✝️ When Quality Content Authors Leave Steemit Because Some Idiots With Flower Pictures & Poor Housewife Art

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

RIP... Great Time Consuming Content!

That blockchain was really a huge mess since the start (read the mining joke) - I saw now 5 great authors leaving the platform in just a few weeks. It seems the idiots from offline world discovered internet and straight register on Steemit - the guys what have no life and mostly are the stupids terrorize their neighbors.

It seems when you have nothing to say in real life you must be an asshole online, simple as that. Now we have them here - the Steemit police, the few Germans why Germans nobody on whole planet like.

The Steemit Police - What A Fail & Go To Ass!

I will not mention the names here but one thing is clear... fucking upvoting flower pictures circles & poor housewife art (nobody offline would watch) voting gangs will not make Steemit great again - Batman has the only answer for them!


Fuck flowers! :D

That's what bees do... litteraly!

.... even on such sad day.

I certainly hope that I don't fall into the category mentioned above. lol... I might be fairly new to this hood, but I would like to believe that at least 90% of my content is decent reading :)

lol - of course not. :)

yay!!! happy dance :D

hahaha - OMG :)

Why can't we just support each other ? :)
This seems like a great platform. there's nothing wrong with people just posting pictures of flowers or just memes.
Let's just all be supportive and be happy :)

of course but when they start to hunt away the professional content creators what put really a lot of time in it then you can straight say there is not a lot left. Yeah some losers what are in real life also joked - the Chemtrail people and other stupids, lol.

I thought Steemit was supposed to be average people. A community coming together and thumbing our noses at the professionals. Don't get me wrong, I actually pay a few people monthly on here. Their work is worth the money. (Through Patreon) Anyway, I look at pictures too. I use those pictures to uplift my spirit when I am kinda down. So, if some professional thinks Steemit isn't worth their time. See ya, as far as I am concerned. But, I want to see normal average unprofessionals do good here. I haven't posted anything. May never. But, I still want to be part of this community. I want to develop relationships, and hopefully live a fuller life in the process. Soooo, bring on the pictures! Cheers.

Thanks for such a nice response. You can check his own blog for pictures, lol, like the face of a cow. Steemit is for who ever shows up here and develops connections with people. It's AOK to never posts anything here, but to leave comments and connect with people! Here's to enjoying your time on Steemit!

I mean... you kind of have to prepare for this kind of thing to happen with a platform like this. This is something that you can make a living off of so of course people will do their best to get theirs.

The "problem" is that people are not very liberal with their upvotes. We come from a facebook and instagram world where likes are given pretty freely but around here that isn't really the case. This is causing people, for a variety of reasons, to do what they can to turn the tides in their favor.

I feel like people should be a little more giving with their upvotes but we definitely need to do some policing of the poor content and plagiarized content and users who make it a point to only contribute this type of content. Its all part of the evolution of this platform and i think as long as the community cares and is willing to put in the work the platform will be fine.

what solution would you recommend?

The thing is quality content creators can also earn their money somewhere else... when they leave & only the crap stay -> Steem will be the idiots blockchain. It will only success if there is quality content that attract masses - not the bullshit whats 99% today.


quality content doesn't attract the mass. The mass like to see "bling bling stuf"

Look at youtube. Do you see the quality content get the most likes/views?

yeah thats why YT works - not the most but the most in their market, niche or audience. That the mass on people are plain stupid nowadays and watch that crap - well, for that YT can also nothing :)

thanks for your reply, super true. But if you follow the right people here on Steemit you'll find some decent content.

Dont be an ass putting people with less knowledge down. Rather lift them up. Even if my grandma joined and posted pics of her teeth, I wouldnt complain. Let them learn and discover

less knowledge? oh no I mean not starters... that are whales and use Steemit long.

They were lucky to be here first. I assume, if Steemit establishes itself as a platform it will be similar to what happened on youtube. the first ones will fade and the real creators will reign

I even don`t know that but they hunt away now the few real people what put a lot of time in their content - lol. In my eyes Steem should be at 0,10 now with that clear seeable trend :)

I agree. There is too much of steemit sharing their early member's posts too often going just for numbers.

But I also see people grow pretty good. Always keep in mind that great things take time. the early ones just blew up like they always do. Create it yourself. In a year you will thank yourself

I am also not sure if I am here in a year any more - too many stupids coming in. I think on long term I will move to Golos :)

Hello @hastla,

It gives us pleasure to inform you that your have been chosen to cast vote with 10% VP from "royalmacro" trail.

Learn more about the Royalmacro Trail here!

If you wish to support this initiative, join the Royalmacro voting trail on Streemian. Every vote counts!

We hope to see you continuing to post some great stuff on Steemit!

Good luck!


Unfortunately, 24 Hours Older Posts Are Not Eligible To Get Votes From All Other Members Of The Curation Trail

Thanks my friend, I know how to appreciate that.
I don't wanna defend them, but most of them start drinking alcohol at noon. So probably they don't even know what they publish sometimes :-)
What I've still not discovered in one year is if they even have "Gartenzwerge". Then the stereotype of the average frustrated German trouble maker would be simply perfect to me.
Peace out & much love!
Bussal & stress di ned so eini :))

Mia segn sich auf fb nachher :)

jetzt hab ich den Beitrag noch verschönert weil ich gesehen hab du hast den geshared ;)

Haha nice ;) Gut gelacht heute!

I like B&W ...

You and me both sir! :))

Street or nature? :))

Street looks good in B&W

Yes... but I like all :)

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