatian, and that says a lot... :)

Polish is indeed the devils language turned upside down for the English speaker - as are most of the Slavic tongues.

Of all of them I know Hungarian is the worst as it's not a Slavic root and it has about 20+ cases!! It consistently ranks as one of the worlds most difficult languages to learn.

As you both probably know, I’m a Croatian language teacher, so @mindhunter, you’ll have your private course 😎

In past days I have been preoccupied with other things. One of your best posts I have read till now. Give me a lot of energy today to pursue my life goals. Matejka you just so sweet person. And happy Valentines day whit some latency.
Be nice be good!

I was wondering where did you disappeared! Glad to see you back @tombort! :)

I like hiding somewhere! My favorite sport! You make my day lighter with your :)!

This was a great post, my friend @matejka13.
Full of useful information!
I hope everyone who reads your article will pay attention for the following posts!
cheers @matejka13

thank you my darling @alexandraiona26 🎈💌


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