To the founders @ned and others: steemit will FAIL unless you DO THE FOLLOWING simple things

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi I'm a new steemit fan (investing in SP and becoming active only in the last month after a false start of a couple of posts last autumn) but I have to say it is ridiculously unintuitive and the amount of false (out of date) information is extradorinary. If we want the community to start to grow exponentially and to get beyond crypto fans, we HAVE TO MAKE IT EASIER. People like @JerryBanfield are doing a reasonable job. But even the video of his that I saw and that got me to join was VERY WRONG about some serious things. He subsequently corrected his own false information and a lot of other things that have quietly changed since the white paper was written but this is buried in a video that only Jerry Banfield followers saw when it should be easily accessible to anyone that comes to the website.

@ned it is UNACCEPTABLE that things like the interest rate on steem power is not black and white clear on the steemit website. The white paper hasn't been updated in ages. It is now just 2%. That's ok compared with a bank but not compared with what people say it is if you google articles or what even Jerry Banfield was saying a month or so ago (he has now put up a steemit post correcting this).

It is also UNACCEPTABLE that the everyone is saying authors get 50% of the value and curators 50%. I think the ratio is now 75%/25%.

The website and white paper should have simple up to date information with:

  • Interest rate on steem power
  • What authors vs curators get for a post and how this varies over the first 30 minutes and month
  • What authors vs curators get for a level 1 question and answer and a level 2 question and answer and how it varies over 30 minutes and a month
  • Role of the different keys and how to use just the posting key to avoid someone steeling your funds
  • where to check voting power and how long it takes to use your voting power at N votes per day
  • How to quickly find a list of people with above x Steam power in their wallets.

If you don't make it easier, Reddit or another blog will simply add a blockchain voting system to what they do and steemit will never break into the mainstream.




Hello, Interesting post. I'm @evgenya86, nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy my blog, I will follow your account and vote, please follow me and vote ... Good luck in everything :)

Hi thanks - will do. Katy

Pro tip: give people a reason to follow you other than that you will follow them back. Better for the ecosystem. Provide value 😉

There are no "pros" amongst sheep and the world consists mostly of sheep, not men!

It's only because the most powerful/ rich say that such and such is "proper etiquette" that the herd goes along with it.

Fuck that all to hell, I say. Fuck authority down to hell, I say! You are your own authority and I am mine, so long as we are free enough from our own fears to see that truth, but sheep are too cowardly to go that deep (into consciousness).

Are you a sheep?

Value, like anything, is in the eye of the onlooker and opinions are worth far less than $0.02. Most of them actually steal money away! There's your real "pro tip".

Hey man I'm just trying to help out here. Seems @evgenya86 's main goal is to get people to upvote and follow her and I'm just trying to help her do so. Popular people don't ask people to follow them without offering any value in return.

I'm not talking about etiquette, I'm offering advice on how she can get more followers and upvotes. How does your advice help her more in towards that goal than mine did?

We're speaking at different levels. I agree that "value" in the current paradigm is exactly what you suggest that it is, for the far majority.

What I'm saying is we're at a link right now on chain of causes and effects that moves all the way back to the first thing that we learned from our mothers and/ or fathers and/or care-takers.

"Your opinion" isn't so much yours as it is the collective of your teachers', and by "teachers" I mean everyone that ever influenced your beliefs and/or how you think. The opinion of these "teachers" are those of their own teachers'...on and on down the line. And all of these "teachers" are most influenced by the "highest authorities" of their times.

Who are these "highest authorities"?

The people who have the most resources and wish to keep it that way; the rich; the "elite"; the "government"; the tribal leaders; the fear mongers.

We can break free, that's all I'm saying. We don't have to be sheep. We can be our own men. We can take back all our power and all our judgments about what is "value" and what is not, and that starts by facing our fears -- ALL of them, all the way down to the most fundamental (the fear of death).

THEN, and only then, will "your thoughts" really be your own. When fear rules us, we coward into conformity. We aren't true individuals.

Interesting conversation. We're going on a huge tangent here but I'll indulge you.

