KLYE's Top 3 Tips to Becoming a Steemit Celebrity!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Imagine waking up one day and having a community of hundreds of thousands of users all of a sudden knowing your name...

Sounds crazy, but it's exactly what happened to me last year! By the grace of the gods or whatever have you I was lucky enough to learn about STEEM and Steemit just as it was launching. Initially I didn't take it that seriously, figuring it maybe was too good to be true, but after over a year now on our STEEM network and dedicating my time, effort and energy into said network I can safely say that where we are here now is very likely the best community in the crypto ecosystem and perhaps even the net.

Steemit.com has completely changed the way I live, my outlook on life and how I view the world around me. Abundance, security and confidence were in short supply in my life before coming here and integrating STEEM over my once previously wasted years of existing..

With that being said I now have been contacted by hundreds of Steemit users asking me to help them become popular, influential and wealthy here on STEEM. I wasn't able to put the method I used into easily explainable concepts up until today, so in hopes of helping those around me here on Steemit become the famous faces everyone knows I've created this post and explained the 3 main ways one can work towards being a celebrity here.

1. Fame, Fortune and Fans Don't Happen Overnight

The number one issue I hear from up and coming users is them lamenting that they aren't making the big dollars with their posts. What most fail to realize here is that back when I started on Steemit over a year ago I certainly wasn't making the big bucks either! It takes a lot of time, dedication and ultimately honest effort to become a well supported content creator here.

You can't just make an account, throw together a few poorly thought out or formatted posts and expect everyone to know who you are and upvote you. It simply doesn't work like that. The primary way to achieve the goal you seek is through creating unique, stimulating content which in turn converts readers into followers.. more followers mean more exposure and this exposure is ultimately what dictates how many see your work to be able to upvote it.

It's absolutely silly to beat yourself up or get upset that you aren't making what you figure you should be on your posts. If your content is good, you are active in the community and you spend undeniable time as well as effort on creating your things eventually you will get noticed.

2. Stop Copying Others, Let Them Copy You

It's to be said that human nature tends to make us mimic or attempt to duplicate traits or methods we see around us which we're attracted to. While this "copycat herd mentality" is fine and dandy on facebook or reddit generally speaking here on Steemit you'll want to avoid the urge to imitate successful content creators.

People don't want to constantly be barraged my the same thing over and over. It's truly unique content and users that stand out in a crowd.

Share your passion and emotion in your works here on Steemit. While it may seem silly to say it's one of the key ingredients to becoming a Steemit celebrity, give people insight into how you are and it gives them something common shared to latch onto. Your readers eventually become your followers and friends, sharing the experience of life together.

3. Wherever You Are, Is Where You Are Meant To Be

I wasn't always the successful, confident and influential man you see before you today. When I joined Steemit.com I was what one would describe as a "broke degenerate hobo" for lack of a better term. While I knew that I wasn't attempting to flourish as much as I could have at the time I'd not found a medium where I could exercise my skillset to make enough to not live in poverty.

The opportunity that the STEEM network puts fourth was exactly what I needed at the time to break free from the life of mediocrity I'd created for myself. This is a place to become something better than what you are currently. A chance to have your thoughts, writing and artwork viewed by your fellow network users and be paid for them is nothing short of a means to be who you are with the chance of making money.

Closing Summary & Inspirational Thoughts

You're already a Steemit celebrity regardless of the amount of followers you have. Keep on creating content you enjoy and forget about the post payouts, make content that makes you happy and other people will support it. Being successful at anything is partially skills but mostly mindset. One think to mention is that if you think you're doing poorly it may not be due to lack of good content or dedication, could simply be that the right person has yet to see your stuff. Persistence is one of the most important traits an individual may possess, and is rewarded greatly here.

Go and Create Content That Makes You Happy, The Rest Will Come.. :)

Vote @KLYE for Witness

You tell em! These points are exactly right. Do your own thing and give it time. It all comes together!!

Rome wasn't built in a day and most people don't realize that it takes a buttload of time and effort, perhaps even some luck to make it into the top ranks of authors and content creators here on STEEM.

Cheers Meesterboom!

I do agree with you guys.

See I am new to steemit , earlier I use to complain a lot that why I dont get any votes and all that stuff , but later I understood , I just need to post good content and forget about upvotes , So now I just focus on creating content and posting them on Steemit.

World lives on Hope , So does my Steemit.

Keep posting good content , your audience will come to you sooner or later.

