Everybody that up votes my post and comments on my posts get rewarded by me Juneaugoldbuyer mini whale just for paticapating.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I am currently around the 200th biggest whale on steemit. Up vote this post and comment and you will be rewarded. I will go to your blog and up vote all your content in return thanks. Kindly go to my blog and up vote all my content. This an experiment to reward everybody involve with steem power and steem dollars. Thanks for participating. Dont forget to make a small comment so I can up vote and reward you with steem


please comment

Wonderful, @juneaugoldbuyer
🐋🐳🐋🐋🐳🐋🐳🐋🍼🍼🍼that's for baby whale

wow @crypto you have a lot of post. I think I up voted about half Im going to have to come back to you tmrw. I dont want to drain my rewarding power to much on just one person tonight.

Hi! @juneaugoldbuyer
I agree to your the experiment.
I will participate in this experiment.

Hey @asim
You are early , you must be @juneaugoldbuyer strong supporter

I like this experiment, as it will be interesting to see how the algorithm determines allocations.

Dont forget to go to my blog and up vote all my blogs thanks

This is not the behavior real steemers really want here on Steemit. Sorry to tell you that. People should vote for the quality of the content. But good luck with your experiment. I hope you will you will learn from it a lot!

Im all about spreading the wealth to the little guy

Yeah, I'm guessing the voting power % limiting will clear this one up real quick. Especially because upvoting your own posts also counts towards the total vote count of any single account in a 24 hour period.

I'm going out on a limb and guessing that the voting power limit may not have been known by the OP but with about 10% left right now, upvotes won't count for much until the next 24 hours cycle by and it's recharged.

Yup it took the API a while to update the page because of the mass voting that has been going on from this account. With stats like 164 votes in the past 24 hours? That kind of voting behavior is exactly why the voting power curve was implemented. It was an abuse prevention measure for scenarios just like this.

This is just an observation, and not meant to criticize in anyway but like @cryptojoy.com so aptly put it. This type of thread is exactly the kind of thing that was discouraged on the platform and was corrected with the voting power curvature update.

The same goes for mass posting. Anything past 6 authored posts in 24 hours and the rewards drop drastically.

I'm leaving my votes and everything the way I had made them originally but just a heads up to anyone else who makes it this far down in the thread, this sort of gaming the system doesn't work at all anymore... I was just kind of curious to see exactly how much the voting algorithm effected someones voting ability when compared to their over all SP.

The final verdict? The voting power reduction works exactly as advertised.

Many of these bloggers posts have zero up votes. Im happy to give them my steem rewards and I have every right. Whats the big deal? In 24 hours im back to full rewarding power

Interesting experiment!

Im never shy about any rewards. Any little bit helps. I just hope this is an honest post.😊in case this is a click bait or a lame excuse for an expirement, im pretty sure the community wont forget this.

thanks for upvoting all my post except the last one. your generosity is highly appreciated. i don't know what your mission is, but it sure very noble helping minnows like us.

I will go to your blog and up vote all your content in return thanks.

So you'll upvote just anything, even crap posts?

This is a not what Steem is about. If you want to "reward everybody involve with steem power and steem dollars" just make an effort and find posts worth your upvotes.

Sorry, but I'm gonna downvote your post.

Jerk!!!!!! I can give my steem rewards to anyone I want. Its all about encouraging people to keep posting and staying interactive so the steemit ecosystem keeps growing.

Yes, you can. But bear in mind that when you give funds to random posts you take away funds from non-random posts.

And next time you use the word "jerk" I'm gonna flag you as well.

Hi! :)

Hi lol


interesting experiment.

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