My Reputation …After Two Years on Steemit ...73 ‽‽‽

in #steemit6 years ago


Your reputation is in the hands of others. That's what the reputation is.
You can't control that. The only thing you can control is your character.

—Dr. Wayne Dyer

When I first came on Steemit I was concerned about two things: my reputation and my steam power.

I wasn’t worried about my writing so much—I was only concerned that people wouldn’t notice me and my writing wouldn't be rewarded.

Some of my peers aspired to be dolphins and whales, and some managed to do that, but most dropped out and fell by the wayside.

Some of these people were talented and worked hard on their posts delivering good, original content, but others were simply ambitious and eager to make a quick buck.

I must confess I was somewhere in between those two extremes. I hedged my bets. I wasn’t sure Steemit was for real or would last, so I wasn’t about to gamble the farm on another bright shiny toy.

I opted for a 50/50 split on rewards and soldiered on through some bleak times when my best work received pennies in reward because my reputation was low and I didn’t know how to promote myself.

Just when I was beginning to experience some success, I had to weather through some horrendous hard forks and other times stifle my bitterness when I made 50 cents for a post and someone else posted a rah rah post—you know the type—keep on steering etc. and made a hundred dollars because they were upped by a whale.

The system wasn’t perfect and at times didn’t even seem fair. A fellow steemian who was fast approaching dolphin status and regularly upvoted by whales was deserted by his deep-pocketed supporters for no apparent reason.

Yep, there were all kinds of posts being written about what constituted a good post, but in truth, it was mostly a crap shoot—and to tell the truth, that’s the way it is on the Internet generally. Nobody really knows why some posts go viral, although people still pretend they do.

Yet looking back over two years of Steemit posting, I can honestly say I’m generally satisfied with my experience. The community as a whole is more compassionate and caring than I experienced on other sites.

I have a huge Twitter following but I’ve largely abandoned that platform and I’m back to where I began—mostly hoping to earn enough to pay for my on-line expenses and basically giving away my work for free.

Well, other people have profited off my quotes on Goodreads and other sites by selling posters, tee shirts and mugs with my words on them—good for them—I just can’t bring myself to go the Hallmark route so someone should make a buck. I even saw some perfume manufacturers and Walmart using my quotes—that’s the on-line world we live in.

As for the future, many high-profile steemians are over on a certain other site and have encouraged me to post there too. I haven’t done that yet, although I do have my keys and a new handle, but I can’t quite get there…yet.

I want to see if Steemit can come back to its former glory. I think many changes were mistakes but hindsight is twenty-twenty. I’m no techno wizard, I just know that a few years ago Steemit was an involved and involving community where people actually wrote thoughtful comments and voted for posts rather than just commenting, but hell, I don’t even get comments much lately, so we’ll just see where this ends up.

I’d be happy to make fifty bucks a week, but right now that’s dreaming in technicolour. Do I have a minimum to stay? Sure. Right now I’m powering down reluctantly but I have expenses and I’ve been writing real good for free, so I’m hoping things turn around before I power down right off the grid. I’m not leaving voluntarily, just finding it hard to justify the time and expense posting.

But the damn thing is, I like this place.

If you're anything like me,
You bite your nails,
And laugh when you're nervous.
You promise people the world,
because that's what they want from you.
You like giving them what they want...
But Man, you need to stop.

― Taylor Swift

© 2019, John J Geddes. All rights reserved



Steemit is just cog in the Steem ecosystem ... people are spreading out into their choices of parts of Steem.

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It's All About Community!

It is all about community - but that's my point - maybe we need to focus on what got us here - every change seems to dilute whatever made Steemit great to begin with.

Interesting... I don’t find the changes diluting what we had.. I see the platform getting stronger and more diverse.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Reputation here is quite the mystery to me... I feel as if I'm permanently stuck on 70. My theory has been that I'm too eclectic to draw and hold a serious following. I do have a core group of followers that continue to cheer me on in spite of myself, and that's helpful...

Besides, the community. Indeed.

Where else would I go and find the creative challenges and encouragement that I find here? Even when I'm not serious enough a writer to simply focus on writing?

It's the blessed curse of being interested in everything, and unable to focus I guess. I have a lot of fun, but the whales for the most part disdain me.

Thanks for the thoughtful self reflection and observations about Steemit, John!



Thank you, Creatr, but I can't imagine anyone disdaining you and your multi-gifts that bring new perspectives to the steemit platform - the vagaries of whale support and selective promotion elude me but I can say this much - it isn't always based on excellence but a utilitarian principle that advances their interests whatever those may be. I'll say it again, many of the 'improvements' brought about by the last hard forks resulted in circle voting and people splitting into camps to support their own narrow interests and that didn't help anyone. I always am challenged to think or see things differently every time you post.

Ah, John my friend, thanks for your kindly encouraging words!

I didn't mean to whine... or, maybe I did, I don't know. Who better to complain to than a friend with a sympathetic ear? :)

I agree about the HFs in general. Another friend, @mattclarke, who sees more clearly than I do generally, saw right away that reducing curation rewards would be detrimental to the platform. What these platforms really need are improved curation rewards to increase the motivation that draws faithful readers.

We can't all be great content creators, right? ;)

BTW, Matt is quite the genius when it comes to effectively growing his stake here on Steemit! I admire him a lot, but lack his astute talents in that area.

My rep is 71 on steemit but displays differently on busy. I am reposting on the other two sites although I'm not holding my breath. Steemit will always be my first choice. I am curious to see how things will change here in 2019. Hoping for the best...

I've been fascinated with how slowly the rep changes lately - I seem stuck at 72.999 lol, but a lot of good rep does for you - I used to think it mattered - apparently not much :)

It really is a platform of creator force than consumer force... perhaps it's a test to trust where you put your energy will come back to you a billion it be in the form of energy money or other ways.... good on ya for sticking in there... gonna check your page, before ya splits!

Great post as usual. I'm reminded of your .25 post when steem was trading as low as .08. I find it sad that you have to power down at another bend in the road where crypto as a whole is in the process of turning the downward movement around, when there is a good possibility that withing months from now your steem power could be worth 10x or even much more than what it is today, but that is life and you gotta do what cha' gotta do.

Thank you. I think what happened last November is a never-to-be-repeated anomaly artificially propped up by speculation in bitcoin and steem just followed along caught up in the crypto boom - Hope springs eternal but face it, when the CEO powers down that tells you something. I believe in the steemit vision but I'm also practical, having spent a long time surfing the waves of crypto volatility and needing in the end to simply cover my ass. I hope you're right because Steemit is too precious to lose but yeah... you gotta do what cha' gotta do :)

But the damn thing is, I like this place.

I know the feeling, John. It is folks like you and Deb that make the time on Steemit worth it.

Thank you, lydon - I see steem is on the upswing - hopefully the trend holds and makes posting on here a reasonable use of my time :)

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