I agree that opinions are largely influenced by society although I would think I am one of the exceptions for a variety of reasons.

  1. I spend very little time socialising because most people think very differently than I do and I don't enjoy spending more than an hour with about 99% of people
  2. I made choices which were very very contrary to what 99% of my teachers and certainly my family thought were right.

In any case I also hate the inequality caused by the elite having ridiculous amounts of power. I would say I'm trying to change that by helping out minnows on Steemit who don't have much money making power to get more money.

How can you hate on that?

:) Where did you find that gif and how did you post it in the comments?

I don't hate on it at all. By all means, do what you think is right and help others in any way that you can.

Just don't think that you have the answers that will meet individual needs, because, you, I and likely everyone else most certainly do not.

It takes a certain amount of assuming before we can offer up a suggestion, especially to a stranger, and it takes a certain amount of arrogance to take the position of the "expert" with advice, and I know that I'm just as guilty of this, if not moreso, than you...realize too that I'm not trying to say that it's a bad thing, just pointing out the facts.

We have loose answers to our own problems (most of which we're unlikely to follow through on) and close to none for other people, thanks to that shaky foundation.

Sometimes people need advice and sometimes they need a lift. Sometimes they need both. Perhaps you and I are both right in this instance. A starving man needs fish right now! But, you're right, teaching him to fish should see to it that he never comes to that point again in the future.

Perhaps you just caught me in a bad mood earlier today and I'm now trying to justify the position that I took at that time.

...ok, I'll admit, I was operating off of some bad news. That said, there's a lot of truth in what I said in those posts, but you're pretty much innocent in every way that I can slice it. You're a good dude. Unfortunately, I'm about as mentally stable as the US economy at the moment!, I apologize for coming down on you earlier. I was in the wrong. Your position is pretty rock solid and my argument is shaky at best, with a little truth dashed in, albeit not too relevant.

How was it to see your debater go from solidly against you to praising your position in a single post? Quite the waffler I am, eh?


Have yourself an upvote for playing it like a champ!

By upvoting her post you gave her a fish. I'm teaching her how to fish.

Yes, I took a faulty position, considering the context. My arguments would be relevant in millions upon millions of instances, but yours is not one of them.

I apologize for blowing up on you. Just one of those "right place at the wrong time" kind of moments.

I say that there are two good reasons to help your fellow steemers learn to comment effectively. One is to help that person make friends better.

The other reason is so that the place looks good for other people who see it and might want to join. This place has a very good Alexa Ranking and Moz ranking so someone from outside might come to find this post.

This type of invite (above) will not work on any platform with real people on it. On steemit I have seen people be mean about it with rude gifs so that looks bad too. To me, it's nice to have someone like @blockchainttmft try to help.

What would be better is for the person above to make a good comment about what she read and then say she followed, resteemed and/or upvoted. That way, the person getting the comment will want to interact.

It's nothing about anyone enforcing rules - it's about people being nice and helping each other.

If you just tell people to follow you - they won't - and it looks bad for you and for steemit. If you make a cool comment - then anyone would want to follow you, so it's a win-win.

she was a robot, it is tragic this has gone so far

Seriously! Thank you for telling me. Here's me trying to be helpful and interesting in my comments. Ergh...

I am so lost in this place. The ways I can waste time have significantly upticked in the last month. Guess why?

You joined in October 2016, not that new :D
Can you include the source of where it says interest rate is only 2%? I see an APR of 0 on my account, is that something different?

Hi @blockchainttmft technically yes that's true: I put up 2 posts in October and then left the account dormant. But I returned a month or so ago when I bought a lot of steem power after looking at one jerrybanfield videos and it is the mis-information around at that time (and since) that I am complaining about. In my mind I feel like I joined a month ago as that's when I invested and started really contributing content to this site after the false start of a couple of posts last year. It is not the interest on steem dollars I'm referring to but on the steem power. I'd have to search for the source but a few weeks ago I doubled checked on my own steem power by looking at what it was at a particular time and checking again some 6 hours later and then extrapolating that to a year and it is now about 2%. A lot of posts say it is much higher (because it was at one time). But it has been quietly reduced. These things should be accurate at any moment in time and transparent (not months out of date) -that's all I'm saying.


