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RE: Earning Steem without posting - Part 1 - FREE STEEM

in #steemit7 years ago

I definitely avoid the ones that require a resteem, since I'm trying to build my own following, and don't want my followers to get irritated at any lack of original content in my feed. But upvotes and writing challenges are easy!


I often don't participate in ones that require a follow. I feel it's buying an audience, which on steemit, i frown upon.

Yeah, that makes sense. Though a follow is free. And I can always unfollow if I find I don't like the content, which I probably won't if all they're doing is asking for follows.

I guess at any stage of this "game" you must ask yourself, "what is of value"? If your time spent scrolling through a feed of dull things is meaningful to you, then follows matter. I rarely look at my feed yet, mostly I look at tags I'm interested in, so, so far, my feed isn't significant. There will come a day when I start pruning my feed I'm sure. On that day, I will probably also no longer be bothering with tiny contests that I don't otherwise enjoy. I already don't mostly.

Oh AND: You know about the contest I'm running? It's not worth a lot, but there are no investment requirements. You just have to make a pun!

I do 😁
It's already written into part 2 👍

YAY! Thanks :)

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