A whale comes along and downvotes that post thinking it is undeserving, and the inspiration is gone

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Another voice from the community that people need to hear. I want to promote this message and get it rewarded. 100% of the total STEEM, SP and SBD will be transferred to @the-oracool after payout.

When one has worked very hard on nine posts in a row, without earning rewards worthy of their efforts, they can begin to lose their motivation.

Then when the tenth one they have posted finally receives rewards they are over the moon and their inspiration restored.

Then... A whale comes along and downvotes that post thinking it is undeserving, and the inspiration is gone. Now the person begins to produce inadequate content because they no longer want to make the effort to post their best work knowing that when it finally gets rewarded, it can still be taken away.

This is why we have seen a decline in quality on Steemit, and why the "flagging for disagreement on rewards" is directly responsible.

If you think this happens to no one, or is just because of flagging, you're wrong. I've been affected by this before the flagging issue. You put out meaningful work to affect people's individual lives and the world in a positive way, and yet other content that has 4-5 paragraphs about newsy fluff gets more rewards. The effort to work and put out the content is not worth it when that happens over and over. So people work towards that lowest common denominator... that's what happens in socialism and communism, and in certain "unionized" workplaces where people don't get recognized for the quality of work they produce for a company. So why work harder when it gets you nowhere... People who are active participants in creating the content and the community need to voting power to allocated rewards, not a concentrated group of people who get to choose who does and doesn't get rewarded, and who can and can't keep their rewards.

Do you want people to feel welcome, like they belong and their voice is heard? Then remove the concentration of power that controls the whole platform, get rid of the alienation, disenfranchisement, disillusionment and disempowerment that results from the concentration of power. Everyone keeps their STEEM, but that wealth and power doesn't direct the platform: the people who create and produce the products of lasting value on the platform will. That will create a dynamic powerhouse of a community that will lead itself to success. Imagine it, see it, create it!



Hang on? Are we saying here that this happened to @the-oracool? It doesn't look like it. I had a look. Six posts...

If you think he's the only one, you're wrong.

This post is written to heavily imply that it happened to the poster and this person is disillusioned. But if it didn't actually happen to them you are just crafting a post about someone elses opinion that chimes with yours about a situation.

Nice try. I expected more thinking from you, whoever you are lol. Yes, look at six posts, and that means this message doesn't apply to them when it came from them? Is that even the point? LOL. If you're so worried that this doesn't reflect them, go ask them. I'm putting the message out they provided. Peace.

Whoever you are. Well well well. Obviously with the number of followers you have I wouldn't expect you to recognise us all by name.

Peace to you too.

I corrected the sentence where I referred to oracool as the one in question, when they were only generalizing "one" as a psychological efefct. They were generally referring to the psychological effect, which I what I commented on, not about them specifically. They provided a valuable insight that I recognized. Thanks.

@krnel what do you mean whoever you are? This answer shows me that you think you are more important than @meesterboom is. I can tell you that he is a better person than you are, and a lot of people can say the same only looking at the comments.
Don't forget this: where you are right now is because people from steemit helped you to be there, and because of your good work, but now your work is gone because you spend your time fighting for the truth! LOL.
You might know what truth is and you might be a specialist in truth, but you can't see it when other people tells you the truth! That means you think only your truth is true!

We all have some bad experience with down vote, my second post in steemit was flagged because someone didn't like @pfunk .................. isn't funny ? For me was not cool believe me ! And about the value of post - 3 sentences or 1 photo can have more value than 10000 of worlds so idk if 1 person can decide this.

The concentration of power needs to go.

Check out: CD #7 - Working Towards a Decentralized Self-Governance of the Steemit Community

And you can better understand the issue and start to advocate for change on Steemit. Thanks for your feedback, appreciated.

I do undarstand the problem but sadly i dont see any solution ............ is just like in the reall world if you have the power and the money you make the rules . If somone want to have more power in Steemit simply he power up ......... if its posible .If we have 3000 +++whales or more 1 flagg will not hurt this much .

Ok i will , about your posts personal i read most of them and i think is valued but this is only my opinion .

This is spot on- after Iflagtrash devalued several of my posts- even made them disappear- I was ready to abandon this platform- fortunately a few heavy hitters moved in, thanks in part to Krnel. and help restore value.

These whales better find a way to get this under control because guys like Iflagtrash, IMHO are the greatest threat to the long term sustainability of the platform- the ironic part is this angry down voter has NEVER even posted a comment much less an article.

I'd hate to get to reputation 76 and suffer your pain - I'd probably be close by you if I hadn't taken a 3 month break - I'd also be close to my 20,000th post too I'm sure! Steem on old friend!!

Good thoughts. There is a disbalance here that would be nice to see alleviated. Because of the design, it's not going to happen unless those who are able to downvote become more aware of the subjective value vs. content value. I don't agree with the idea of changing how the payouts are affected. Folks invested knowing that this would be part of their payoff. To strip that from them is, IMO, disingenuous at best.
Part of the problem is that value is often being related to other payouts, not the actual content. This is one of the reasons I've stopped writing much. It's just not worth my time, though I am trying to help in other ways.
This is not coming from a blogger who simply likes to see their writing published, but from a freelance writer who's been paid hundreds of dollars for single articles in the real marketplace. Some of my posts are worth $5, but I want to share so I do. Others have been worth a couple hundred. Some received what they were worth. Some received more. Most received far less.
I do enjoy the freedom of writing about whatever I want though. As a freelancer, you can't really do that. You have to please one main editor. So there is a tradeoff.
In this case, IMO, those who downvote should first learn what value really means in the writing world. When an article that has great content gets knocked down from $50, that's simply unrealistic. Few good articles are worth less than $50. At times they might be because they're super brief or contain more quotes than created content. Most excellent content, especially well-thought, studied and presented clearly, if over 1,000 words or so, is worth over $100 in the writing world.
And, like you said, a thoughtful downvote will also take note of the writer's past. If they've done poorly on good content and finally got one to break through, congratulate them rather than punishing them. Regardless of the intent, it still feels like getting a whipping for doing a good job and persevering. And there are only a handful who are responsible for this. Regardless of whether it's their right because they hold SP (and I agree that it is their right under the current model), it IS sad to see, not very responsible and clearly hurting the platform.
I won't name names, because I do think it's been used well in some cases and I honestly don't follow the drama closely. OTOH, I hope they'll step back and consider how it's affecting the value of Steem and the health of the community.

Sir, I am baffled.

Ora-Cool stated that someone worked hard on 9 posts and was not rewarded, but was finally rewarded on the 10th.

  1. Given that this user has only posted SIX messages, and
  2. While Ora-Cool has produced what is likely original content that is humorous in nature, s/he has earned money on all of them;
    Ora-Cool was clearly referring to someone else.

So, who was Ora-Cool referring to, what conversation was this comment (clearly not an article) taken from, and why have you used this in your war against those who keep attacking you through flagging? I'm sorry to have to say that it undermines your effort.

"If you think this happens to no one, or is just because of flagging, you're wrong."

Now it's correct, since I'm not referring to them specifically. Thanks.

Ah, that's what I thought - I just got a bit confused. Thanks for clarifying!

I hear what you are saying, but I'm new to steemit and haven't fully got my head around it. But here's my 2 cents, It's up to the individual to offer quality content for the sake of sharing quality content. If they follow that rule and don't waiver, it should be rewarded. Ignore the fluff posters, they are not participating in helpful way. If the fluff posters happen to be unjustly rewarded, it's doesn't hurt you, don't worry about it. Just continue to do the right thing. Don't let them get under your skin. Hopefully they will not become whales in the long run. If they do, then steemit will be a failure.

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