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RE: A Question Of Growth

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi and thank you very much! The ability to add funds I thought was a huge advantage. I am beginning to wonder about that some. I was able to put in $70.00 early on. Right now my account value reads at 62.00
I had $500.00 set aside and was waiting for steem price to drop. About the time it did my FIL had a heart attack and a stroke. Naturally I used my play money to help him out with prescription and all the other assorted medical expenses that follow such events. At the time I was a bit deflated. Lets face it getting that first 500 Sp is extremely difficult.
I am starting to see a different perspective. Having that I would not have qualified for some of the contest and things that I now do. I would not be making the connections and gaining the knowledge and experience from those contest either. So there you are with that SP but having no support built up and not qualifying for many of the things that help to build that support.
But I do agree with you those who feed us must be fed. otherwise it slows up the whole system.
The oddball gap we are in is hard enough to navigate. Figuring out where to put time and effort is a job its self. I can't even fathom the added pressures of trying to be so helpful. I also owe a great dept to many. I read and study the workings of the platform quite a bit. I would have never figured out how to navigate at all without the guidance of those ahead of me.

I see a discussion group forming up in the #payitforward discord. I am sure the topic is going to be discussed quite a bit. I am very interest to read the input and ideas. I myself would love any opportunity to be an asset to those who have helped me along. I am positive many of us feel the same way.
I believe "where we go one we go all" surely does apply here.
I am very grateful to have met people like you who are so motivated. Nice to watch the process as we grow together.

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