Testing 3 to 8 Shorter Steemit Posts Daily with eSteem!

in #steemit7 years ago

testing 3 to 8 steemit posts daily.png

Would posting every 3 to 8 hours on Steemit be better than once or twice daily? eSteem now gives me the option to schedule posts ahead of time which combined with writing shorter posts will now allow me to test making more frequent posts instead of the all in huge once daily posts I have been making. What do you think is the ideal posting strategy here on Steemit?

With the generosity our upvotes have continued to provide on my recent posts, I have been tempted to not change anything because of fear of not contributing as much with shorter posts that are more frequent. I often find it difficult when I am following others that post frequently because it becomes hard for me to decide which of their posts to read and upvote. At the same time, I have weeks of post ideas ready to go already many which do not need to be 10,000 word posts but rather just updates on what I have already said I was working on! For example, updates on Florida Steemfest, Steemj, advertising campaigns, etc.

What inspired me was reviewing the top 10 authors on Steemit and seeing that about half of them post 2 to 8 times daily. I think of this as the @craig-grant strategy because he was the first person I followed who posted what seemed like an unbelievable amount of times every day. While I figured few were up for making that many posts, I now see the following authors out of the top 10 currently at https://steemwhales.com/trending/?d=30 use this strategy.

  1. @papa-pepper posts 3 to 5 times a day with this post from yesterday have a lot of depth https://steemit.com/steemit/@papa-pepper/steemit-it-is-what-we-make-it-so-what-in-the-world-are-we-making-it while the one after it is fairly short with a soundbite.
  2. @knozaki2015 posts 2 to 5 times a day with several types of numbered posts featuring travel and food.
  3. @steemsports posts 3 to 5 times a day about well sports!
  4. @craig-grant posts almost every three hours which means he must schedule his posts or never sleep for more than 2 hours at a time! Craig is an absolute machine at posting sharing mostly videos or short thoughts in his posts.

For further research into the top author strategies on Steemit, would you please read this post by @hannahlicious at https://steemit.com/steemit/@hannahlicious/the-top-50-steemit-authors-posting-strategies-how-to-be-a-whale because it has an awesome in depth analysis of top author posting strategies and helped me test this new to me approach today!

Out of the top 10 authors in the last 30 days with hard fork 19, 4 out of ten post significantly more than once daily and I am grateful for their example in giving me the courage to try this because I find constant testing is essential for learning and a happy life. Meanwhile, these reasons have thus far blocked me from trying more frequent posts.

  1. Fear of overwhelming upvoters with too many choices.
  2. Fear of being seen as greedy for making so many posts.
  3. Fear of not being able to make more posts daily.
  4. Fear of feeling like one post per day is not enough.
  5. Using 2% of my voting power on every post means less to upvote others and earn via curation.
  6. Laziness in finally just installing eSteem after hearing about it for a month.
  7. Fear of making posts with small earnings.
  8. Fear of doing anything different when things are going so well!

I am amazed how much fear impacts decision making in life and am grateful today for the courage to take a leap of faith and test a different posting format on Steemit!

What do you think of posting once daily on Steemit versus more often? How often do you post? When you are following an author, what do you prefer? Do you like the choices of having more short posts on different topics or just one post daily to allow for browsing more by others?

Thank you very much for reading this! Would you upvote this post because when I get paid, you will also get a percentage of the curation rewards?

Jerry Banfield


My current immunity level allows 1 dose of Jerry a day. Most of your posts are worth the time to read them mainly because you have an engaging personality on your vids and this comes through on your posts (wide eyed optimism, on the right side of unpredictably scary and a hint of self deprecation).

Any more and I might break out in something unpleasant ... like apathy from over exposure.

Nice idea sir.

"enough for our daily needs" helps me to remember that there is no pressure to do more which I appreciate @thecrytotrader! I feel a huge pressure often to perform which can produce a lot of anxiety if not tempered with the idea of whatever I do each day is enough.

@g-no thank you for mentioning this because it is the same as I have been thinking! I am planning a week or two test with more frequent posts to see what happens because I find it is important to also test stepping out of my comfort zone! I am guessing the 1 or 2 posts a day will work better than 3 to 8 but how will I know for sure without trying?

