This place is getting boring.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

What's at the top of Steemit today? A billboard.

Lots of new and interesting people are getting back into the slacks and groups and btctalks with a disenchanted view of Steemit. Some say its lacking diversity and not rewarding contributors of unique content which doesn't fit immediately into the Steemit marketing mold. For example, there is very little Ethereum support here. Not much of a bitcoin crowd either. One of the powerful whales may even be anti-bitcoin. It seems a bit like a feedback loop. I posted an introduction for my little sister, trying to garner some youthful enthusiasm but got no response.

There dont appear to be many gamers here either, which is a huge demographic of youth that is already tech-savvy and I believe would contribute a lot of energy to this platform. Twitch streamers could support their endeavors by having viewers give an upvote. I was suprised to see no response to my inquiry about Twitch broadcasts. #music doesnt have a lot of support either. And apparently its more profitable to [throw a fit] than it is to contribute valuable upvotes to #photography.

I even attempted to find a fellow #drinking friend amongt the mass our 30,000 Steemers. I even made a post for #beer.

If we are to increase our user base and the value of the platform, we need to increase support for a greater number of interests.

We have to change this perception:

If, Then procedure =

If we are curating our own interests, then we must claim responsibility for the limits of those topics as well. We, as curators, stand to benefit from an increase in Steem Value by consciously trying to increase diversity on here on Steemit. I was very happy to see a #marijuana post at the top of Steemit the other day. Lets keep up the funny fight :)


Agreed, I feel like we need more diversity on subjects!
It seems like when people start posting away from whats popular they aren't rewarded! As a community we need to start rewarding those who go in different territory!

Exactly! thanks for responding @kaylinart :)

Steemit is just starting, there are not enough users yet to create the diversity to drive its success. I think it's important that we keep spreading the word. We are used to instant gratification.

Instant gratification usually ends up costing us a lot on other services. Keep spreading the word and the diversity will come, along with advances to the user interface. We have a place that will give us instant gratification but without sacrificing our personal information and having it sold for someone else's gain.

I think Steemit is approaching a cross-over point. Currently it is driven by the technical minds and followers that conceived it and supported it to this point. The masses with wider interests and contributions are still to come. It's still a little early for some as the site is not yet at a point where the user interface is completely intuitive as are Facebook and Reddit for example. At the crossover point the interface and the growing user base will all merge into one exciting service that will cater to all tastes and topics.

Patience is the key, keep coming back as the nectar will always be sweeter as time passes.

Part of the problem is the btc and eth people you want to come over can not stand the fact that chain that is not one of theirs has done this. So don't blame Steemit, blame the narrow minded btc/eth people who can't admit that something not involving them can be successful.

That is a broad generalization of a lot of people like myself. I have to see your point of view, but respectfully disagree.

It may not be all of them, but it is enough of them which makes growing those communities on here harder than it would normally be.

I think you have a point.

keep going ... in steem beliave

I have noticed this as well. I started designing my posts for the steemit crowd, which is not a good thing for growth. Maybe in the future when more voting power gets spread out, small fish will be able to make enough of a difference that out-of-the-box posts do well.

I'm ready to fight xD

Of course it's getting boring, not everyone and everything is always interesting and right now people are even less interesting because they are trying to make money as fast as possible.

Another problem is that there isn't really a follow feed or something similar to keep an eye on your favorite people. But we're still in beta, not really ready for mainstream attention!

You're right.

Being a mini-minnow, it has been somewhat disconcerting. My writing topics elicit zero response. I haven't been here long, and posting has been sporadic due to a recent change of address on my part, but clearly my expertise is not something that is found to be interesting here at steemit, at least thus far.

Hopefully with more people joining they will bring new writing and new ideas. I can imagine the directory will grow with new posts

Just enjoy your time until steemit grows then more people to read our posts :)

I agree, I found myself looking for things that might get popular rather than looking for things I want to read and got frustrated pretty quickly. which is why i changed my mind and did an introduction post to force myself to stick to writing about crochet (i know it's not everyones cup of tea).
I'd love to see more gamers here to, I keep telling my son he should join and write about it.

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