Steemit 500 Followers! Thanks and Minnow Inspiring Advice!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Thanks to You my STEEMIT friends. I grow with Steemit! Thanks for teaching me to succeed and I want to give back so more minnows can do it - Steemit! fireworks gif
Image fireworks gif

You Are Not Limited To One Topic or Content Subject

A) Poem of Celebration:

Yes, I passed 500 followers yesterday
Just kept posting plugging away
Found the topics I like to write
Thought about posts into the night

Made many a friend here too
Wrote about what I wanted true
All the while my rewards grew
To the platform Steemit it's due

B) Writing:

So you all know, I began a personal experiment - Was it possible in the United States of America to start from zero, absolute zero and begin to make money at home in a legal, ethical, honest way?

Was all opportunity gone? Had the rights of Americans and a free market economy been destroyed?

I was injured in the oil fields when I started and could no longer work. I am an incredibly strong man compared to most people and I picked up something too heavy one to many times. That was it!

At the same time, I was also injured from some weird, diabolical machine and I wrote about it in the Song of Angels books. The Song of Angels books are not the true version but the Hollywood version. Nevertheless many things I wrote about in the books are true and observed or direct involvement. Many scientists and soldiers deployed. Where was it from? What was it?

Contrary to conspiracy theorists on this one - the government did not know what it was or that it was even there. I am still not exactly sure what it was or where it was from but I dealt with it and it almost killed me a couple of times. It almost killed the significant other.

C) Graphic or Visual Art - Cooking or Travel - Or Anything Else:

You do not have to stick to only one subject. You might know and understand many different things. If you can, vary your posts with more than just one type of post. I know an Artist @elewarne and she is a very good professional painter. She is also a good writer and a poet. She makes more rewards and entertains more people because when she thinks of something that is not what she usually does - she does that too!

@jlufer - He makes many different posts throughout the week and has his posts by category for different days. Some of his regular topics - Beautiful Places to think about to RELAX! Beer Breweries. Wineries and their products. Fable type stories. Horror Stories. Stories from his people the Guarani. Stories about weapons. You see, he does not do the same thing all the time!

Write About Passionate Subjects You Know

So, my suggestions for minnows, newbies, the new user if you do not know what a minnow is: write about something you know and which you feel passionate about.

  1. Choose topics you know
  2. Carefully think about and arrange your posts
  3. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling - perfect
  4. If you have made an error - hit edit and fix the errors IMMEDIATELY!
  5. Follow people with similar interests - in the beginning I followed writers - novelists
  6. Upvote and comment on those you follow

Simple Steps

1.Use keywords to find and follow authors of similar interests Join a group with similar interests

  1. Upvote their work
  2. Comment on their work - Commenting is called CURATION
    a. You must have at least 300 SteemPower to receive curation rewards
  3. Be positive and do not troll
  4. Do not Rant - If you do, like during the flag wars add a solution!

Yesterday, I got into a competition or was inspired by one of my favorite poets or prose writers on Steemit. I wrote eight new poems and did my Steem/SBD/Bitcoin Report. It turned my brain to mush. I created and posted one too many articles!

Writing, producing articles is a cerebral sport and the brain can become tired from writing.

Many authors on Steemit who are new try a little too hard and so they become so tired they quit. Their brains get overused. When this starts to happen:

  1. Take a break.
  2. Curate only
  3. Do not quit but take a vacation!
  4. If you anger - go to step one and repeat all steps!
  5. If you are frustrated - go to step one and repeat all steps!

I write and connect to Steemit with a phone modem. It is a cell phone. Because I reside in the middle of nowhere, it can be very difficult to connect. When there are storms, it is impossible to connect to the internet. It can be frustrating as articles have disappeared while trying to post and it is not Steemit's fault.

Save Your Work

  1. Always, if you care about it - Save your work in a word processor document before you post.
  2. The word processor document oftentimes has a grammar editor and spell checker - use it!
  3. Organize your work by categories on your computer.
  4. Bury your work deep into a chain of files on your hard drive

If I can do it with the internet setup I have - anyone can do it!


Curation Ends Writer's Block

If you find yourself stuck and you have hit the wall, it is because you are tired and uninspired. Reading the posts of your friends who post on similar topics can inspire you. It can help you to succeed. I do this all the time when I can. I find what the other writers are doing in my genres and read their posts carefully. Why are they getting so much for a post and I am not?

It is surprising to meet and talk to successful writers, posters, authors, and artists. In my life before the internet, we did it the old way and met and talked, received writing lessons, and critiques from authors in person. That is why Steemit is great! You can meet and talk to great authors or content providers who are inspiring in what they do. They will inspire you and some day, you will inspire them.

Things I cannot do too much which you should do: Talk to authors in the chat. I hold conversations with the other authors in the comments section and that will work too.


  1. Every time you hit a goal, reward yourself. This is very important for your well being as a writer. Do something good for yourself as a reward. Today, I am having some beers and will go out to eat later today to mark the fact that I reached this personal goal.

  2. Write a post of thanks and announcement. There are two schools of thought on this. One is it is a waste of computer data space. Two, you let other people know that they can do it! You inspire other people by these posts that they can reach their dreams and achieve success! Guess which stance I take? Guess why I do that? Writers celebrate by writing. Content providers celebrate by posting a celebration content.

Hard Way

There is the hard way and there is the easy way. It was the hard way on many a thing and I wrote this post so life will be a little easier for you.

