in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

If you head to the market on steem and check it out , you will see that it has dropped significantly! From being worth 5.00 at one point all the way down to 0.27 today! If not even lower by the time i post this blog! And why is it that 1% own 97 % of the steem! I definately know very little about the crypto world and bitcoins, and blocktrades, this is all very new to me and to alot of us! But there is definately something wrong with this picture!
I love this site very much , and as a lonely graveyard security guard worker with not much to do, it has certainly given me an awesome way to pass my time! And I have met some very awesome people here on steemit!
Is it truely possible that steemit may come to an end! Oh the Horror of it all! Please say it isnt so! And can we actually bounce back from this!?

Image credit memegenerator.net

Im really hopeing that we can! And I truely do believe that its an opportunity to actually invest your money into the platform and take advantage of this while the price is so low! I seem to be hearing this alot! People adviseing us to power up! And thats exactly what i have been doing! I started on steemit 3 months ago with only 7 dollars ! A week ago i was bellow 200. Steem power, and i think 75. Steem dollars. But everytime i win a contest or recieve steem , i power it up right away and invest it into my steem power! Im now up to 293.50 steem power and 112.90 steem dollars!
Im here for the long haul! And im going to continue to invest in steemit, unless someone, or alot of people start saying its coming to an end! Am i right!? Should we be powering up!?

Heres a photo of me at work, as you can see im on the steemit site! Probably on my way to POWER UP!⤴ ♨⤴

I really wish Dan or someone would inform us some time soon before we lose too many great authors and bloggers!
Please respond to my blog IN STEEMIT FOR DUMMIES TERMS and enlighten us minnows! 🐟🐟🐟 that are not to knowledgeable about blocktrades and cryptocurancies!? As to what is actually going on! And what if anything is being done to correct it! As im seeing many posts about people concerned about the platform! All replies are greatly appreciated! THANKS!
Dont forget to UPVOTE AND POWER UP! ⤴♨⤴STEEM ON! ⤴♨⤴


Good for you.
I, too, power up every chance I get, usually once a day. I put every mil into Seem Power.

As to " why is it that 1% own 97 % of the steem!"

Why does any manufacturer 'own' their product before it is sold? They built it themselves.! It's "up for sale' now. It can be purchased or earned. I don't see a problem.

Glad to hear you also power up! So im doing something right i hope! Lol! Heres a link to a story i just seen thats quite interesting on this subject sayin 30 percent of the top earners that make up the 97 % are mostly all steemit employees! Check it out! https://steemit.com/steemit/@aggroed/7-ideas-to-turn-this-crashing-steemocracy-into-a-rising-steemtopia And thanks for your great reply much appreciated! 👍😉

The article could very well be true.
They developed it. They got in on the ground floor. They profit. Justly so.
We should be glad that we can participate for free.
Where else can we do that?

True! I really just dont understand it enough , its all very complicated to me lol! I just really hope it stays around ! I dont like the other social media sites! I barely ever went on them untill Steemit came along! Thanks again! STEEM ON! ⤴👍😉

I personally think that the low price is an opportunity to buy, as you said (asked, haha). And I - a fellow minnow - am buying. The lowering price of late just means that many of the short-term investors who were attracted here only for financial reasons have been selling/dumping to make a quick profit - and there's nothing wrong with that.
There's many of us here as bloggers and who just like it as a social network (opposed to a way to turn $100K into $125K or $1000K "overnight") and more will continue to come regardless of price. Like you I'm here for the long haul I believe, and we will all see the price rise and fall over the years together, and maybe swap stories about if/when we bought, or should have, but will still be here in the same way people still use Facebook. I'm 99% certain the price doesn't affect whether the site continues to exist or not. But with all the apps and spin-off Steem projects that keep coming out almost every day and the massive growth the platform is experiencing, I'm also 99% sure that one day $5 Steem will look ridiculously cheap to people down the road.

