Why Not Use The Amazon Review Star System To Cast Our Vote Instead Of Up/Down Votes To Allow A Fairer Voting System?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A 5 star review would use 100% of our vote, and a 4 star review 80% of our vote etc etc. This would help remove the down-vote button that is causing so much pain to high reputational Steemit users. A lot of users are also complaining that the down-vote button is depressing the Steem price too, but I can’t see why that is.

We definitely don’t want a platform where the founding whales control all, because that is what we are left with if our platform stays immature. We need more hungry users if REAL change is to occur within Steemit platform.

Amazon have a killer platform. Lets us hope Steemit can become one in 2017.



Very interesting idea. Not sure about the % for stars relation, but something to think about! Thanks, resteemed.

If we can't get the hungry hordes through the door to usurp whale power, we need to rewire The Matrix ourselves to negate those whale powers! Thanks for the RS!

Absolutely. The concentration of power needs to be dealt with.

Let us rewire The Matrix to stop the abuse of whale flagging powers. I have a feeling they won't like it ... let us hope The Steematrix won't need rebooting 6 times like The Matrix to usurp power!

Thanks for the resteem, good idea, but I think the downvote should stay also the flag :| I hate not being able to hate :D and some things deserve that honesty from time to time I like the fact you are working together with bernie ~20%, yeah lets all buy 200mil of steem to get it back up there with the big market cap :|

Such simplicity from Amazon ... it's easy to see why they have a killer audience ... that is what we need ASAP!

Simplification is what this platform is starving out for. A clever move indeed.

Tweaking the platform back to simple is the fastest route to get bodies back through the door to buy our shit! A good niche crypto is not good enough as we are now finding out.

(in the Steemit ocean - no one likes to gulp seawater!)

It's a idea, but there is a slider I believe and maybe multiple 1/0 stars should equal a downvote of some extent

Thoughts? @dwinblood

I like this idea. You can get a far more fine-tuned system this way.

Let us rewire The Matrix to stop the abuse of whale flagging powers. I have a feeling they won't like it ;)

The whole point of a group with a positive feedback loop is that the powers that be don't need to approve of any and every change:)

Correct, but as others have mentioned, the system can still be open to those that game the system. A tricky one to solve!

Really this is the same as if we had an up votes only system which some of us have requested for awhile. The only difference is instead of having a slider you have fixed % in form of stars.

The argument here has been that you can game the system too easily in an up votes only system and there needs to be a tool to counter gaming the system.

This has been the sticking point. While I prefer the up votes only system and have been an advocate for it for about 7-8 months now, but I was finally convinced not to push for up votes only by a post from @bitcoindoom on the vote and Game Theory.

I still think we COULD mostly be an up votes only system and tell people ONLY to use the down vote for abuse, plagiarism, spam, and gaming the system.

The problem is we can't force people to adhere to that.

I agree with your penultimate paragraph - this is indeed a tough nut to solve!

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