Envy and jelousy in Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I made this post because of many complains,that people on steemit are greedy and envy.

When they see someone's making profit on anything,they are like "why he got upvote?" , "I should get this money" , "He does not deserve it" and i would like to answer the question,why such thing is happening?

Steemit is in beta currently,so this is one of the reasons we see so many spammers,copy-paste publishers and trolls.
However,my opinion is that steemit should erase option to see someone's else profit (shown under post).
But if we can see steemit going out of beta,then i think we can better systems to fight against all these bad people.

This is simply because jelous people are starting to downvote,and report good content: just because they dont want somebody to get money from it.

It is very unfair for independent content makers to lose profit because some frustrated guy does not like them,for no reason. So erasing all hate from our community is not possible, but we can fight as hard as we can to change it.

Please,help me improve the quality of steemit commmunity.Dont hate - spread the happiness,be kind and nice to other people,dont be jelous-make quality posts,use your brain to make good content-this will attract people to you easily!

You won't have to be jelous,because if you are doing well here,and you are kind,im sure people will give you upvotes.
Remember if you are not nice to each other,karma will get you ;D


Kindness is key. Jealousy and envy gets you nowhere in life.

Your best bet is to get a move on, and develop your own blog on Steemit. Better than complaining all day, at least.


You are telling a truth sir,it will get you nowhere actually.

I had to make a post about it,because the hate on steemit is just spreading to well.Help me to fight it please.

Im glad that somebody notice this problem.

Im not a publisher actually,i prefer to "stay low" and just comment the content over here,im not greedy at all,i dont use steemit to get money.

But it seems for me like 90% of people are doing this only because of money you can get here,and exactly the same people are spreading the hate over here.

We really have to stop it.

Respect and positivism are the key to a community. Also everyone should remember that this entire site and all the content you create is a permanent record that is stored on the blockchain. So be REALLY thoughtful in what you write.

I like seeing you over here eeks :)
This is the best way for doing posts,to just care about ourselves.

"Steemit is in beta currently,so this is one of the reasons we see so many spammers,copy-paste publishers and trolls."
Do you think the inevitable arrival of hoards more people will somehow make that behaviour less likely?

I think that if we can see steemit out of beta stage,there will be more people indeed,but the system fighting against these all kind of people will be surely better,so i think we can expect less of them.
However only we can change the world of steemit,same with devs but they might not know what is the biggest problem from the community view.

So it seems you agree there is a problem with spammers and copy-paste publishers. And that your solution is to wait for the devs to come up with a solution to the hoards that will come and do more spamming, copy-paste articles, along with trolling and being a douchebag and the rest.

My contention is that we need to get the input of those in the beta at this early stage to get those problems addressed while it's still at a manageable stage. We need to listen to the minnows (the average users that are coming in now) and not just focus on being nice and trying to make a buck by being a barnacle on a whale. If we keep ignoring the concerns of people that see some holes in the fabric of Steemit.com, what's going to happen a month or two from now when even more "average" folk are entering the pool for the first time?

If we can establish a kind culture that is open to criticism and change when good arguments are presented we will become strong enough to keep Steemit from becoming another cesspool social media site where differing views are marginalized and demonized.

Steemit COULD be so much more than what has come before. Are you people only here for the money? Honestly, let me know if it's ONLY for the money.

Look this is the same situation that keeps coming up. Is this system fair. And the simple answer is no it is not. It is not actually based on anything other than someone who has lots of steempower voting on your content. That is completely subjective and centralized and goes against every principle of cryptocurrency. They need to create a true democratic system. Yes the down voting by haters is something that you can not stop but there may be ways to monitor abusers through an algorithm. But the core of the problem is that the entire system is not fair and democratic it is setup to benefit those who were here in the test phase as they now hold the majority of the steempower and its rate of increase will always be faster than others can equal that amount unless you want to invest millions of dollars. As I have said before I love steem and steemit I just think it needs to be reformed to be more fair if they want to see people taking to it otherwise someone will come and make a better system and we will all just go to that instead.

People often see kindness as a weakness, that's their shortcomings and insecurity on display!!

Great post.

I think being jealous and envy really lead to people doing crazy things. crazy things which they will not do in real life. Instead of watching people take the money, whine and complain, i suggest to look inwards and ask truly what issues do you fell passionate about. When we feel passionate about something, we can then write our opinion and write from the heart.
For e.g. What valuable issues and things do you think the world should know or care about? Steemit is such a good platform for you to let us know.

If all does not work, go on a steemit "vacation" for a few days, read books, read other websites, have coffee/tea, come back fresh, contribute and keep up with the positive energy.


[IMPORTANT] This post covers the Similarity between YouTube and Steemit as well on How to use Steemit and It's OFFICIAL CONTENT RULES.

i think we all want a open, kind social media platform. but thats not always possible. sometimes there are people with just different motivations.

just be yourself !

if you have time, please read my last post

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