
Yeah its really hard to solve human problems with technology. I think steem is fine the way it is, there are just many bad apples on here who have God complexes, and I think @berniesanders,@grumpycat and @haejin are prime examples. I don't think steem has really changed, I think the community has changed. This is allot like the virus writing scene from the 90's. First people did it for fun and to prove their technical abilities, after that when people realized they could make money out of other people's misery, then the whole scene and community changed. People like @berniesanders,@grumpycat and @haejin all profit from down voting people who often don't deserve it and they just keep boosting themselves. This is probably a human problem then.

So true my friend sadly enough, that and GREED !! But I will leave the politics side out of this some people deserve it some dont . , that's a whole other post all together that I would rather not get involved in . thanks for your reply .✌

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