Persistence Approach To Steemit - A Practical Guide

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

How They Got To Be Whales

For some greatness has already fallen upon them. But this make sense, early adopters have become large in their influence. Some articles go nuts while other fall flat. You know that if you are active on the system you are constantly accruing more and more momentum. The system is built that way.

Little Chunks At A Time

Your posts, curation, and participation will show up in small increments. For much of what you do when you start out is start to build influence with Steem Power. So every little bit of steem power you get counts and leverages you a little higher in power all the time. It can have a cumulative / compound effect. Even if it is very small from a post, comment, etc. And .... it is constantly coming in if you are active. Putting in the time on the system interacting. Is the key. Because it is inherently how equity in this system is earned for anyone.

No Content No Income

So even if you make very little.. you still made something. Keep producing content. The more Steem Power you get the more of a bump you get from upvoting your own work. You can get more in curation rewards. The more people you will find that are interested in your stuff. It takes a while to build a brand. Put the content that you want to see on here. Tell yourself what is quality. Unless you get downvoted you don't loose a thing.

It Is Okay To Work For it

Discussions about greed aside, isn't your work worth it to you? Isn't it personally meaningful? So being patient with the process even if you don't bag a whale's endorsement so be it. You can take some cheer knowing that you have it a noble try. So it is worth working for.

When I am not a steemer, I do architectural visualization work. To make pictures like the one above took me years to learn how to do and I would tell you as nice as that picture looks I still have much to learn. But I keep trying. I put myself out there. I keep producing. Someone told me that if you want to be a writer you have to write. If you aren't doing what you love then maybe all of this is not for you.

Author's can make money on their content by being seen. Gathering a following takes time. Already I have had some of the same people who have upvoted my work. Many I replied to or have upvoted them in various ways. This builds loyalty specially if you happen to lead more readers to them. Quote their good ideas and post the link to the article that you support, get them seen. This helps bring up your value in the system. Soon people will seek you out for you constantly make their days brighter and help plant a few SBD in their wallets.


Whale, minnow I don't care. I hope that the time you spent reading this was of value you to you. If so of course, upvote me. But don't be shy, tell me what you think. The more we comment, and discuss the better it is for us all. Not just in this article but system wide.
Be sure to check out : @jesta just came out with a great basic dashboard for steemit. It can really help you start to see the big picture of your steem stats.


You have a really comforting and friendly writing voice. It rings with honesty I really like that. I'm new here so have been fishing around for peoples opinions on the best way to use and interact with Steemit. And i really appreciate the post. I followed you from following someone else and then reading your comments on their post and it led me here. I think falling down those rabbit holes to meet fellow steemians whose views fit with yours is a really cool phenomenon. Looking forward to more of your work.

That is very kind of you. I have met some really great and talented people on this platform. I will follow you too. I can't wait to see what you do.

Thanks. I am still around so there is something that continues to pay off for me. It is not only authorship and income, it is also social. I appreciate you. Keep at it. I had a friend who worked making movies in Hollywood. I asked him what it was like trying to sell a movie and he said that all it takes is just one yes. Persistence.

From what I have seen by browsing "new" it takes more than patience. In an hour there's about a hundred new posts and sometimes the total amount of dollars shown under the articles tally up to no more than 20$. That's why you should blog because you like it first and foremost.

There is a book that says Do What You Love and The Money Will follow.

I love that pic... it is amazing ..sorry that had to be my first comment...
You are right about the fact we have to work to get anywhere we want to be, I also think it is true that we should write first and think of the money later, that is an added bonus.
I can see that it takes a while to gather friends and followers, I think if and when we have easy access to those we follow life on steemit will become easier.

Thanks. You mentioned finding new friends, you have one here.

Thank you , and so do you :) x

You are so right with this. I happened to stumble across one of your posts and commoners exchanges here there and everywhere and you are certainly a user that I will recognise when reading on the site.

Cool by me. Love input from people. Nice to have some positive feedback but don't be afraid to call my bluff. lol ... I think this platform really tempts people to post crap at times. Me not excluded. But I have tried to show up for work and noticed that you do too.

Yes I try to make the most of all that I set out to do. It's a bit pointless in being involved in a social site if you don't even attempt to try and be a little social. I've commented on a few posts yet some people just dont even want to make conversation. :(

That is something that I felt was missing. I have been trying to remember to ask people for input as questions and such at the end of my stuff to try to foster that. I am hoping to see a lot more discussion on here. That is a good point.

Maybe I'll have to get a few more friends interested in here. The ones that can talk a hide leg off a donkey. Conversation will soon get flowing then!


Thank you @weenis for your support. This is one of the people who have upvoted me in the past. See it works.. lol

He is a bot, he will always upvote you xD.

Well I got that going for me.... lol. Interesting so that sort of makes my point. That someone has realized that participation in the system is so valuable that they are generating it automatically.
It is computational persistence. But I still encourage people to post good content.

Great article, really good read, thanks so much. Upvoted. Followed.

Steemit Crypto Mag | Issue #1 | 25 July 2016

good attitude :)

Thanks, I know some people have gotten frustrated and I almost did too. Then I though about things and posted this.

This is a really solid advise. I hope more people take it!

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