Keep the Faith: Optimism and Perspective in a Time of Volatility

in #steemit7 years ago

“It’s hard with the world in your face. Try to hold on!”
— Bon Jovi

I made the mistake of glancing at Bitcoin headlines in the mainstream news today. The propaganda machine is hard at it, spreading as much fear as possible.

I hate to admit it, but it scared me.

And so, the jukebox in my head offered up this song. I hope it helps you, if you need a pick-me-up right now. Whatever you believe in, don’t let anyone else take your dream away.

Keep the Faith

What’s your dream?

We all have our crypto dreams. My dream is for my partner to be able to be at home, instead of having to work away for two weeks at a time. I want our family to be together. Yes, I might be getting choked up writing this.

I'm grateful for what we have, and I want to see our quality of life improve.

For some people, the crypto dream is about sheer survival.

Whatever your dream is, no matter what “they” throw at us, may we keep the faith.

I’ve been outraged at the oppression rampant in the world for my whole life, and I’ve never been so excited about anything as a possibility to disrupt the corruption as I am now.

And yeah, it makes sense that they’re trying to break it down. This is the biggest threat to the status quo…

As the market crashes, and money stress gets tighter in my family (and many others), I have to keep looking long term. I have to believe in this collective dream we have of changing the world.

I do believe. This too shall pass.

We shall evolve as a human race…

And I think it’s time for some Aerosmith. (Yes, there is almost always music in my head.)

Dream On

Why do I have faith in cryptocurrency, and in the blockchain?

  • Because this technology encourages transparency and innovation in a world that has been overrun with broken systems.
  • Because there are enough people worldwide who want this to work, who are dedicating their lives to realizing the possibilities the blockchain can unlock.
  • Because as a world, we need this. We need change. We need opportunites for everyone to succeed.
  • Because Steemit has been such a positive force in my life since I’ve joined.

Steemit my be one small piece in the puzzle of emancipation, but it’s been a hugely positive thing for me. The friends I’ve made in the last month have brought so much joy and laughter into my life. Thank you so much, everyone! Seriously, you're making all the difference right now.

Yes, for me this is about emancipation. I have high hopes for the world. (If you’re pessimistic, keep your thoughts to yourself and leave me to my optimism, thank you very much.)

I’m not super tech. I’m still a beginner at this crypto stuff. But I see the genius behind it, I feel the collective excitement, and I’m happy to keep feeding it.

This is real. Perspective is everything, and I’ll stay as positive as possible while trying to deal with reality as it evolves. I’m in this for the long haul.

Live for yourself. Live your dream.

I’m gonna drop one more video here, because I need a reminder that I’m not living this life for anyone else. It’s mine. I’ll think the way I choose, live the way I want.

It’s My Life.

I could honestly use some supportive, positive voices right now, so if you want to share your crypto dream in the comments below, or just let me know you’re here, that we’re in this together, I’d love to hear from you.

My very best to you and your loved ones.

Take care of yourself. You are a gift!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

#teamcanada #steemusa #teamgirlpowa #steemsugars #thealliance

the alliance





Ah my favourite artists yey! hehe We absolutely need to keep the faith with crypto, it is our only way of getting out from under the grips of the banking system! Go Bonjovi!

I agree, so important that this shakes up the old broken banking systems and creates new opportunities for people. :)

I entered the crypto world through the backdoor. I know next to nothing about blockchain technology or mining. I know though, that I have met people who have changed the way I view money, the things place value on and the way I live my life here on steemit.
I have turned some of my dreams to reality because of steemit. I believe strongly in the steemit vision and the cryptoworld in general.

This is not just a means to make money but it is indeed a tool of emancipation. For the first time, the have nots have found a gap in the wall and no matter how they try to bridge the gap, we will keep pouring in.

There's democracy here, true democracy. Where you make your vote counts, where your voice matters and where you have been given the platform to speak. This is a beautiful thing and it will not fade away into the night, no matter what the financial pundits and economic prophets may say. We will still be standing and smiling when all is said and done.

I have been ranting, I think. Lol. Lovely evening to you.

I don't think this is a rant at all, these are beautiful thoughts! Thank you for sharing them here. My best to you as well. :)

Your truth-seeking and uplifting spirit is extremely contagious and therein lies one of your biggest strengths Katrina.

My crypto dream is that my artwork will always come from something that's true within myself. That it will be appreciated here at Steemit, so that I'll be able to say: 'I support myself by the sharing of my artwork.

My crypto dream is that every single person, will find, develop and have confidence in their own unique attributes and by sharing them with a crypto aware audience will also be able to support themselves (and perhaps family and community too.)

I feel when we all can have the opportunity to do what we love and be paid for it, the world will be such a different place: For everyone. But like Gandhi said: 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world.' Resteemed. 🦋

Wow! Thank you, sincerely. And YES to your dream. Yes, yes, yes!

So true, your right takes faith and balance to keep things in perspective. Well pointed out too, being what we are seeing is effecting us all, even the stick market is all wack. Music vibes all up in your head work well with the thoughts too. You awesome keep the faith my friend and keep the dreams alive. Be well @katrina-ariel

Thank you so much, my friend. Yes, music helps loads. lol! Glad you're here. :)

Yaaas girl PREACH. Optimist over here 🧘🏻‍♀️ keeping cool through all of this. People may not understand what the blockchain can do for this world but for those of us that do, it's our job to fight for a better future for everyone. I'm HODL as long as this stuff exists. I barely even know what that terms means but it's better than what we have now - the blockchain is better than the banks, the businesses, and the corruption we have now. I'm in it with you. 💪🏼

So glad you're here, my friend. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm. :)

I love how you always try to positively spin things and have a view of the world that things will pass, and to just keep kind of holding on. I am sure everything you want will one day come.

Thank you so much, Jenny. I have to stay optimistic, or I downward spiral into a place I don't want to be. And I'm a mom, so I have to stay strong with my kids, even when at my most vulnerable. I allow myself to feel, but I keep my mental train on track towards a future that I want to live. So glad you're here! Thank you for being you! :)

your optimism is contageous and the Divine is listening (I feel)...

The Divine is always listening. :) Thank you!

This got me excited just reading it! I'm standing with you in optimism, a much better way to live. And, I always have a song in my head too. My kids get so annoyed with me when I connect everything they say to the line of a song, but now I catch my daughter doing it too. Thanks for these encouraging songs to add to the jukebox in my head!

lol! Music makes life better, imo. ;) So glad this helped stoke your excitement. Keep it alive!

Beautiful. We all need a little push and here it is. Thanks for sharing...

Thank you for reading. :)

You welcome always. Thanks for making your work readable!

Crypto took a huge drop this week and it looks like it's on its way back up. I wish I was in the position to buy buy buy yesterday. Just stay the course. Keep the faith. It'll work out. The future is yours! Onward!

Much love,

Thank you! The future is ours, my friend. For all of us. :) (((love)))

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