I Have Been Waiting For This Hard Fork For Almost A Year. Equality Has Finally Become Our Reality!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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It Has Arrived. Hard Fork 19!

I used to have serious doubts if this moment would ever come, when minnows finally become empowered. At some point, I became disenchanted and abandoned Steemit. I was frustrated seeing so many minnows (many that I met at SteemFest) who are great content creators being either unappreciated or exploited by many powerful users from whale minority (not all of them, of course).
I got my hopes back few weeks ago after I learnt about the new agreement between whales to stop circle jerking each other and their friends and distribute more of their Steem Power towards less powerful or new users. Then, I decided to come back after six months and try again. I was positively surprised by new changes. It appeared that Steemit, as social experiment, was finally heading towards becoming much more equal around its users. With today's hard fork, the next step towards more equal platform has become consolidated in code and has become reality.

Equality = Happiness = New Users = Media Attention = Growing Popularity and Prosperity of Steemit (it is that simple).

Many users used to criticize a lot of that short term, quick buck-focused thinking of many whale investors/users and their attitude of circle jerking which only created growing frustration or even anger between less powerful users, especially new ones. The existence of Steem Power-based "class stratification" between users (division between those powerless and meaningless minnows and wealthy elite of whales) also incentivized a lot of unhealthy behavior between minnows, such as spread of sycophancy, false interest or dishonest appreciation.
Improving equality in social systems (Steemit is a type of proto social system designed around the application of certain technology - cryptocurrency) is directly proportional to the increase in overall happiness of all members of the system, and has many long term positive consequences. The happiness between users attracts more new users and media attention, so popularity and prosperity of the whole platform grows day by day. It means that both investors and/or content creators benefit from growing equality .

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Minnow Power!

Minnows! Please, go and upvote other minnows!
Share and reciprocate your power to make other users happy!
Please, be generous with your votes and give others 100% upvotes. Don't be afraid of having your SP going even as low as 50%.


Please follow my blog on Steemit
You can also find me on Twitter


Hey @logic I'm glad to see your happy about the changes with the hardfork. I definitely am happy and it seems most smaller fish are too. I was worried reading posts about HF19 leading up to the release as it seemed like it still wouldn't benefit the newcomers much. Sure doesn't seem that way, I think this will definitely help grow the community and gain new interest.

Thank you for your comment. I have had my own worries too. I am well it has so far worked out so well.

for a taste of equality
have my 100% ;)
it won't be all the time
just feel like giving it to you tonight and for a constant few
I love the freakin' spirit of the word

  • equality
    now - it's more real
    feels more real :)
    found this resteemed on @thecryptofiend's wall

the hard fork is a win, win for everyone involved in STEEEMIT....Now I think the demand for new users on Steemit is going to grow at a compounding level...I love HF19

It is like a Black Friday for new users now lol

I know!! new users are bitting at the bit to get on steemit now!

All I talk about is steemit to my friends and family.... no one really thinks it is true.

They probably, typically that say it is ponzi scheme :-)

I get that one allll the time!! Well half the people have no idea what a crypto currency or coin app is for that matter.

Well, I bet they certainly know all about Kim Kardashian, Kayne West and all those x-fucktor contestants ;-)

Nice post...learned a lot from you...I'll try to do the Minnow power as you have explained

Thanks. Lets all share it :-)

The Hardfork 19 is really great. It make little fishies like me have bigger impact together. Steem ON!

Steem on! :-)

It's going to be so much fun for the first day, and SO. DAMN. DISAPPOINTING when the rewards even out again once we hit an equilibrium with voting power.

Did you run out the numbers? How will this unfold and why do you say the rewards will even? Just curious... :)

Thanks. A bit too "doomsday"-ish for me, though.

I have not run the numbers explicitly. There is at least one thing that's definitely happening: people are spending their voting power down. It used to be that every vote spent 0.5% of your available voting power; now, every vote spends 2% of your voting power. So when the hard fork hit, a huge massive flood of voting power hit the system and allocated a disproportionate share of rewards to posts that got votes after the hard fork. But the rate that peoples' voting power recharges is still the same as it always was, so within a few days everybody's voting power will hit a new equilibrium where their outgoing voting power is about the same as it always has been.

The 2nd thing that might be happening, but I don't know this for sure, is that the rewards pool might be draining rapidly and that's why we're seeing such high predicted payouts. I don't know how the calculate how fast the reward pool drains, but (I'll just be technical here, in case you understand) if it's tied to the absolute number of rshares being allocated, the next few days will pull more funds out of the reward pool than ordinary. But this second point depends on how the reward pool is implemented.

Interesting points. I guess we just have to wait and see, and hope that this scenario was predicted and changes in hf19 were introduced to deal with it.

Hmm, hopefully not. Lets see hot the steemship rolls this time...

Awesome post @logic . Me and you were in the same boat. So frustrated because we could see the potential of Steemit but there was no way it was going to succeed with the ridiculous voting power setup. At one point I had been creating content for over 6 months and my vote wasn't even worth a penny. There was no way that was going to entice people to create content and spend outside money to power up.

Over three months ago I started posting again because it looked like positive changes were being made and could become a reality.

Now it makes sense because we can make a tangible impact when we vote! Today is seriously my happiest day on Steemit! Now it has a chance to go super nova! Here is a LIVE feed at the people trying to get a Steemit account!

Hahaha, accurate gif! :-)
I am glad that you are still here. I remember when we started together and sported each other then :-)
I am also very happy to see you finally being appreciated for your hard work here.

(Btw, is your chat room working? I have been getting "bad gateway" since yesterday evening. Location: Spain)

I'm glad you are back as well! Now we can finally go BOSS level on this platform!

Yeah I was getting the Bad Gateway yesterday as well but then later I was able to get on. I'm not on there right now though.

This is a much better system! @ned and @dantheman got it right this time! Steemit to the moon!

Steemship rocket has taken off!

I can appreciate what you are saying. And Its easy for me to say because I wasn't here in the beginning, but with all good things when they first start out, it starts out rough and get better as it goes on.
I'm new here and I like your post, I look forward to more from you. I will follow you and other that have good content, minnows or whales.

Thanks, I follow you back.

I have to admit that I was a little sceptical at first when I heard about hardfork19. Just exactly what was it meant to do? Would it really make that much of a difference?
Not all hardforks are necessarily good. They can cause conflict - but I have to say that up to now the promises are bearing out, and the outlook is good.
I am impressed. Looking forward to more posts from you...always good to have someone more informed on the side of the little guys.

Hey, thanks for the comment. I had the same doubts first.

Great post! This is definitely a great time for minnows and all Steemians alike! #minnowsgetfat

Hi, I am glad that you liked it! (minnowsgetfat lolll)

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