Desperately Seeking Followers. (A new users experience)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

My 6th day here on Steemit and this is my 14th Blog post.
My followers are slowly climbing (40 yesterday now at 53) as is my reputation (41 yesterday, now at 42).
The $ under my blog post are also rising slowly each day, as new followers join me and upvote my posts.

However as I said in my post yesterday I know it takes time and hard work, and I am investing into that, why this post is also 100% power up. But what I really need is followers.

This post probably is breaking some steemit etiquette rule, and I am sorry if that is the case. But I think we can all agree you can write a masterpiece of a post, but unless you have the followers, that masterpiece will get lost in the 'block chain attic' and never get the viewing it deserves.

I have spent the best part of eight years on social media, most of that time playing facebook games. To do well in a game you need to build your clan. I know steemit is not a FB game, but still the analogy stands. I need to build my clan (Followers) to prosper in this new world.

If I was started a new game, I would join an 'add me group' or ask my friend's to 'pimp me' out. As an experienced player in one of the facebook games, I ran a number of 'add me' groups and actively pimped out the new players coming in.

So this got me thinking how can I help myself?
I know what you are going to say... Keep posting and in time you will get there.

Fine I will do that, but I plan to at least post a 'Add Me' in the hope of finding other new users like me, who are looking for those all important followers.

As I said this is an 100% power up post. That means all the $'s raised from this post I am investing into Steemit power to increase my influence. Basically I am investing in the platform, not out to make a quick buck.

So here it is my add-me-yellow-and-pink-glitter.gif post

Here's how it works.

  • Follower me and upvote the post.

  • If you are in need of followers leave a comment below and I will follow you back. Make the comment interesting so I will want to vote on it.

  • Check the other comments and reply to the people you have followed; ask them to follow you back.
    Also vote on the interesting comments.

  • If you like the idea, U5drmkA498EVZJKFtQtkHH8hjAr679A_1680x8400.png. Resteem it.
    As the more people who see it, the more followers we will all get.

The realist in me, says the likelihood is this post will get lost today in the ocean of other posts , but hopefully I will get a few more votes and followers from it, before it sinks to the bottom of steemit ocean.

However the optimist in me still hold on to the hopes it will float. I can't be the only one in this boat, come on lets band together and help each other out. Climb into my 'add me' boat and let get a good head wind and see if we can sail for a bit and get some much needed followers

Thank you for reading.


i totally agree with you without enough followers, posts can never get the attention they deserve. follow back @molokwu

Hi @kathieletalis
You are doing great and climbing the steemit ladder quickly.
I am following you.

Hi Harriet. You were my 100th follower. As a surprise and for fun, I transfered 0.732 STD to you.

Looking forward to your first post! Good luck on Steemit. 😊

Hi, new Aussie follower.

Hi there! I looked at your page. I am following you.
I guess steemit is one of the things that is occupying your time of retirement.

Thank you and yes I have loads of free time amongst my hobbies.

Following back :)

I understand what you are trying to do, every follower counts. Not all will read or upvote your post but an extra follower is also an extra change of future posts being seen or upvotes. I like your style. Will follow.

On another note, since you are new. Check out this game im trying to launch. We need more players before we can start playing. Entry is free and 1st price takes 50% of payout.

Will check it out later. But voted and followed :)

Thanks, just need a reply then your entered., but whenever you get a chance. Would like your opinion on the game though.

the squeaky wheel gets the oil and grease : )

It seems she sure does :)

when you are asking you are acting As King (or in your case Queen : )
More power to you

As long as it steem power, I will happy :)

Nice idea, let's see how it will go on... (told you by a newbie too.... hehehe).

nice post. follow me too

Now following you too :)

Don't forget to U5drmkA498EVZJKFtQtkHH8hjAr679A_1680x8400.png Resteem it.
Will float this post back to the top of the feed and attract some more people to the 'Add me' thread.

Keep reading and upvoting the followers will soon add up :)

I know it's good advice and you are right. But I had to take a shot at getting a little boost :)

Just a little addition to this post.

Check out my new post.
I am learning everyday and actually I feel very lucky I have some very good follower.
Quality Followers
Thank you <3