My Little Contribute to Steemit (Recruiting Talents Part One)   (Plan of action to bring new users to our platform)

in #steemit7 years ago


Hello dear friends of Steemit, today I want to comment on a campaign that I am beginning to attract new users to the platform, with this little bit of sand I want to give back to Steemit, my colleagues and friends how much they have done for me. Before entering fully I want to share some achievements that I have achieved in these months that I have worked on the platform.

Many of you know I live what gender on the web, most of the income I get on this platform and so I am very grateful to you and the platform, that without being a genuine writer I agree to work here.

It is known that my forte is not writing or writing, the vast majority of my work is done on inspiration or adaptation of an existing work or as it is called in the jargon I am a "re-writer" This is not all bad many People on the web do.

I must admit that since my first post I have learned a lot and that I owe it to many people, if you are reading you will know that I am referring to them, I will never forget and I will always keep in mind that great help, if it were not for them I would not be working in the platform.

This learning helped me to achieve many achievements, even today I am very surprised of it and I want to share next.

I have a good reputation of 71 very close to achieving the reputation 72 this reputation places me in ranquin number 50.

I have uploaded and read more than 14,900 post this places me in position number 5.

Overcome the barrier of 900 followers of which 521 are active, I have 394 followers who are not active from 2 months to 8 months.

As you will see both the steemit platform, and the people inside them have given me a great hand, this is the real reason to want to contribute my little bit of sand, doing something to promote the platform and bring new users.

If they arrive until the end of the post you will see that I am promoting a post published by @cervantes Project, it is an excellent job to attract new users.

All the works that I do share in the following Pages, Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook, those who see my post, will see the promotion, this is the reason to place that information at the bottom of my post.

On the other hand I have a network of more than 2800 followers in my personal Facebook, the vast majority of them are people who are related in one way or another with cryptomanedas. Faucet, Ptc and Pagninas de Minerías, there is an important possibility of attracting new users.

Thanks to some of these people I am working on the platform, for this reason I want to give you back the great favor they have given me and to tell you about this great international short story competition, basically this is what I am going to publish.

Queridos Amigos.
Tengo algo importante que comentarles, gracias a algunos de ustedes estoy trabajando en una red social llamada Steemit, esta plataforma hizo realidad mi sueño de vivir de mi trabajo en la Web, el trabajo aquí es muy sencillo, solo debes subir material que te interese, te divierta y te haga sentir bien, por hacer lo que te gusta ganaras la criptomonedas Steem y dólares.
Podes ser: fotógrafo, escritor, Jardinero, cocinero, un aventurero de viajes, alguien que trabaje en sistema, eso es lo bueno de la plataforma, podes ser de cualquier profesión, solo debes tener entusiasmo y querer ganar dinero.
Regístrate y aprovecha este importante concurso, podrás ganar una suma importante de dinero.

International short story award at Blockchain, The idea of this initiative is an international literary contest in which the prizes are relevant enough to attract your attention and to register on our platform.
For more information go to the reference link

Do not miss this important opportunity to earn money, to register you just have to enter the link link

Here you can see some payment vouchers for a normal work day

We wait for you, for any doubt or consultation you can communicate with my user @ jlufer or directly to our channels of Chat, welcome page or the frequently asked questions, there we will be to dissipate all your doubts.

This is the format I am using to promote steemit on Facebook, another method I am using is through my contacts in my mailbox Yahoo has 1400 contacts that are related to work on the web, I have started to send the invitation mail As we can see in the image.

This is part of what will be my campaign to attract new users, the other is to publish a blog that I am finishing, in pages generating transits and other pages where I can capture new users.

This is an advance of my Blog to promote the platform, it is under construction, it is just to show what I am working on.

In the next post I will post the blog so that you can give your opinion or something that you consider correct, this is my humble little bit of sand to actively contribute with our beloved platform.
I hope it has been to your liking

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land of Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

The idea of this initiative is an international literary contest in which the awards are relevant enough to draw the attention of the media outside of steemit and attract new users.
For more information go to the reference link

Do not forget to vote for the witnesses, join the link and collaborate with your vote, Support the Spanish speaking community (cervantes), We are many people of Spanish speech that we have to thank your support, please vote for Cervantes, Enter the link To know more about who are representing our community. Again thank you very much.

If it was to your liking, please help spread my channel, share on your channel, reesteemit.


Keep doing your good work!

Thank you very much dear friend @ jaki01 for the nice visit and the good comment

Very nice post, with many good ideas. You have always amazed me, putting in a huge amount of time, effort and heart into Steemit. And you have always been a very ardent supporter of my work, which I greatly appreciate. I wish you all the success in all your new endeavors, and as usual, Full Steem Ahead.

Appreciation of heart your hemosas words, it is a great incentive for me to keep up the pace of work, it is good to know that you see the work that one does, thank you very much dear friend @ddschteinn for the great support you give every day to my work

Yes, it's obvious how much you put into this. Glad you are a very valued member of Steemit. (I try to keep up, but don't always make it ( :
Keep up the good work.

You have consistently good posts and wish you continued success! Hablo un poco de español. Mi Espanol es muy mal, jejeje

Thank you very much dear friend @battleaxe for your kind words that you have a beautiful day
Muchas gracias querido amigo @battleaxe por sus amables palabras que tengas un hermoso día

Dear friend @jlufer! I am very happy for Your success. I congratulate You on these achievements. I wish You further victories. You make a very big deal.

Thank you very much dear friend @madlenfox for your kind and sincere words, happy to have your visit daily, I appreciate your heart

That's awesome!

I am very happy to know that it was to his liking, it is a small contribution to the platform and the people that gives me so much daily, I live on what I generate on the web and steemit is the one that gives me my highest income, What you do will be enough to thank.
Thank you very much Mr. @timcliff for your kind words

So you get most of your followers by email? This is exciting news to me my dear friend @jlufer thank you for sharing it

I work a lot with the email, for my referrals contacts, it is more personalized, it costs a little more to make the data base, but in the long run it is more effective, happy to know that my notes have contributed to something dear friend @jeff -kubitz

Congratulation! You have done great things to this platform! :)

Thank you very much dear friend @ tangmo for your beautiful words of encouragement, makes me very happy, but coming from you, I appreciate your heart dear friend

You are very much welcome! ;)

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