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RE: I hate controversy.... but I love clever solutions!

in #steemit6 years ago

Here is what we can also agree on. We will never be able to mandate morality. There will always be someone there to take advantage. We can either offer passive resistance to go up against the bots (which doesn't really help) or we can aggressively attack people who use bots (which doesn't really help) or.......

I see you just tried your hands on one of most thorny issues on Steemit.

I think we focus more on the how and less on the why. Why do people use bots? Because it's beneficial to them, not always in terms of payout but that's another discussion.

At the base of all this is human greed and a need for validation

For greed, people always want more. Most bot claim to offer good value for bids. Add that to the fact that most people are drawn to high paying posts, and you see why people are willing to part with their Steem in hopes for more.

For validation, when you see a post with high payouts, you're inclined to believe the post is worth it. I know about bid bots and circle voting. Still, I am drawn to posts with high payout. It's like one of the signs of success over here.

So sometimes, (a while ago though), when I create a piece I believe deserves attention, I 'promote' it using smartsteem and smart market. I'm smarter now. I stick with developing a following of my own. But then, a good payout from a post kinda tells me I've done well (even when I'm the one patting myself on the back)

At the end, voting bots are not the problems. They simply reveal out tendencies. Remove voting bots and watch people look for other ways to game the system.

What's the solution? Well, like you, I don't know. I'm still thinking..



I think you hit the nail on the head. I've written other posts talking about the heart of the matter as well... And even tried to design things to offer alternatives. But nothing is as alluring as the large votes. I don't see a problem with the promotion... Or even necessarily the buying...

If one believes it's worth it- one can take any means necessary to award it. That's the system we have in place.

But even if one believes it's not worth it... That is still the system in place lol.

My point is... Hmmmm should we all be using it more often then? But where will that lead??

Like you.... I don't know! Lol but definitely thinking... As you

Thanks for your visit!!! I hope you come back for less heavy issues and more fantastical tales!!! 😊

should we all be using it more often then? But where will that lead??

Of course not. Left to me, the entire thing should be done with. If not, it would just turn steemit to a vending machine of sorts. Except that you pay the vendor twice, first for the upvote and then again when they come for curation rewards.

It's actually cool reading your thoughts on this. I like your style of writing, very natural. I would say informal if you don't mind.

Followed you already


I agree! I would prefer that it be done with! But will it be?

And if not... Does the passive resistance really help?

That's why I loved @edicted's point of view. Negating their effect UNTIL (hopefully... Hopefully... Lolol) they're abolished. But I do hear chatter on the line that their end is coming? Will be interesting to see.
Yes...I tend to have a more informal, and conversational tone when I blog :)

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