Don't Tell New Users That They Can Make Money Doing What They do on Facebook!

in #steemit7 years ago

We on Steemit want quality content, right?

Of course we do. So let's stop leading new users to think that they can get paid on Steemit for the same type of stuff they post on Facebook, or Twitter. People post nonsense on social media all day, myself included. I would never expect to get paid for blabbing about something funny my cat did or posting a single meme. But I often see blogs directed at new users telling them to ditch their other social media and come here saying things like "Why not just come to Steemit instead? You post on facebook without getting paid." I even said things like that myself in the past.

But the more I thought about it the more I realized Steemit is absolutely different from other social media. I mean, besides the obvious crypto-blockchain dynamic. We strive for quality content. Knowledge. New ideas. Creativity.

What I say to New Users Instead:

I recently wrote a blog for newbs and I tried to focus on the opposite of "Come over here and get paid." Why? Because it takes a lot of time to get paid anything significant on Steemit for most people. I have been posting for almost a year and finally have 700+ followers (Thanks guys!) and many people have thousands but let's not lead new users to think that they will have the same experience off the bat. Let's be honest instead.

I tell new users they should have a real desire to write quality content and engage in the community for the sake of it. I invite them to poke around. Show them my blog as an example. I tell them to expect it to take awhile to build up a dedicated audience. Just like any other platform, it takes work!

I feel like many users believe they will make money right away for posting a few unformatted paragraphs. So they come, post a few times. See a few pennies. Maybe post once or twice more over a span of a few weeks with just a few more pennies and they get frustrated and leave. To be honest, we don't want people that unambitious and underwhelming anyhow. We want people who are excited about Steemit, who believe in Steemit, want to engage WITH Steemit, and want to share quality stuff.

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I agree! I feel like this is why a lot of people are calling it a scam! If they want more facebook esque sites that pay. They can go to TSU for that.
Or another website like TSU, It appears to be down now.
Because users only came for the money, and when the earnings didn't live up to expectations, They left.

Which is another reason people need to stay here for the community.

Exactly. I am really into the community at this point so I try to tell people to poke around, follow people, find stuff they like BEFORE writing.

Those are great tips! I feel like a lot of people join hoping to get rich quick, Which is not how it works haha.

That's the way I was introduced to it and in glad I saw this blog .. thanks

I could not agree more with you. In a sense I think this is what the creators of steam might have had in mind. I mean look at the effects of the Curation System. It's actively tries to have everyone who gets a good post the rewards they deserve. How awesome is that?! I will be telling my friends to join steam as much as I can

Yes definitely invite friends! I avidly invite mine. I just try to make sure they know how it will really go down. ^_^

Totally agree. I have switched from Facebook because it does offer more unique perspectives and I believe that the community is more sophisticated and mature about entertaining differing views. That being said, I still use steemit to post less serious material at times, but I don't expect those posts to generate many upvotes. I use those posts just to lighten things up once in a while and show a more human side of my profile.😀

Yeah I do that myself. Sometimes post just a simple art or a comic I made. My main point is to not make people expect those posts to get huge payouts. :) But certainly, lightness is needed to break up the seriousness.

As newbie myself I agree that it's not easy to write a good post if you are doing for the first time. I have to learn a lot about writing + I have to strengthen my english too. I start to enjoy writing and it helps me grow and learn more myself! Thank you for sharing!

Thanks. :) Keep working at it. As long as you are willing to learn and striving to make good content you will be fine. ^_^

Yes, we do want good content or else Steemit will fall apart. We'll have to be in it for the long distance run. Whether we run fast or walk slow so long as we keep moving everyday. Then when we look back after 10 years in this race we will be saying, I am so glad I stayed in this race.

After one year I am already glad!! And definitely in it for the long haul.

Yes, this is good, I agree as well. When I started I just wanted to make money, but now I realize what it is all about. I love learning and reading about other people's travels and food etc. It is way more exciting than any of the other social platforms.

Thanks for sharing!

spot on if you have ever visited Infobunny then you will probably know what i think of Facebook

Totally right new users must know they need a lot of effort to build a neat precense on Steemit. It is rather difficult to know what is valuable content or not. But I agree, posts like only showing a cat is not the definition of bringing value here.

Agreed. That is why I post varied content. I post 2-4 blogs a day and usually the content is very different. I tell new users to avoid just one topic as people may grow bored and they may not find what people want.

That is a great advice. Varying in content will eventually bring you a larger follower base.

Exactly. Thanks.

Totally agree!!! Almost a month here! It's not easy at all!!!
And also unpredictable! You may write an excellent post for few cents, and then write another quick post and make more money! It's a matter of relationships I guess!!

It's got many factors. Obviously partially followers. But the reason a great post may make a few pennies and another not much -happens to me ALL the time- is simply a matter of the post being buried before many people see it. So timing is a big factor too. Consistency and work pays off though.

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