Dear Steemit Inc. 🌀

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I wonder what is considered "material support for terrorism?"

  • The money/value, and means to store and transmit it?
  • The means to propagandize and/or fundraise?
  • The means to communicate and store data?

If so, do you have the ability to erase data from the blockchain, or to freeze or limit transactions?

What would happen to the company, the chain, and to we users if you received a court order to do so, but cannot fulfill it?

(Moses and Tablets of Law.)

Thanks For Your Attention and Support!


The classic question in political theory is, who guards the custodians? I suppose that we ourselves, if we see an account that begins to make an apology for ISIS, we will put a flag on it, we will denounce it, will ban, we will put it invisible. We do it for less serious crimes, such as offending others, or for very serious things like child pornography. We would be justified in doing so to prevent terrorist attacks, and it would even be very serious if we do not denounce them. In cases like that, we are the custodians (witnesses). But we must also be custodians of the freedom of expression, and of the economic freedom to employ or mining Steemit, Steem Dollar, Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.
So, we must defend ourselves from the custodians (the government), for a very simple reason, we do not trust them. Not them neither the bankers who issue the fiat money that is pure debt and Over Taxation, because they control the financial system. And since they cannot control the issue and circulation of the cryptocurrencies yet, they are desperate, because it is a lot of money, and they want it for them ...
The threats of taxes by England, the resource of the fight against terrorism, are only facades of what is happening in the background, they are afraid of losing control.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild said: Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
We are a threat to that, they are losing control, but the cryptocurrencies are here to stay, just like the block chain, just like the Internet.
It must be an unavoidable reality, since like the Chinese have just made a gigantic investment buying Steem Dollar, which has made our accounts here in Steemit go up a few cents.
And hi! Mr. Witness on charge of custody this account and this chat, ha ha ha, what a bloody job you got…

I get where you are coming from, that we must watch, but since it's already law, I am also concerned with what you call the custodians, and what they would do, and the real and immediate effects here.

Though I disagree with some of what you've said, I appreciate the reply and take on it, thanks :)

I bet they could take it down before the 7 days, after Im not sure.

Ok, if so that solves the data issue if it's caught. But what about after the fact, on order from a court?! What about the transfer/earning or $$$?!

I think that once it's on the chain it's on the chain. Steemit as the website, or busy can choose not to show it in theory.. but I think completely removing it from the blockchain is very hard and requires majority witness vote or something.

Fascinating. Well if they can't purge it else-how, then conceivably Steemit could be ordered to shut down over this, or say, child porn?

Very good questions and conclusions. It would be nice to know from witnesses just what can or can't be done about things like terrorism and other things that could cause a shutdown to occur if they can't be expunged.

My understanding of the blockchain is, once it's there, it's there. I'm not aware of anything the witnesses can do to change that, but I'll defer to @drpuffnstuff on that one. I'm sure filters like NSFW could be put in place on the user end, but since people are big about touting how censorship proof the blockchain is, I'm not sure just how far getting it completely removed would fly anyway.

A quandary for sure, unless there is actually a limit to freedom of expression here that I'm not aware of.

To me the question isn't about the limits of expression here per se, it seems to be about protecting Steemit's assets. The fact is it's already illegal to provide material support for terrorism, and this forum/system and/or some users, could potentially (if not already) do that.

If a court orders an account be closed for xyz, but Steemit Inc. can't physically comply due to the structure of the system, what then?

It is definitely a quandary that I hope someone has thought of and taken steps to protect. With everything else people regularly point at as causing death of Steemit, this would be the one that would, without some safeguards in place, or some way to comply. I certainly hope they have them, and it would be nice if they would talk about it.

I hope so too, and it would be nice. Maybe I should repost as "Dear Witnesses" instead...


I enjoyed our discussion, which touched upon this.

My best understanding is that blockchain is out of the direct reach of the "powers that be." This doesn't mean they cannot influence it indirectly.

And, as recent articles have discussed, all is under the sovereign control of the Creator... for which I am very grateful.



I enjoyed also, and appreciate your educating me about the blockchain in our call too. Thanks :)

Your last point is the most important, and what I must always remember when I think things appear to have gone too far down here. Nothing really gets by the Boss...

"Nothing really gets by the Boss..."



I tried contacting the JDL telling them how steemit is paying many SOB’s here on propaganda.. unfortunately there are too many fights. I am friends with the head, but we are are too stretched out. It’s up to us to counter. I’m here for you, for us, and the truth. Call me to collaborate.

Sure is a fascinating situation. I'm amazed at the whales.

For the sake of emet...

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