I think the pre-mine dump by whales is now just too excessive. They pre-mined too much Steem and we are all now paying the cost.

Just think, newbies are coming online to EARN Steem, not BUY it, so the price continues to fall. It's basic economics here: supply is outstripping demand.

Let's hope the Steem demand picks up before the price craters! The marketing people at Steemit have many hard marketing miles ahead.

I am a full-hearted supporter of Steem before you start going berserk in the comments section, but we must speak our mind to save our crypto!

My recent (and most upvoted ever) article, and even the 6 week old one linked from within it (Steem Crashing, Whales Dumping Oh NOOOO!!!) might help you some. https://steemit.com/writing/@ibringawareness/dear-micro-planktons-like-me-with-8-cent-articles-the-money-is-coming-and-here-s-why-you-should-keep-on-steeming
Best, Guy

Oh ok! I will definitely check out your article! Thanks for includeing the link! Just noticed , ive been busy replying to other comments! It looks good! Any extra info is always welcomed! 😉👍

Wow! It took me awhile to get through it, but what a great read! Loved your meme s especially " Reputation level 52 on the first day! "Lol! I can relate! And your "8 cents "worth so to speak , was awesome! Thanks for shareing the link, hope more people take the time to read it! I fully agree with you and intend to continue putting whatever" steem"i get into steem power! ⤴👍😉⤴

Awesome to hear! And a great reply by the way! Im with you , and sure hope in the future we WILL look Back on this and remember when it dropped to 0.27 ! And is worth way more then 5.00 in the future! Im certainly looking forward to those days! STEEM ON! 👍😉⤴♨AND I sure hope the platform continues to exist long into the future!

Ah but wait, now there's more! One of the big guns (whales, and a witness) is teaching people how to keep the price more stable here ... https://steemit.com/steem/@charlieshrem/why-you-should-not-trade-on-exchanges-buy-sell-tips-by-charlie-shrem

Yes! I follow charlìe-shrem! That post which just came out was awesome! Ive alredy read it, upvoted and reblogged! Lol! I hope everyone checks it out! Theres also a great post by dollarvigilante ! https://steemit.com/steemit/@dollarvigilante/the-case-for-buying-steem-and-steem-power-the-dollar-vigilante-says-steem-is-now-a-buy check it out! Also upvoted and reblogged!

I think the pre-mine dump by whales is too excessive. Newbies are coming online to EARN Steem, not BUY it, so the price continues to fall. Basic economics: supply is outstripping demand.

Why did the whales go so exsessive they should know better then us what to do you would think!? Do you think they will correct it before its too late!? Awesome reply by the way! Thanks! 👍😉

Let's hope the Steem demand picks up before the price craters! The marketing people at Steemit have many hard marketing miles ahead.

Yes for sure! And im sure the demand will pick up ! The marketing people i think have their work cut out for them! Lol! Fingers crossed! And thanks for the reply! 😉👍⤴

Time will tell. As it always does ;)

You know i also think that those of us who post alot, and contribute alot to the platform , and who also get alot of upvotes should be rewarded for that! If theres no money, only cents! But a ton of upvotes the reputation level if nothing else should at least go up a notch! ⏰😉⌚👍🕛

I've noticed the price change as well. But don't forget, before it was $5, it was even lower than it is now... Maybe now it's reaching a normal price while it was artificially high before? (Just food for thought, I honestly have no idea myself...)

Im not to sure about that? There must be graph somewhere! Considering theres graphs up the Wazoo aroud here on a daily basis! Lol! But it was pretty high when i came on! I was making money daily just in interest! Lol! Back in the Glory days! Hehe! ⏰⌛🕛

Image credit memegenerator.net

I definately know very little about the crypto world and bitcoins, and blocktrades, this is all very new to me and to alot of us! But there is definately something wrong with this picture!

Steemit is a fake blockchain. It is more like a slow database. They are using buzzword to lure in people but they are centralized.

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