What I Want To Get Out Of Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

I’ve never been very disciplined...

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t say that I’m lazy per se, but I never really finish what I start. Like a lot of people I get plenty of ideas, and I make lists of things I want to work on, creative projects mostly, and things I’d like to achieve by the end of a given year.

Unfortunately, I almost never meet those goals, I almost never finish the project if I even start at all.

Recently I was reading “Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking” by David Bayles. Of course — you guessed it — I never finished it.

David Bayles says:

if making art gives substance to your sense of self, the corresponding fear is that you're not up to the task — that you can't do it, or can't do it well, or can't do it again; or that you're not a real artist, or not a good artist, or have no talent, or have nothing to say. The line between the artist and his/her work is a fine one at best, and for the artist it feels (quite naturally) like there is no such line. Making art can feel dangerous and revealing. Making art is dangerous and revealing. Making art precipitates self-doubt, stirring deep waters that lay between what you know you should be, and what you fear you might be. For many people, that alone is enough to prevent their ever getting started at all -- and for those who do, trouble isn't long in coming. Doubts, in fact, soon rise in swarms:

"I am not an artist -- I am a phony. I have nothing worth saying. I'm not sure what I'm doing. Other people are better than I am. I'm only a [student/physicist/mother/whatever]. I've never had a real exhibit. No one understands my work. No one likes my work. I'm no good."

Yet viewed objectively, these fears obviously have less to do with art than they do with the artist. And even less to do with the individual artworks. After all, in making art you bring your highest skills to bear upon the materials and ideas you most care about. Art is a high calling -- fears are coincidental. Coincidental, sneaky and disruptive, we might add, disguising themselves variously as laziness, resistance to deadlines, irritation with materials or surroundings, distraction over the achievements of others -- indeed anything that keeps you from giving your work your best shot. What separates artists from ex-artists is that those who challenge their fears, continue; those who don't, quit. Each step in the artmaking process puts that issue to the test.”
― David Bayles, Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking

Why is this? Why don’t I ever finish my projects?

It’s probably distraction. Our lives are full of distraction. Another part is perfection, or trying to attain perfection. You simply can’t do it, I’m sorry to tell you. You’re going to have to find a way to be satisfied with the best that you can do, and that will have to be enough.

ART IS MADE BY ORDINARY PEOPLE. Creatures having only virtues can hardly be imagined making art…. The flawless creature wouldn’t need to make art.”
― David Bayles, Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking

Another part is that I lack the motivation. But how will I become motivated?

What do I want to get out of Steemit?

Well, I’m hoping to find that motivation to finish my creative projects, whether that be writing, sharing my photography or videography, or other creative projects — who knows! I could use the feedback, what works and what doesn't work.

The motivation caused by the fear of missing out on being rewarded for my creativity, but I think it also has to do with cultivating a reputation and gaining some kind of genuine following, and interacting with people from around the world which has always been interesting to me. I love that Steemit is full of all kinds of people, and I hope to see more coming from all walks of life and all corners of the globe (Wait a second, globes don't have corners..)

Secondly, to be a part of what’s “happening”, to be on the cutting edge of technology. Blockchain technology is booming and a lot of people think it’s the next Big Thing.

It feels good to be an early adopter, to be at the cusp of global trends, as long as the platform keeps growing the way it has. I hope to see it up there with Facebook one day... soon!

Thirdly (because every list needs to have at least three items) I’m hoping to be financially rewarded.

Why not? If the platform exists for that purpose, it makes sense to give it a shot. What have you got to lose? So you might make some bad posts that do poorly, or even worse — you might make some excellent posts that do poorly! How embarrassing! But these things are inevitable. Try to get over that fear of creating art and move boldly.

Do it now while the platform is still small, it is growing exponentially. Make yourself finish those creative projects and share them with the world.

Let’s make this space on the interwebs bursting at the seams with excellent original content and amazing people from around the world.

What creative projects are you currently working on, and what do you want to get out of Steemit?

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wow, that Bayles quote... almost shakes a part of me up. GOLD.
(I read that book a long time ago. might be worth a reread.)

re: finishing projects... sometimes not all are meant to be finished. sometimes the project isn't the point - just a step in the process of skills development, each miniature success & failure within each the piece of a much larger puzzle - each incompletion, itself a completion towards future compositions yet to come - more of themselves which may also be incomplete, and a few completed ones developing into masterpieces, that never would have been possible with the trail of 'incomplete' pieces behind them...

the FIRST piece of feedback that came when opening this post, however:

a distinction in the headline wording, "what do we want to get out of..."

the major difference that will unlock success for most people is a refocus of the question - shifting thinking from what we want to get, to what can we give...

the giving piece has to come first.

for the rewards, of course. but also for the personal satisfaction - giving our creativity, pouring our hearts out, contributing, serving, supporting, and investing in the community... THAT'S the path to getting what we truly want out of it all... ;-)

i relate a lot to never finishing tasks. Ii mean ive tried school many times and have always lost interest after a few weeks. art on the other hand is something i love to create. Aalthough my video blogging had slacked off because of a lack of feedback, i see steemit rekindling my video logs and youtube videos. i mean it already has. i started youtubing last year and just stopped for lack of interaction, im hoping steemit can rekindlle that flame, because i do enjoy vlogging, and the incentive of steem seem like it will get more eyes on my videos. so yeah, i didnt realize it until i read your post, but I see now that my hopes for steem would include inspiration for creating more video content, and possibly additional digital content that ive thought about for years but havent acted on. thanks for the post. CHEERS!

I'm similarly hoping that steemit can help entice me to continue working on projects that I might otherwise neglect.

Same here.. we live in the 10 second video days where people don't take a lot of time to do anything..

Hello I'm "JustOneArtist ", so you see how I start. Just one artist.... only one of thousands or million's.

Just to understand what is art or an artist is very difficult. Can you call yourself an artist or must you wait that other people call you artist? Then art or artist is very generic. You can be a artist of everything.

So how did you become an artist?

I basically tricked myself into thinking I was an artist and I've been living a lie and tricking people ever since.

Since I can imagine I like to draw random ideas, but one day I start calling me "JustOneArtist" and create a website. That was in 2007. Later on, I start freelancing under the name "OneArtistStudio". So one day, when I have more trust in me, I'm gone call me "TheArtist" or wait that people start calling me Artist.

I don't really care if some likes what I make or not but I think it's better to share this things because it's part of what I am and think.

Follow your calling...

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