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RE: HardTalk With @yourhelper

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)
  • 1 I have been with the steemit community for 15days and I have treated it as a job since day one. I have over 60 Original post on my page that I have taken hours on each to perfect and make sure they are indeed quality. By following this formula of Quality and Consistency, I have been able to turn those 60+ post into 212 followers, and out of those 212 followers i have made 20 AWESOME FRIENDS! Friends that have been helping me as soon as they can, I enjoy chatting with same names on each post I enjoy the input they have, the similar stories that let them relate. I dont get to do much lately with the issues going on. So it's nice to have a second family here, when the wife is at work, the kids at school. I know I can get on steemit nd there is some people here waiting for me! It really surprises me everyday how helping people and the steemit community in general have been to me. I believe if you do things the right way, the reward will be much greater in the end!

  • 2 If I was made a witness?
    First action would be to adjust and learn what it is that makes a great witness. Learn the guide lines and then take the knowledge i have gained and LEAD BY EXAMPLE! i believe being a witness is a big responsibility, and i would do everything in my power to make sure I am representing the community for the greater good. I have always been the Minnow inlife, People have always doubted me. But the one thing that proves I belong here, are my ACTIONS and my ABILITY to stay OPEN MINDED and accept criticism from others, In know I am not the best! When it comes to voting on crucial matters, I think that's when you need to step back, see and hear what the people are saying, because when you take a stand and Vote on a crucial situation, It's not just you voting Its the people voting through you. That can make a HUGE difference, greed and power can be a showstopper. I was raised better then that!

  • 3 If i where to change anything on steemit, would be the FLAGGING system. I have witnessed about 3-4 times now in my 15 days here. Were people are being harassed by someone flagging and down voting all there post, just because they didn't like the person or they had a disagreement in a comment elsewhere. That is ridiculous and I believe a simple change could be made some kind of bot for when a post is flagged, it shouldn't effect the post instantly, maybe a 15 minute window where a bot the bot comes and decides if the flag is appropriate or not. I personally have not had a post flagged, but I have been in steemchat where a new member makes a mistake like post there profile link on someone post, and that was the end of them. i too ams till learning, and seeing situation like this happen as a new member almost made me turn of the pc and run away, fearing that I would be bombarded with trolls that have nothing better to do then flag and downvote post as soon as i make a mistake! I know there out there. I have seen it and I'm glad they have stayed away.

  • 4 My goals in the steemit community, are to gain a following, make new relationships, business and friendships. Eventually go to steemfest and contribute on a larger scale, get rid of my depression (Its Going Good So far), begin to be able to take care of my family financially, get out of this damn apartment, make sure I have a secure future set for my daughters. I been to work at many places I have been apart of many social networks. Nothing has gone good for me right in the beginning like this has been so far. I know my numbers are small and my following is not as big yet, but I have a plan, I'm motivated, I have seen what the rewards can look like, I have experienced a small portion of the rewards my self. I know this is real, I believe in this format 1000% and that's why I'm so willing to put in 1000% as well and continue to grow. I have been told by some whales that i am on the right path, and I believe them as well. I try to make a connection with people when i write a personal story and I'm glad I have made some awesome ones so far, and I cant wait to make more! I have currently gave my self a 2 month goal to reach my first $2000.00 (BIG BUCKS) and for this to be able to become my MAIN income. If everything goes as plan I believe I will reach it as well, but maybe with some help from the community and people like you @yourhelper. I can reach that goal even sooner!

  • 5 Biggest rolemodels in life: My Grandpa. he was able to stay HAPPY for his whole life, even before he passed away from cancer. he would still work up all his strength to show a big smile. he was a Musician, hard Worker, and a father to 5 kids. I miss him dearly and I hope to lead by his example and pass on the SMILE to my family, friend, and anyone who I cross paths with. Just give a person a smile, it can make a day so much better!
    Rolemodel in steemit: Would have to be @swelker101 @fatpandadesign @isaria @aggroed @ausbitbank @gmuxx @varunsangwan @stackin @yourhelper @papa-pepper @timcliff @nanzo-scoop and all my followers, they are my rolemodels and my inspiration. They have shown Open arms and open minds, they have let me into there groups and have not done any wrong yet. They are the best!

Thank you for your time, I hope its not to much. Sorry sometimes I become a over passionate write. I think my followers like that though!?

Here is My Post! Providing more free resources to the Minnows that cannot obtain such items. @yourhelper I like to help as well!

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