A letter to a steemit friend on the other side of the world.

in #steemit7 years ago

A letter to @inspiredgideon1
Who has been an inspiration from the first moments on steemit.

Dear Gideon

You live in Nigeria and I live in the Netherlands, I never seen your world and neither have you seen mine. You are a student, I’m a working mum. We are also years apart in age, but I admire you regardless your youth. It is steemit that brought us together and made the bridge to see each other’s lives. You write about your live and the struggles you encounter, and I feel a part of it. A world so remote from mine, thousands miles away, but so similar still, as loving and losing loved ones is a universal binder in humanity.

I’m always amazed that people that don’t have a lot, give almost anything they have, and that giving makes them happy. You are one of these people. I give and it makes me happy, but the dent it makes in my own comfort is minimal, while the price you pay for giving is huge, not knowing if there will be enough next month.

You are a dedicated student, that needs to support yourself, I was a dedicated student, while my parents still supported me. I am planning to do the same for my kids, saving for them already since they are born, to make sure they can focus on their studies later, without the big worry of money.

And I ponder about the fact I can do this for my children, while you do not get this. Why is there this inequality in the world. I’m sure if you parents would have been able to earn enough, they would have given you extra money, instead of saying to take care of your money, as you won’t get any more when you left the house.

Money is such an important factor in life. Having enough solves a lot of problems. Having too little gives stress, having too much sometimes makes people unhappy as well, weirdly enough.

I asked you how much you need to live. You told me it’s hard to make an extra income on steemit with sbd dropping so rapidly in value. The pain people incounter who are hodlers don’t understand their pain is nothing in comparison to people that live on the extra steemit income. And the amount you stated is almost the same as I need to pay to afford my pets. Isn’t that horrific! . You are worth so much more than a pet in the Netherlands. You made the devision of money in the world painfully obvious to me, and I want to change this. And I believe it’s easy to change this.
With steemit I can support you a little, but I believe as a community we could do much more about this division and help each other out more than we do at the moment.

If people like me in the West, pick one friend in steemit that lives on some extra sbd income, and support them through these thin times, I believe that we will all be rewarded for it.

I pledge to you Gideon I will help you trough these dip in price, and I hope others will follow.

The sbd I create on steemit is yours, it’s not a huge amount, but two steemit bloggers are better than one. And may the dip be short.
Stay strong, keep studying.

You have a friend.


Life at times doesn't give us the things we want because if we get it freely, we may never learn patience, hard work, courage, fearlessness and above all compassion
Tough times make and build up tough men to be capable of handling the tough situations of others.
Am grateful for the things I have being through. It has only made me a better person over time and would be more better with time.

Thanks for being that mother and friend that understand and have come to the understanding that

The wealth of a person is not measured by possession but by the impact you make into the lives of people.

I am not going to pray that God should bless you because good works are prayer points to God

Keep doing good @hefziba, @inspiredgideon1 has no option than to make people around him shed tears of joys and not of pains
Those tears that words cant fully explain neither can the tongue express.
Thanks @hefziba

Wow! What a touching gesture @hefziba. 😀💖 @inspiredgideon1 this open letter for you is more than enough than any cards. 😀 💖 Bright blessings to both. 😀

Thanks but hope this is not an excuse not to get my card from the Philippines? 😀

I love to get a card from the Philippines too. Actually I would love to go to the Philippines and Nigeria 😬

Sending cards from Philippines. 😀😀😀📧📧📧📧

@shikika my friend will handle the cards. 😆

You are welcome to come here in Philippines @hefziba. 😀 You can contact me anytime. 😀

That’s so sweet, you don’t even know me!.

All of us here don't know each other. But if we will give chance one another to know each other then all of us will know each other and be friends. 😀

Hahaha. I will send it on air. 😀😀😀😀😀📧

I only hope it will not be hijacked in the air by people

Hahaha. No hijackers in the air. Lol

I only hope so.

This story is very inspiring of what money can make a difference on the different part of the world.

. You are, like me a big minnow. Your upvote is worth a lot to some people here on steemit. Your knowledge as well. I did not realize it that much, but one sbd a week is a lot for some people in this world. Do you have a person on steemit that you try to support as much as you can, that needs the sbd as an extra income?

Right now I support nobody, but upvotes and respond everyone that leave me comments.

I do too, though I sometimes run out of steempower, and need to wait before I can upvote again.

As a rule of thumb, I always try to stay my Steem voting power to 85% and more.

You are a good soul.
Lots love for you 💜💜💜

How are you?
I haven’t seen you blog recently. I am interested to know more about your live. I think you should blog about it.

I am little sick. thats why i am irregular. & Iam from Bangladesh ☺

The flu seems to be everywhere, and it’s a nasty one, so get Well soon. I Would never have guessed Bangladesh, I hope you will write something soon again.

yes of course . & You are welcome to come here in Bangladesh ☺

heartwarming Hefziba, and a very good initiative....

I didn't post this to get a Well Done.
I like others to copy it.

It isn't my intention to only write 'a well done' because you posted this ;) But I do support the message that you send. I posted a link of your post in the curi community, not for the 'well done' again, but to spread this message. And I am going to follow your example as soon as I met someone similar to @inspiredgideon1 , and I know there are many nice persons in the same situation out in this often un-eaqual world...

And I didn’t meen to be mean, I just think it’s quite effortless, and can make a huge difference if we all try to make just one person we don’t really know well happy. Thank you, I really appreciate your answer and your actions.

I didn't saw it as mean :) But you are totally right that we can make a huge difference for somebody else. I have recorded a vlog this morning, put it out later on in which I mention your post also and give my view on your message and encourage other people to follow, because it's a small gesture at our side with an possitive huge impact on the other.

Looking forward to your vlog!

You're such a kind hearted person @hefziba
God bless you
This post is such an inspiration

I hope you will do the same.

Wow!!! This is really inspiring and touching too...
@hefziba you are blessing to humanity.
Keep up the good work.
@inspiredgideon1 has remained committed to helping with his earnings on the Steem blockchain.

I dont need the Well Done. I like others to help Just One person. I belueve it makes a difference and can spread like an oilstain on the water.
Actually @inspiredgideon1 is the true good person in this story.

Awesome! Nice post hefziba
Thanks for sharing with us friend!
If you have a minute to check out one of my posts: https://stееmit.com/@cjd/tix2m I will be forever your fan!
Great job

I will check it out

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