Steem to $4? Steemit Will Make Millionaires of Many More People Yet.

in #steemit7 years ago

Happy days for Steemit, I like that. It is hard for me to get a real grip on where things will be headed. If your right I guess it is a good time to buy at this price right? Thanks for your videos, I enjoy watching them they are very informative.

Get on Steem ASAP before the hard fork tomorrow - it's super cheap right now!

I'm on it! :)

Incredible video man. Your price targets all seem reasonable to me. It's exciting times in the crypto space.

They are reasonable @crystalgeometry because they are organic growth targets - not explosive growth targets! :) Steady as she goes as @ned says!

It all depends how this next HF 19 is received. If it's a success then the price might move up faster however if mixed reviews then the steem price may stagnant for a while.

OR it may break slightly to the downside. In consolidation right now it appears closer to the downside than to the upside.

$4 is too conservative, if the hard fork is successful we will be headed to $10 steem!

I'll take $7 and organic growth ;) Steady as she goes @tripjammer!

steem is hitting the ceilings ,very confident

After the HF we make an assault on the all time high of $4!! :)

Yeah and we not going back!!!!!!

Not all the way back to $0.06 again! NEVER!!

@midhunter brother we are not ever going there ,i love steemit and will support it until i go 6 feet underground. STEEMIT LAUNCHING TO MARS!!!!!


The sky is not the limit!!!!!

This is no sky country my friend :)


10! x 10! :)

Yeah when 4x rewards hit Steemit, kind of seems inevitable.

Believe it @crypto-investor :)

Looking good over there! I see you stepping up your videos ;)
I will watch shortly. Knowing that STEEM was 0nce@$4 is 0ne 0f the main reasons why I stayed with this platform. As a trader you should know where price 0nce was and where it is going. Rookies panic when corrections take place. You have to be able to ride out the st0rm and you WILL be rewarded.

Like everyone here, I'm excited f0r this HF19 to take place come time Tue(6-20-17 ;)

You and me eat corrections for breakfast @tradz - it's our bread and butter mate! Ha ha! Enjoy the vid man!

lol I will enjoy watching this vid after I take a quick break. I'll be back ;)

Here is a thought that was bothering me, kinda. I hear steem supply doubles every year. If it keeps doubles based on total existing in 10 years it will be huge amount and won't huge supply drive prices down?

Those inflation figures are totally wrong @deserttree - it's a steady supply increase annually I promise you. No price crashes ahead!

in that case I see $5 at half a million user reach and $10 at a million user target reach.

Those user #'s and prices tally fairly well @deserttree :)

What a great spot to hang and vblog. Should do more of these. Cheers!

More hangs added to the pile @runrudy :)

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