New To Steemit: When To Expect My First Payout?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Need some information about when to expect to get some rewards for posting/curation? I joined six days ago Wednesday, May 10th. Does it typically take a week for the first disbursement?



I believe it is one week, click on the down arrow by the dollar amount and it should show how much time till payout.

Hi i am fromSouth Africa , Life is rough down here as a white person , i am trying to get some steem so that i can get this ball rolling and get up the steem ladder , i need to buy a video camera as id like to do videos on life down here and how we can change things from ground roots up ,teaching skills and growing food , my dream is to film educational videos on skills and post them for everyone to learn ,pleas follow of like my page and get me rocking on this platform ,Thanks it will help me profoundly ,i do take good photos have a look at my photos of the Africa Burn festival an anarchist gathering you would love it there ,regards Graham Abbott

Just followed you. Good luck in your endeavors!

great thanks ,im still in the dark her but thanks for following me i dont even know how to follow you yet ,?

Click on my name and go to my profile. You will see a Follow button on the top right of your screen

i think i did it GREAT :)

Nice job getting so many followers and votes in your first week! Any advice for a new guy? :D

I know its tacky to say this, but I just followed thousands of people. Another tip is to vary your posts by topic to gain a wider audience. Post, post, post as a minnow. Then you can get more publicity to then curate and gain money from that! That's what I am attempting to do.

Tacky or not, it's working! Thanks for the tips, guess I know what I'm getting up too for the rest of the day! :D

Also, read a few articles on voting because there are some rules and payout options that have implications. Good Luck! Just followed you

Quoting from Crok on this FAQ thread:

Liquid Steem (Stm) is sell-able immediately and gains no interest payments, Steem Power takes 2 years = 104 weeks to power down to STM. SBD Steem dollars are sellable immediately and so is Steem Liquid .

Steem Power ( SP )and Steem Dollars ( SBD ) both gain ten percent interest per year paid to you. This interest is paid each month on your acct balance of SP and SBD.

Liquid Steem gets no money as interest payments, so people should consider that factor since every day new steem is mined by the miners as cryptocurrency.

Yea but I'm wondering when I will at least see the rewards in my account?

You should see it in rewards after day 7. That's when I saw mine.

Okay great. Couldn't find that information anywhere!

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