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RE: Steemit Recruitment Results

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for your reply and for answering the questions. Ferrari sounds like a good plan to me. :)

A couple suggestions: slow down a bit and think about formatting and style. Instead of i use I which is correct. Start your sentences with capital letters. "how to said the right words" sounds confusing, but English may not be your first language, and if so, that's totally understandable. For native speakers, they sometimes see things like this and think the person didn't put in enough effort to really care (when, in reality, they may have put in way more effort to learn a completely new language!).

Good luck and thanks for the follow!


True, English is not my first, it's my third.
But i mostly use spelling or grammar checker on posts, but was to lazy to use it on comments lol.
I apologize for that.

Congrats on learning three languages! I used to know a bit of Spanish, and I got by in Costa Rica with it for about 10 weeks, but mostly I'm the stereotypical dumb American who can only speak "American."

Thank you, well i am born in the Netherlands.
But my parents are from Suriname, and we mostly talk Suriname at home and dutch on school/work.
And i almost never speak English, i probably sound like an American, who played World of Warcraft for years. :)
Spanish is very difficult, i tried that but my tong wound work along.
Chapeau if you manage to learn something in 10 weeks, i tried it for a year and then i thought.. fuck it lol

Oh, sorry, no I took Spanish in high school for four years and forgot most of it. The 10 weeks was just in reference to the length of the trip we had there. I linked to some surfing pictures and my wife did a full post on it. :)

I was about to search for the post, to see your surfing pictures.
But then i thought wait a minute, i don't know who or what.
It might be better to ask if he can link the post here :)
So could you link it here :)

The text Costa Rica with it for about 10 weeksin my comment above is a link.

Sorry i overlooked that part.
You can see from the pictures, that surfing is something what is in your blood.
I think you need to grow up with it, because a city guy like me, who is brainwashed by movies like Jaws, would not think of doing that.
But i admire who have the guts to do something like that.
And its even more special to do that, while your family is on the beach.
That is practically the good life.
Here is my introduction post with my family.

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