Voted up with 100% voting power, making steemit easier to use for newcomers is CRUCIAL.
Where did you find out that the author/curator ratio is 80/20 now?

Someone put up a post about it in recent weeks - I've seen more than one I think . To be honest I'm not even sure if that is correct. But this is the point I'm making. Things change (I'm definitely right about the interest rate now being low) and it is unacceptable it is so difficult to get up to date facts especially when people buying steem/steem power are INVESTING. You'd take a company to its regulating body and subsequently the courts if they had as much misinformation and out of date information with financial consequences for investors as there is about steemit. Thanks for the up vote - appreciated. Can you maybe bring it to the attention of anyone you know that knows the founders? @ned please note. @jerrybanfield please take note and take it up with the founders as I expect by now you know them

Sure, I will post your link in my bookmarks bar to post on all social media sites i frequent when i see it relates to other content being posted. That's what i do with my most popular and most reasearched articles.

I recommend you post sources of what you state since if you don't you may be mistaken and run the risk of spreading misinformation yourself.
That being said i still very strongly agree that the Steemit team should post all those facts you mentioned.

Thanks - and your point about sourcing my comments is a totally fair one. I have updated what I wrote as in response I found the jerry banfield post that highlights all the things that have quietly changed since the white paper. He posted this after the the video i saw of his with the (unintentional) mis-information in it and it is partly an attempt to correct his original mis-information. If it took him an expert on Steemit so much trouble to work out what the facts are this is a real issue. Only jerry banfield followers will have seen this. It is not ok - it should be available easily to find on the website not buried in one member's steemit posts.

It is also UNACCEPTABLE that the everyone is saying authors get 50% of the value and curators 50%. I think the ratio is now 75%/25%.

Where did you find out that the author/curator ratio is 80/20 now?

"This deal is getting worse all the time."

It is 75/25 (not 80/20) BUT NOT 50/50 any more which was my main point.. I corrected my post earlier today to say 75/25 when I found the source. See my actual post which I updated with the link to the jerry banfield post where he lists all the quiet changes to the white paper.

Hi @katythompson, I posted something similar to this when I first joined although not as to the point as yours. It is good though to point out the things that we believe will make Steem mainstream since that is what we want in the end, my goal is total freedom from regulated third parties that later become weapons "sanctions" for governments to oppress innocent people all over. The reddit part is practically a real threat and not just from them, there is a real intuitive social network in the works that will allow users to share content and curate such and earn tokens for their exchanges, a way to turn "likes" into transactions, Steemit needs to get it together fast.

Interesting thanks - what is the name of this other network you refer to? Where can I read more about it?

I think no ordinary user cares for any of these technical things. They care for good articles, spam/repost protection and good atmosphere. The former is nod very good but the latter is - from my point of view - quite ok.

Some of the quality content will come from people who want to earn from posting good content that takes time to develop. It seems to me that most of the people consistently monetising the real value of the time put into articles have put up a significant amount of steempower. People will not continue to do this if false information surrounds what their ROI will be. The level of misinformation around facts one needs to calculate an ROI would be illegal in any sector that was regulated. I agree that then the rest of the site depends on the things you talk about. I believe both are required for steemit to be successful.

This make sense some cool points to consider.

I fully support!

Thanks if others support this too please copy @ned and @jerrybanfield and then if they see this they might be able to influence something to be done about it!

Thanks for that post - you just alerted me to a whole lot of stuff I don't know about Steemit and gave me a good place to go look for explanations. I rather had a suspicion that Steemit is more like an iceberg with so much more going on beneath the surface than posting and voting.

you're welcome - glad it was useful

Is this the only place paying for content in the crypto group now or are other platforms doing it? I came here to get my content on such a well-ranking site. I'm still in the weeds after one month but I already see traffic. I'm encouraged but still confused.

you will figure it out. If I can, anyone can.

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