Steemit Millionaires

in #steemit7 years ago

Hardfork 19 is going down as one heck of change in my mind. Steem seems destined to make a lot of millionaires @mindhunter made an excellent video blog about it. Steem to $4? Steemit Will Make Millionaires of Many More People Yet.

A view of the Puget Sound

I can’t quite get my mind wrapped around what may happen from all of this. I guess I will find out - they say never count your chickens before they are hatched but things are looking very interesting. For the first time I’m beginning to open up to the idea that I might just make a million.

I’ve been hoping to invest in something that would turn out to be a good investment. So far it has been a tough road but things are looking nicely for the rest of this year and going into next.

If Steem goes into double digits in 2018 as @mindhunter suggests I’ve got it made. I can just kick back now, go on a long vacation and cash in when the value goes up. Not that I would do that, I’m having too much fun blogging.

Weird Historical Energy around Money

When I was younger I was never that much into money. It never was my goal to get rich and purchase a lot of things. I was always more into ecology, forests, rocks, beer, just surviving, etc.

There are so many religious things involving wealth. So many odd rules about how people should make it. So many beliefs around how we should suffer our way to salvation.

As I have aged and have done so many different types of work, being able to write or post art and get some sort of reward for it is very welcomed.

Somehow this seems much different than money, I’ll try to explain why.

What makes Steem and Steem Dollars different

For me, I think it has been an opportunity to just relax a bit after struggling for so long trying to make a go out of this or that. It feels like things could possible fall into place and at least some of my financial issues will be solved.

All of this at the same time generating a lot of excitement at seeing how my posts can do and giving me a lot of new things to think about.

Dog smelling the flowers (actually listening intently, you can tell by the ears)

Here’s a few of the things that make me feel good about the possibility of being a Steemit Millionaire:

  1. It appears we are living in a plutocracy and having some degree of wealth is needed to shape the policies and direction of our current system. Even with their best interests at heart a small minority of people cannot make the best decisions for the vast majority of humanity. Therefor spreading the wealth without having to redistribute it at some later point through taxation feels like a good thing.

  2. It would allow you to have some time to really look at and identify your priorities.

  3. Being able to give support to others without it feeling like a handout. Voting for good content and rewarding it can allow others to prosper in the same way you got started.

  4. It feels more like vesting interest in a community of like minded individuals. The success of the whole brings up the level of everyone.

  5. You don’t have to make a product that uses lots of the world’s resources or try to sell something that people really don’t need. It just takes some of your time and effort plugging away at the keyboard, taking photos and creating art. As far as energy usage, it takes much less than many other cryptos. We have heard that we can not have infinite growth on a finite planet but there is nothing stopping having infinite intellectual and artistic growth. (Well, beside the capacity of hard drives, the shear lack of brain cells, boredom, etc., lol)

  6. It feels like a nice safety net. Social security and other government programs are constantly being eroded. Steem and other crypto’s could be a nice hedge as government debt continues to implode the value of fiat currencies.

At this point I’m feeling good about the way things are shaping up. What about you? How does being a Steemit Millionaire feel to you?

Thanks for reading! I’m grateful for all the support I’ve received. The photos were taken with my Galaxy S7 and the one of the Puget Sound was processed by Google Photos.


This is a great post. But I just had to say, I love that you pointed out that the dog is listening intently while smelling the flowers. It's early here, and the thought of him listening to them made me smile and reminded me to take the time to enjoy the little things today. Much needed reminder. Thanks for that! <3

It is nice that you saw that; I thought most people would overlook it. Thank you! :)

Making a million has never seemed so within reach. Steemit makes it possible for almost anyone to generate income from posting and interacting on topics they enjoy and are passionate about as well as learn and expand their knowledge on other subjects. It is fun and very gratifying seeing how your posts and comments are received by others. Getting paid for it is a very very sweet bonus.😜😜😜

Nice comment! I agree, these things are such big benefits.

Before you live this all what you do in everyday life :)

I'm not sure I'm understanding your meaning but do feel like I'm living now.

it is no problem.. @lightsplasher
Can you make me under your guidance?
I am very glad to be able to read your post, and it makes my knowledge of steemit more Increased.

I'd be happy to try to answer any questions you have. It looks like you have a good start on your blog. It does take some time to get things going and establish relationships. It could be helpful to post a picture of yourself with your steemit name but you don't have to. (I never did) There are many helpful people here you can ask questions to.

And I am less able to compose content. So, what should I do.

Trading coins and buying them with fiat can be helpful for purchasing Steem and once you start getting larger amounts you can get more for voting. I like investing in other proof of stake coins too.

So, what am i supposed to do now @lightsplasher,
I have not understood what you mean.

Well, I'm not sure what anyone should do, I have no crystal ball to predict the markets with. Best wishes and sorry the post was not clear enough.

Very well put! I wish us all abundance! ⭐️

Thanks! World wide would be great.

I hope you can reach the million a day =)

Thank you! I hope you can as well.

I wish you all before, for me I will be patient for my pars =)

thank you for good posting.

I feel that I am a realistic optimist. I hope for the best, but have been around long enough to be a bit jaded and to not expect too much I guess.
I am optimistic about Steemit. I think the developers really make something that broke the mold of the traditional reliance upon advertising.
So what can go wrong....Some things are outside of the control of Steemit. One problem would be heavy government regulation. Also the whole house is built upon the value of the coin. That is what to keep your eye on. I hope you get to a mil!

Thanks! I hope you get to a mil too as well as many other people. At this point it is anyones guess what will happen in the future, there are too many unknowns. I'm just happy that things are going along as well as they are for now.

Your insights about steemit are worth praising.I can say that the day is not far enough when steemit will be on the top of the social media and change people's lives dramatically.

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