Same here, I like the idea of 2. More than that, how can we keep up with hundreds of comments per posts haha :)

@jerrybanfield, Like they say online, test, test, test. :)

That "Apathy from over exposure" rings a bell.
Sound like a quote that i heard before.

dang i can't remember!!(ง •̀_•́)ง

Yep, he seems to be an honest person by sharing this with us.

For a whale such as you, Jerry, I think posting multiple times a day works well. For a minnow, it's a different story. I actually posted about this yesterday as one of the things to avoid if you are a minnow. Minnows may be better off spending more time reading posts by other authors and commenting...and maybe limit their posts to 1 or 2 max per day.

Just think it's different based on size of the author's following and quality of posts. Btw, there are also some whales that post many times a day and their content is crap.

Jerry, ​you're​ a genius​!

financilcritic... I am in agreement with your response.

upvote and upvote and upvote

Good point my buddy @financialcritic however posting more than 3 times a day as I indicated on my comment below can lead to followers being overwhelmed by the persons post...even if he or she is a whale or sea anaconda I better see a top quality post a day than being bombarded with 5 posts a day (which might be inducced by greed of taking over the trending and hot pages or trying to share too much / all his/her daily activities here). If a beautiful lady bombards me with sweet sex 3 to 6 times a day, I will run for my life

"If a beautiful lady bombards me with sweet sex 3 to 6 times a day, I will run for my life" or marry her :)

Haha, feel free to see my latest blog post :Why Steemit will disrup social media and gain market share

Good point...I agree

Good point ,Though minows try out the minnowbooster! You pay like 1 Steem and get 65SP.
I don't know whether is super efficent and worth it but the post made by this minnowbooster guy was very interesting.
If I had a lot of Steem I'd try it out. So far 1 Steem gives 65SP.

I don't think it works like that. You GIVE 1 and get 65 for a week. You never get your 1 back...just hope you can get your 1 back by using that 65 during the week.

Wow people getting rich from words and sentences. ( Pulling my hair :)

I just need to comment this.... :D

lol very appropriate GIF

Posting more than once a day is ok as long as you're confident your list of post ideas is good enough. If you try it just make sure you keep your content quality up to standard and it should be fine

Jerry, I have to say that every post or video of yours always has something worthwhile that I can either put to use or reflect upon. I didn't expect this one to so accurately reflect the little fears that add up when it comes to deciding on this or any new business strategy. Feeds are moving so fast that it's already easy to miss posts but I have no doubt that whatever you post will have a jewel of information in it. I don't think it's greedy if you have good info to share! I took your crypto investment course (the first one) and it's helped me greatly. Thank you!

I agree with you Jerry has some of the best information and I always look forward to watching his vids or reading his articles. I personally think that you should post more often for then you can get more content out even faster and then you will be able to get more attention and attract more followers to your account! I do not see this as greedy for you are giving us information and stuff to read about and I will LOVE to read more frequently about your posts @jerrybanfield

Agreed. Jerry provides thorough info. Many other whales don't do that...they just post 5 times a day with a picture of their hotel room or something random.

"with a picture of their hotel room or something random" lol so true

Thanks for sharing

Definitely following this to see what the data shows. Would love to see what you find out.

Great update Jerry. I think Esteem will start to take off when more people start signing up for steemit... My goal is to work on growing a following before blasting 10 posts a day. I would be worried people wouldn't want to hear that many posts a day.

I couldn't agree with you more that @craig-grant is a beast!! I am trying to develop a following like him.

I think is even a lot of work to do a good posting once a day! For me this is a high setted goal. :D
One or more posts a day: it depends on your followers: Multiple posts a day can be like spam to some of them and they don't like it maybe and unfollow. On the other hand you sure get more attraction with multiple posts a day. So - it is your choice :D

Why not. You'll probably make more money off upvotes daily if you do 3-8 instead of 1. I would! Just make one of your 3-8 about @crowdifywepayyou please. 🙌🏼

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