I deleted all SOCIAL MEDIA apps from my phone! Only STEEMIT now!!

in #steemit7 years ago

A few days back I removed all social media apps from my phone.

I signed out from all the social media websites from my laptop.


Well, it seemed like a stupid idea at first, but my wife insisted. She asked me to try it out for a few days, and if nothing changes, I can always reinstall them.

But did anything change?

Yes, it did!

Suddenly I had so much more time on my hands.
Initially, I found myself checking my phone every 10 minutes like I used to before. The only difference being, now there were no notifications!
Nothing to check, nothing to distract. In fact, it reminded me to get back to work!

The empty status bar on my phone made me realize what a colossal waste of time social media was!

Most of us have become habituated to distraction. If the screen is not glaring at us every 5 minutes, we would be at a loss of activity.
Checking our phone has become a way to escape eye contact, shy away from genuine interactions.

No doubt social media has been a boon for us all! Connected us, provided us platforms to showcase our talents and make a living from it.
Social media is not bad. TOO MUCH social media is bad.

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We now live in a world where we are required to keep and promote a "personal brand".
We are required to tell stories daily - to sell our work, to sell out talents.
But in doing so each and every day, we forget to draw a line between the fiction of social media and our reality!

Our Facebooks, Instagrams and Twitters have become a place to inflate our ego.

We all crave for attention. But instead of seeking it from the ones that really care about us, we are looking for it from passing acquaintances and one-off encounters with "likes" and "shares".

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Social media was also distracting me from STEEMIT - the place which provided me with a genuine platform to express myself, get great feedback and actually earn money!

I have paid at least 6 months worth of rent from the money I earned from steemit!

Yet somehow, I went back to the regular social media - for I believed it is required for me to be visible as an artist, to be posting something or the other all the time.
But all it was doing for me was boosting my ego and distracting me from real work.

At least on STEEMIT I have to work to make a decent post, think things through and make something of actual quality.
On social media, I was just updating random things which in reality no one gives a shit about.

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No more now!

I have got so much work done in the past week. Most of my pending projects are either completed or near completion.
This is just a big wake up call for me and I hope to continue this throughout the next year.

I shall consider this as a resolution and follow it through.

Less social media ➡️ more work ➡️ more steemit ➡️ more earnings 😎

Have any of you tried going off social media? What was your experience?
Let me know in the comments.

♨️ STEEM ON ♨️

If you like my work, please UpVote, ReSteem and Follow me @hardikv


This is true, social media is unproductive just wast of our precious time.
Keep on steeming! Good luck!

Thats quite true. I installed an app on my phone to check how much of my time is being spent on social media, let me tell you i was indeed shocked.

Now, i just disabled notifications to social media apps, though did not delete any. I did face some withdrawal symptoms initially, however i've moved on.

I do spend some quality time on steemit, however, didn't really get the hang of it when i wanted to write posts.

Yes. It takes a couple of days to move on, then like you got used to the notifications, you get used to NO notifications :)


interesting take. i certainly spend less time on my other pages. i haven't deleted them yet because there's still a lot of attention on things like instagram. but i do hope some day everybody would interact on steemit and dtube.

What a cracking post. I still use the F one, only because I live away from my family. The only thing I post on it, is links to my Steemit posts (I have found a good way of doing that).

I still check it occasionally. I may turn off all the notifications after reading this.

Steemit is the good side. The F one is the dark side. It is very negative. Steemit allows you to create thoughtful posts about anything without being knocked down. My wife is from Philippines, she loves it, because it helps with her English.

That's so cool! I was even thinking of posting the steemit links on F.
I might do it, but only to get more people onto steemit 😁

Ok, but I found if you just do it the conventional way, Facebook finds a way of hiding it.

I copy the address of the blog and paste it on the new Facebook status. Then I add a photo and write comment. I get more response that way.

Brilliant post buddy. I think we all should make this brave attempt by de-installing other apps which keep distracting us time and again.
Regards Nainaz

Thank nainaz :)

steemit is love yaar.
It's an addiction.
now, its like on daily bases steemit is necessary.
And I am a social geek but the day I started steemit I seriously don't know where is my facebook, Instagram and snapchat.
Now, it's not like I don't use them. but earlier I use to waste my time over there a lot. And now I am utilizing it.

That's great. Hope to see you around on steemit. :)

Although I haven’t deleted the social media apps I have pretty much stopped using them other than posting photos there I am pretty much ignoring them otherwise and may well give them up in the new year

But I have noticed since I stopped responding to comments on there I am getting less notifications which is great and gives me more time

steemit is bae 😊

I have tried and it is difficult. One minor change in habit that I have developed is no technology about an hour before bedtime. Give it a try folks!

Yes. 1 hours before bed and even 1 hour after you wake up. Just don't pick up the phone as soon as you wake up. Do it after an hour. You will see the difference.

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