Why I am powering down 5,000 Steem.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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I don't feel I owe anyone an explanation, of course, and maybe nobody cares, but just to allay some potential fear/bad morale this PD may generate, here's why I am doing it:

  • I wish to use the SP elsewhere.
  • The interface sucks right now, and I don't have time to wait around while the price continues to drop (should this trend continue).
  • I need to focus on other cryptos for a second, as I can no longer post as quickly and efficiently as I would like to on this platform.

I have a set number of SP I have chosen to keep in this account, no matter what.

I'm not leaving Steemit by any means. Though, I am posting less (the interface simply won't allow me to post at times) and really want to see @ned and some core team address just what the hell is going on with the website. If anyone knows how to bring their attention to this post, I would be grateful.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


the gray spinning wheel of death..............

So true!! I try and blame my connection, but sometimes I know it's working great and still the spins ..

Definitely don't have to worry about what people think, I had problems posting last night and was up longer than I hoped to get the post out.

I am hoping the Steem price will go back up again soon and it is just a slight bump in the road again, but good idea to use some of your SP for other Cryptos as you could make quite a bit while you aren't able to post as much mate.

Trading STEEM for other cryptos is perfectly acceptable in my book. STEEM was my entry to this world and I'm not regretting it.

I think the platform has been under attack from what I have heard by random DDOS style attacks which is causing the slow down for everyone.

Honestly, the platform is just eclipsing 500K users. This type of censorship free platform threatens the elite, and their censorship.

The slow down will pass, and the value of this platform and STEEM will be up in due time. Just watch.

I feel the same, Ive even asked many people questions about what is going on but no response. I never get any upvotes any more either, maybe my content sucks or people just aren't as active I dunno :(

Its nice to hear I'm not the only one who is having trouble posting, commenting, and upvoting. Hopefully someone will address it. I fear new users will give up on Steemit too early if this keeps up

No it is a site wide thing. Everyone is experiencing the same thing. Busy.org doesnt seem to have the posting/commenting problems but it is having some voting issues.

Sad but it is something the developers need to overcome.

Nothing worse than a bad interface...no matter how good the idea and the blockchain, the interface can kill the entire project.

I haven't really given busy much of a chance, maybe I should!

So I tried busy, but I guess the wrong one! So I will try the busy 2 next!

Thanks Ryan, I was slightly confused!

I feel you man. The flakiness of the website is quite annoying and completely destroys the user experience. No reasons need be given for a power down ever - though it's good to notify the powers that be that they should be prioritising this situation much higher.

I hate the fact i need to try posting something several times and waiting each time, they need to fix this shit. It doesn't give me much hope there are big plans to improve Steemit when you can't even post. I don't have problems like this on 20 year old message board platform, it should be pretty basic function that works 99.9 percent of the time

I am not so much efficient to give you advice friends but I want to tell you that please go through the @exyel post he has always optimistic about steem. Hearing him I had bought some steem yesterday to power up. Thanks.

I also powered up some more steem yesterday. This is a short-term blip as performance gets sorted out.

Thanks, I also think so .

It's your own SP and your own decision. Do whatever suits you best. Powering Down is taken as some sort of treason or sin but I don't know why. It is your own hard earned SP. If you wish to liquidate, great, do it. If you wish to invest that money somewhere else, do that too.

It is your own choice and I wish you best of luck!

Yep. I totally agree. The folks that whine about people powering down are misguided. I normally wouldn’t make such a post but felt compelled to as the decision relates to the performance of the platform as a whole.

The concern for minnows may be the value of upvote that they receive from generous Steemians.

That’s a valid point. Been there myself.

With the price under a dollar, the contrarian would get as much Steem power as possible if they could.

This is me! But then I was heavy in another crypto and my portfolio needed to be rebalanced. Good time to buy steem!

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