SCD #7 - Working Towards a Decentralized Self-Governance of the Steemit Community

in #steemitcommunity7 years ago (edited)

The topic was about working towards a decentralized self-governance of the Steemit community

Notice how the Steemit Community Discussions logo is about decentralization of power? Reciprocity of egalitarianism. This is what a real community is about. Societies in the real world haven't achieved that level of self-determination. Can we do it here, in Steemit? The choice is ours. It's up to all of us to "get it" and make it happen.

Learn about the problem and develop an optimal effective solution using the Trivium Methodology.

1st: Input knowledge of the problem, the basic input of WHAT, WHO, WHERE, WHEN.
2nd: Process the data to understand WHY that problem exists, what the ROOT CAUSAL FACTOR is: centralization of power.
3rd: Develop the Wisdom of the solution that targets the ROOT CAUSAL FACTOR and develop a method for HOW to resolve the problem properly, once and for all.

Thank you to everyone who joined and helped generate a discussion. It was great! I hope you come back for more discussions in the future. The next SCD will be Sunday March 5th @ 2pm EST.

The 7th Steemit Community Discussions, held on Friday, March 3rd, between approximately 8pm-9pm EST.

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If you're not sure what this is about, please check the announcement post to learn more.

Thank you for tuning in! Until next time (Sunday March 5th @ 2pm)

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2017-03-04, 9:48am


You are a true soldier @krnel and if you do not feel the thanks and praise for all that you are doing, I hope somehow that that gets balanced up as well as the platform.
I do believe that there are two very important steps missing from the Trivium Methodology process, as you spelled it out. I believe that these two steps are vital because without them there is no compulsion to change. Just as the changing of the rewards structure is going flatter, nobody can define it... so ... everyone is in the dark.
So, may I suggest that there is a presentation which explains the price of steem and its inability to recover DUE to the status quo. The whales HAVE to acknowledge this in order to be prepared to move from where they are. They need to see the death of steem under their watch - I see it is 9 cents today.

Then they need to see what might be IF certain things happen. It is clear to me that they are predominantly of the gaming fraternity and this needs to be embraced and acknowledged. They are not going to change. What I am proposing or suggesting is that the platform is modelled using historic data. If one can show them certain metrics which return steem to $x, then their volume of SP has to be negotiable. 100,000 x $0.09 is sort of outshone by 50,000 x $1.09, and onwards. Returning to the $4.50 realm will, unfortunately probably need to include a demonstration that the influence of 'whales' has been muted by a very large extent.
This is not for the feint of heart - this is a very big decision for these guys and girls to make. They have to commit to a self-imposed schedule of decentralisation paralleled with a veering towards steemit looking more like a social media platform. To me, HF17 is a papering effort. Comment rewards etc - just stupid ... get the really big issue out there, as you have, and see it for what it is - death or glory! The Clash ... one of the best ever.

Well, thanks you very much for that. :)

the price of steem and its inability to recover DUE to the status quo.

I'm not sure that is the case. People have suggested it, but I see it currently more as an attempt to apply causation to correlation. DO you have any data to convince me? The powering down has been happening for a while and selling as well. I just see more of the same. I'd like to have more information to agree with you on that one ;)

Comment rewards etc - just stupid

Yeah, I have objected to it as replicating the problem into another economic sector and not dealing with the root of interactivity problems, as soon as the proposal came out. I addressed it 3 times. hehe.

The importance of the Trivium Methodology is that it represents how to navigate life and find answers to problems. I haven't presented my work on that yet, in a specific way. I'd probably want to remake it and do new stuff hehe.

Thanks again for the feedback. Peace.

I most certainly can explain the value metrics behind the price of steem, beyond the weight of sale orders out there and the history of sales.
Applying these to steemit would suggest that there are forces which WANT the price to get lower so that they can take advantage of the price before turning the leaky vessel around.
This is a murkier business than I really want to spell out here as a result - happy to be 'off-line" about it.

Thank you for the initiative-- listening to the archived podcast now.

Where are these discussions taking place? Sorry if I missed that.

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