Steemit Needs Its Own Mascot of Failure

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Github has an angry pink unicorn.

Twitter has the famous fail whale.

Steemit has... nothing.


Not even a professional status page. :(

Don't forget, if goes down again in the future, try using or Though the blockchain is distributed, the servers ("full RPC nodes") which interact with the blockchain and provide an API endpoint for websites to use are not well distributed.

@sneak said it's a DDoS attack. A DDoS is a Distributed Denial-of-Service attack. Via Wikipedia:

In computing, a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is a cyber-attack where the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet. Denial of service is typically accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with superfluous requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled.[1]

In a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack), the incoming traffic flooding the victim originates from many different sources. This effectively makes it impossible to stop the attack simply by blocking a single source.

A DoS or DDoS attack is analogous to a group of people crowding the entry door or gate to a shop or business, and not letting legitimate parties enter into the shop or business, disrupting normal operations.

These are certainly no fun. There are services that can help mitigate them such as Cloudflare. Also, during an outage like this, it should be fairly simple to update the DNS for to point to a static page on a global CDN. That way people at least know Steemit, Inc is aware of the issue and working on it.

It seems we're back up now, and the IPs for have changed.

During the outage:        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A

After the outage:        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A        59 IN A

How long will it be before these IPs are targeted for a DDoS also? I'm a bit frustrated because a 9+ hour outage is a big deal. Having no status page is a big deal. Responses like this from the official Steemit twitter account are less than professional. No updates from @steemitdev and only one update from @sneak (who many may not know is a Steemit dev) 8 hours into the problems.

So yeah, I'm venting here a bit. For over a year, I've been a huge fan of Steemit and defender of Steemit, Inc. I've been called a fanboy (among many other more colorful things) for supporting them. I've never powered down my account because I believe in the future value of this platform and having run my own software as a service for over 10 years now, I understand how hard this stuff is.

I hope the Steemit team responds well to this issue and explains what happened and what steps they took to prevent it from happening again. I also hope they outline their plan for better communication and status updates in the future.

And, most of all, I want our own mascot of failure.

What animal should we use? Leave your ideas in the comments.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth


The Steemit Shark!

"Steems like we are experiencing technical difficulties."

I like it! Let's make it happen.

If I had the technical ware withal to do so, I would. I'd be happy to throw some SBD to whoever does make it happen though :)

Yes, we need a "Mascot of Failure." Since we're all about the ocean environment, why not build on that? A deflated whale? A whale with birds and stars circling its head, like it just bumped into a wall? Perhaps even make it a community challenge-- we have lots of talented artists and graphic designers in the community.

We also need a formal status page (something like "") that lives completely independently of the main site and can become the default load when we have something like this DDoS attack happens. Stick it behind every Cloudflare fence you can muster so it has 100% uptime.

I'm a BIG fan of Steemit and sing its praises all over, but we have-- or are developing-- a problem. We have waaaay too many "developers" and "apps" and not nearly enough designers/artists, human factors and usability people involved in this project.

Steemit will never grow beyond niche status unless some serious front-end work is done on the user experience. What just happened might be OK for some hard core users with some tech knowledge, but let us not forget that the next Steemit user will be just a little less technically inclined, and the 10 millionth next user even less so... if it isn't intuitively "point and tap" they are going to give us 17 seconds and then be gone.

Seriously, I love this place... but someone(s) needs to understand that "scalability" isn't just about transactions per second, it's also about creating a user experience that makes all those transactions necessary.

Meanwhile, a big YES to a "Fail Mascot!"

forest row derailment.JPG.opt826x537o0,0s826x537.JPG

I love the fail pages on Reddit!

Back when I was working as Support for @lukestokes' FoxyCart, I remember being tasked with sending personal emails to customers that were affected by errors and outages. In it, we included a detailed explanation of what went wrong, and we even sifted through the database to find the exact transactions that were affected. Granted, that's what's needed for an e-Commerce company, but the way it's handled (especially behind the scenes) is just so meticulous. Some of my work was off-hours to cater to non-US customers, but Luke and his co-founder Brett would go online mere minutes after the error and would get on it as soon as they can.

They would send out notifications and inform the customers that the company is aware of the error and are working hard to solve it. Attacks and outages cannot be avoided, so the best course of action is to keep the lines of communications open to reassure customers that they're not being forgotten. I don't work for FoxyCart anymore, so I'm not patting my own back. But, the experience during outages has truly become a benchmark of mine in terms of how to properly handle those kinds of situations. Sure, there were frustrated customers (that can't be avoided), but they remained as customers because of the compassion towards their plight.

I just wanted to put this out there as a testimonial that Luke knows what he's talking about with regard to situations like this. I spent hours yesterday thinking that it's a problem on my end. The lack of communication from Steemit Inc has been a real sore spot for me for quite some time now.

The least that could be done is to have that sort of status notification to tell people that the situation is being addressed. I really like @nanzo-scoop's suggestion for a mascot.

How about a Lobster? As in Steemed Lobster.

A Steemit badger?! Honey badgers are acceptable too...


I think Bitcoin owns the honey badger meme, but I do like this one the best so far. The flip side is, badgers never fail. They are always up and running.

Hahah yes! Well this picture is a typical badger, they're more beautiful than a honey badger but waaaaay less badass (still badass though).

So my next entry would be fish related, so we could consider something muscular and scary like the tattoo that Grandpa has in the Simpsons - Hellfish! Pretty relevant and a cool name, might need some tweaks to avoid any copyright.


Failing that, some mean looking shark? Hammerhead...hitting his head on a nail. Wait, no, hitting the nail on the head is a good thing. Trying to hit and MISSING a nail!?

Hah! I like it!

Yeah, I agree, something ocean related makes the most sense. A shark chasing away all the minnows, whales, and dolphins could work nicely.

Poor steemy.

Save Our Steem?

how about that one:

I'm not sure I get it...

me either...

In that case I would like to retract it. On such a page, you have to get the message immediately. I failed;-(

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