  1. Even if your topic is negative - be positive about it
  2. Don't write that Steemit is a failure unless you have a fix and the post is about the fix
  3. If you cannot be positive, do not write
  4. Do not beg, write better posts
  5. Quality not quantity

Some days, you will think you have the formula down and you will still not receive any votes. No one is there to look at your post. This is life. Include your previous posts under something like this on your next post:
Angel of Mercy - 1 verse
Angel of Mercy - 2 verse
Angel of Mercy - 3 verse
Angel of Mercy - 4 verse
Angel of Mercy - verse

Make Music - 1 verse
Make Music - 2 verse
Make Music - 3 verse

A Table of Contents Post that contain the post links for a novel, stories of many parts, or articles of many parts can also be made and posted.

These days' people can vote on a post for SEVEN DAYS! It used to be that a post could be voted on for ONE DAY! Take advantage of your next posts to let people know about your previous posts on the same topic.

Make your own Logos:
my 3d Steemit Logo

The Parts of a Post

Title IS Important

Make Sure you Really Think about your title. It should be as short as possible. The title should say what is in your post. It should be catchy! It should draw people to your post!

Body of Article

This is it! If you want people to read your post and share it, the post must be correctly slanted to your audience. Each part of the post should make a person want to read the next part. Your use of language should be that the words you use are understood by the most people. If they understand it, they will remember it and they will remember you.
There is some debate - a lot of photos or just a few? I do not know the answer to this question as some of the authors I know use one photograph and others use fifty. It depends on your audience and who you are trying to reach. If possible, use your own photographs, graphs, images, or drawings.

Tag Use

The proper use of tags can make or break your post and your rewards. See what tags the most successful authors use for your topic. Sometimes only one tag is needed. Sometimes you need all five tags. Do not use more tags that you must.

Introduceyourself Tag and Other Social Media Links

I was here in August of 2016. I did not know markdown language and could not figure it out. What really happened was, my internet was going in and out so much because of the storms, I thought I could not figure it out. It was not until October that I introduced myself do your introduce yourself right away. It should be the very first post you post. It should contain a picture of you with a piece of paper. On the paper write your name, the date of the post, Steemit, and your @steemit-name.

If you are a member of other social media, use that link on every post. Share your posts on your social media page.

If you do these two things, you will be a verified author and the content is known to be your content. You will receive much more in rewards if you do this. I did not add my Facebook link until about a month ago. It has made a huge difference, absolutely huge!


If you make posts that are on the same topic like:

  1. Chapters of a novel
  2. Articles of many parts
  3. Stories of many parts
  4. Technical articles or Steem/SBD/Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency price analysis
  5. Visual, video, or graphic artist

Make yourself a template. I make templates for each and every article series I post and it makes it so much faster and easier. Templates can also be used for the overall layout of every post you make. They save a lot of typing and markdown or HTML editing so you can concentrate on making your post the best it can be!

Good Luck! Never Give Up!

People do not know this about me: I my younger days and I still do it sometimes I can be inspired with poetry or writing and never write it down. I hung out with rock musicians and would party or just have a train of thought and say a poem. They would write it down. I used to call myself - The Streetcorner Poet!

Steemit Pays!

Thanks @steemitboard for your recognition

Thanks my Steemit friends for upvoting me and I appreciate a resteem and resteem back if I know about the resteem

My Facebook Home Page:


P.S. Resteemed.

Congratulations on this great achievement... Steem On!

Thanks my friend @hms818

Very inspiring words and great tips that every newbie minnow should heed.

Huge congratulations on your milestone @jeff-kubitz

Here's to your next 500!

Thanks @gmuxx it is much appreciated

First of all I want to congratulate you on your achievements dear friend @ jeff-kubitz and your 500 followers of whom I am very proud to be.
No one deserves more than you, you are very profecional in what you do, you always have very interesting subjects, dazzle with your beautiful words of your poems and never lack the quota of humor and advice in the business that never is too, but what But it makes you successful is that you are an excellent person, a good companion and a great friend.
With these qualities, you will hardly go wrong.
Last but not least this inspiring post, with excellent tips for a job that leads to success.
Thank you very much for the consideration of including me in your post, I wish with all my heart that your successes continue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a beautiful weekend

My dear friend @jlufer thanks so much and today is beer drinking day!

Wow thats quite the post, congrats on the milestone!

Thanks @mallorcam my friend and just so you know I read your past posts on the same topic before doing this one! Yes, I looked them up on Steemit!

Congratulations. Hopefully someday I'll be there with you. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for the helpful tips! It has been 3 weeks for me and I am long ways from minnow land it seems! I will step up my curation game and am converting for Steem Power hand over fist using the market tool option. I am only at 20 and didn't realize I need to get that to 300....aieeeee! Must STEEM morrrre! Thanks again @jeff-kubitz

Hey @lanceman, yep it is an eyeopener isn't that you need 3000 steempower for curation rewards


I thought I was done reSteeming for the day, but your advice overall is too good not to share.

A final note for Steemers who do focus* on very niche or very controversial subjects; keep writing....your payouts are going to be low, and you should expect that you may never get rich here, but remember that THIS platform cannot be censored, and that your views and arguments may indeed the pebble that start the avalanche if you just post one more time.

Excellent observation my dear friend @stevescoins and very true

Congratulations my friend
It is a great honor to be your follower

Thanks my dear friend @mars9

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