Yep! If the whiners spent less time bitching and more time expressing themselves in posts they'd have no reason to complain anymore.. XD

Your post is a reflective one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We all grow at our pace, and sometimes it may take a bit more time to get the best out of oneself. We need to think before we post, and being the self who we are will make our posts unique and interesting. Those are my thoughts. Cheers. Steem on.

I'm still trying to come to an understanding of exactly how Steemit works but it's people like you that inspire us noobs to keep going and see what happens. I never even really knew what a blog was until I joined Steemit in Nov 2016 and now I want to explore life more and share my life journey.

Keep up the good work. Upvote and resteem ✌️

It's magical internet money, no one knows how it truly works! Not even the guys running the show from behind the curtains to stage left. :P

I'm glad you've learned of the site and it's inspired you to explore the world around you, thanks for sharing your experience with all of us.

Very well written article , upped. I like the point not to copy others, let them copy you. In fact this is true with my posts as I always go for originality and thus see the success. Thanks agan for a good post, wish you a blessed weekend.

Cheers Charles1!

Glad you side on being a trend setter rather than a follower. Good on ya mate.

Absolutely, I agree with you. See my posts for evidence of doing my own thing...and you are one of my top steemian-wish you a blessed weekend.

Well said @klye.. i appreciate your thoughts..

Thanks sir! Hope it was worth the read.

Success is not given , it's earned

Someone could give you a bunch of money, but unless you've earned it yourself you'll never respect or appreciate it like the person who gave it all to be where they are.

Of course , you have to work your way up

@kyle - You really hit the nail on the head with these thoughts here. I couple of short months I have been on Steemit, I have learnt that Steemit really takes effort - we need to bring in good original content, present it well and interact. There are two benefits - the lesser important one being the SBDs that are to be made but the most important thing is we get friends who are intellectual peers - not just selfie posting 'buddies' that we see on other social networks
Thanks for sharing your story. You inspire me to continue my effort. Thanks. Cheers. Upvoted.


Most come on here with an inflated expectation of input to payout.

The input may never equal the payout you desire! That is why it's important to do it because you enjoy it and disregard the financial aspect. It can be very difficult to get to your goals but if you keep trying you will eventually get them!

Thank you sir for sharing this
This is so inspiring
I came into steemit for the sake of the money but nothing prepared me for the values and fellowship i find here. Now all i look for is a way to serve my fellow steemian. This is what society needs. In the world out there goodwill and community developement is poorly incentivised. In steemit i get to love on people. Bliss!!!!!

Hey man, I was lured in by the money too! Ended up staying for the community though.

This is more than just a blog for pay system, this is an entire worldwide collective of dreamers, artists, writers drawn together into a melting pot which ultimately can free them from oppression, poverty and reliance on government issued fiat currencies.

Totally true @klye I've made a promise to myself to share something really worthwhile every day. I get joy from setting up the post and from sharing it. Love this community. Following you to check in on your work :) Cheers

.... and ladies and gentleman, that's how you become a celebrity! 😎🙌🏼

Tis all the ingredients of my secret sauce.

Give me some of that secret sauce haha

I am KLYE, Former homeless MS-paint dick doodler.. Now I run one of the servers STEEM runs on, have nearly 3000 followers here, a small army of die hard fans and the equivelent of a town that are subjected to my blog's ramblings. Also run the STEEM networks only faucet which is located at https://STEEM.GLOBAL ... You can go sign up there and get free STEEM every hour once verified.

Who be you? :)

Thank you @klye you just got +1 in your army :D

I am in your faucet program after the huge effort it took to get a photo I did not hate that also showed the info you needed. I'm glad that is over! I recommend your faucet to all the steemers I can.

For me - although I truly get what you are saying and I am trying and I believe you are right - I also see the huge task to get and keep content creators here. I just brought a friend over to see the place today. He has seen me squawking about it and decided to come and take a look.

He has great content, enthusiasm and drive. He spent about an hour clicking screens with me and at the end said - - - absolutely no way am I doing all of that work when I have little chance to succeed.

He is a smart guy and went right to the whales accounts - he noted the self voting and pointed it out to me. He looked at the money draining out, he saw the posts I have supported (good ones) that make no money. After this - he is going back to his course writing with renewed vigor.

I'm still swimming, still optimistic, and completely on board. But this little stroll through steemit with my knowledgeable friend today was a bit of a drain on me. I'm glad i read this post to give me back some of my mojo.

I'm upvoting and tweeting for 5 days to my 5500 followers and to the steemit twit list over there. I hope more people get a chance to read this and feel hope too.

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