Steemit's "Please review our terms to continue"... Doesn't Let You Read the 'Terms of Service' Page First...WTF

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Seriously, what gives? has recently added an "Agreement" modal window to get you to accept their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Our Terms of Service set the rules and guidelines that you must accept and follow in order to use Steemit and our Privacy Policy explains the type of information we collect and what we do with it. Don't worry, we don't sell your data to anyone. We do use it to meet legal requirements and to learn how to make Steemit better.

All I can do is view posts on my feed, and my own posts. I can't read any post page until I accept. Ok, fine.

But what is dumb is that you can't even read the Terms of Service page or Privacy Policy page, before you accept. As you can see from the image above, I am at the ToS page, but I can't read it.

How am I supposed to review the terms in order to accept them, if I can't even read them? This is some shady shit here. Everywhere else online, you get to at least read the terms before being forced to accept them to use a service. What is this nonsense with

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I agree. I might have been able to read it if I did an incognito window.
Here are the links.

Interesting that I did not receive the pop up. Based on reports on other threads I read about it, I wonder if they are readying for pulling the plug on Steemit once the SMT's are rolled out and they get the real payday they have been angling for.

My questions then are:

  • How does one access their SP if they close down this interface.

  • It suggests they do not have your keys, but how is this possible if they need them to log into their interface?

Information we will never collect. We will never ask you to share your private keys or wallet seed. Never trust anyone or any site that asks you to enter your private keys or wallet seed.

You would need to use the command line to access them...

I know you are busy, with all the writing you do, the contest you are running etc. Is there anyway maybe in the near future you could do up a post for myself and others who may be ignorant of how one would do that outlining step by step? I imagine i am not the only one who would be lost trying to access my SP or Steem if this interface was disbanded.

Collage 2018-06-12 16_57_20.jpg

Cheers 😂🍻

Hmmmm....Did they just change that, or has it been that way all along?

In one way, as long as we can document it, it may sort of be a good thing. We can't (I think) be precluded from suing for Steemit's potential violations of our 4th and/or 6th Amendment rights if they didn't actually show us their terms. Should they go all Facebook-style rogue on us one day, we may have more recourse.

Because of the difference between steem and steemit, this is a really weird ... (everything)

Steemit is a front-end to the steem-block-chain. So, they have no ability to control any of the content.

I guess, at some point the could filter everything. If your post has a tag #freeTony, then it won't be displayed... but as soon as that happens, is toast, and a fork of the code will be made. It may even be that we download the github repository and run it locally. (until microsloth locks that down)

So, this is highly disturbing. That it is a boiler-plate model... for a central repository model...

And, that they made the dialog modal, without making the terms of service even more modal... wtf?!

Yeah it was messed up... :/ Who knows whats gong to change...

Mmm looks like it's heading to centralization and towards making it 'legally safer' , meaning it is going to be operating in a way that the government/law likes to. I have wrote about them adjustments while using captions from the ToS and Privacy Policy in This post . If you have some free time, please read and let me know what you guys think; is it a reason behind it, or what would be the undergoing processes . Thanks .

It popped up on me and I went to flag it with no luck .

My question is who will enforce the unknown terms ???

LOL tried to flag it... :P Steemit Inc will?

Yeah, that's probably is not a great thing. It's probably just a mistake over trying to hide anything. I agree with you though, that's in violation of several internet standards.

A mistake sure, but one that would have been easy to not do... :/

@krnel, fully agree with that one.

yeah I find it quite "messy" too. It's really quite disappointing in that part that you can't read the terms and conditions unless you accept it first. They should change that ASAP because it leaves a bad impression for them and for this platform in general.

Yes, i faced this hour ago and when i tried to read it once again the T&C ticker Box popped up and failed to read and the unfortunate thing is, without accepting it we are not able to use it because whatever you do it's popping up. There was no choice and i accepted it.

Good to see that you've shared this post for spreading the message. Thanks for sharing this post with us. 🙂

I so agree. I thought I was on a scamming site for awhile. Glad to know I was not the only one being harassed. I did not click or agree. At the moment it is not bothering me. That is not like steemit to do that. Thanks @krnel

Haha, yeah the first thing I checked was my address bar to make sure I was still on the real site :P

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